Adventures in Macys

Started by Amelia Bedelia, October 01, 2008, 04:30:28 AM

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Amelia Bedelia

Kids are such a gift

I had the best time at Macys this afternoon.  I went to kill about two hours between an appointment and work and of course I'm actively stocking the new apartment so after spending about an hour in the Cellar looking at the clearance stuff I ride a kajillion escalators up to the furniture (if you've been to the NYC Macys you know what I mean LOL)

And I'm meandering through looking at coffee tables and I round a couch and find a boy laying on the floor
so I ask him why, with all the beds and sofas everywhere, is he choosing to lay on the floor?  LOL

And he jumps up, tells me he lives there and works there and he can sell anything to me but first I have to sit on it to see if I like it and he pats the bed for me to sit down and grade it on a scale up to 100% 
and then on to another couch and he plops down, gives me his number and then demands I sit down too.  LOL so I find out that he is Matthew, age 8 and in the fourth grade.  And we spend the next half hour sitting on one couch after another with the most hysterical commentary of what grades he gives the sofas and then how much he would pay for them... kids' pricing is so refreshing  LOL

Then his little sister finds us, tells me she is five and then clarifies that no she is actually only 3.  Matthew quickly asks "You're my friend right??" and we do some sort of secret handshake  LOL  Then I have one grabbing each hand chattering non-stop and pulling me from one couch to the other,  little sister is chattering in english and spanish and I can't tell where one starts and the other ends so Matthew has to translate but she's cute as a button

Couch sitting is a rather good workout when done at Matthew-speed but thankfully Macy's has faux flat screens in some of the set ups and you can see your reflection so once we find a grade 80 couch (quite cushy and comfortable) I convince them to put on a TV show instead so we introduce the Couch Show to the viewers and decide we need songs so we sing the ABCs and If You're Happy and You Know It, quite loudly, in the middle of Macys furniture department...   LOL

I can't tell you the last time I had that much fun  LOL

Leaving was quite sad, I had to explain that I had to go to work and he asked what a law firm was and I realized that was a really really really good question and I wasn't sure I knew a good answer  lol  especially not for the corporate law I deal with  :-?  lol  cause I would then have to justify why a mega million dollar corporate merger benefiting a mega millionaire was more important than couch testing... and I really don't think it is in the long run

So I'm walking away feeling bummed that I have to leave my new friends and then little sister runs to me with a kissy face and gives me a huge hug

I just about cried coming back down all the kajillion escalators alone    :(  I miss having kids around all the time   

I see all my little buddies at church twice a week and I'm scheduled to take one of the girls to a broadway show for her birthday soon but man life sure is different when you only get small doses of kid interaction.   :(



THAT was a great story, and a great day.

*HUGS* Mary
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


OMW, that is such a sweet story!!!

Kids are definitely great!!!  :thumbsup2:
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


So were those like elves that live at Macy's, or do they have parents or something or what? :o


* sunlight hugs mary and everyone else who understands why kids are awesome like that! :hyper:
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!

Brother Dad

Great to see you enjoy kids so much.  Kids need people like you. 
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

World Traveler

That was a great story but, being the cynic that I am, I had different thoughts as I was reading the story.


Where were these kids parents?

Do the kids treat all strangers so openly? These are two kids just begging to be abducted!

What kind of store is Macy's to let Mary in there... We know she bounces on the furniture and hides in suitcases.  :laughhard:
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.


Awww... Mary I loved it. :) Thanks for posting your little adventure.

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


awww...that is too cute!   I just love kids outlooks on life...and how they take it so much better than we adults. 
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"


I wish my time at the mall  was that nice...
I went to Dillards Monday Morning in a town a couple hours away, and my Cashier (some Pentecostal looking lady I didnt know at all) looked at me and says
"You Need Jesus!"
My eyes bugged out of my head and I said "Um WHat!"
and she said
"I Dont know why I feel like telling you this... but You need The Lord in Your Life!"
and She proceded to tell me how that morning when she woke up, the Lord let her know she was going to be Helping someone today..
and how that on her way to work she was listening to a tape of some woman singing named Linda Gibsun, and how it blessed her so much
I Proceded to tell her after that, I knew about Church, that I had Grew up pentecostal all my life, felt the real power of God, had the Holyghost, Expierenced so much... and even used to travel with Linda Gibsun and be her Piano Player... ---
The Woman started crying and really feeling the Lord to talk to me then, and I told her I had to go...
I walked out of the Store, scared to death I was going to get killed in a car wreck or something, and God was trying to warn me and wake me up LoL

I told my friend "I cant get away from all these Church people!" lol
Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you


It's amazing what lengths He goes to to let us know he still cares about us.
My God amazes me.
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Wow Eric. Time is short...for all of us. Hurry.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

Brother Dad

Ain't God good Brother Eric, Praise God!!
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.


ab...sounds like it was a blast

i am curious tho too abt the

u can borrow one or both of my kids if u want

its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain

Amelia Bedelia

They had a very tired looking grandmother sort that was watching them and I tried to keep them within eyesight.  And the store personnel also seemed to know the kids.  What I gathered was that mom was working and since the kids were off of school for Rosh Hashana they were waiting around the furniture department - which is much different than the rest of Macys as its like the top floor and tourists don't buy furniture, it was actually rather quiet and more employees than customers. 

Also, I'm 5ft short, female with a big smile - people don't usually stereotype me as the kid stealin' kind.  One employee commented that I was a "saint" for playing with them that long  LOL   I doubt they are that friendly with everyone but I think the boredom of entertaining yourself for hours plus it being more their turf than my turf... and I'm not much bigger than an 8 year old sort of made the situation

I may squeeze in suitcases but I'm not sure about bouncing on furniture... its Ruby that bounces excitedly.   I reminded Matthew not to jump on the stuff and to watch the shoes.
so there.

Today I had some indian doctor sharing a pole on the subway with me and he proceeded to tell me all about what my hand was telling him about me... and I watched the rest of the train try not to laugh at me as he read my palm... it was quite hilarious.  I have a highly unusual thumb... I always thought it was weird but never had someone get that excited about it  LOL  I love living here



haha! that is great!

so.... what did he say about your thumb? BOL!
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


what do u mean its unusual?
its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain

Backseat Radio

sounds like the mall is the place to find adventure.  Maybe I outta go find a mall to frequent.

World Traveler

Quote from: Amelia Bedelia on October 03, 2008, 02:35:31 AM
I may squeeze in suitcases but I'm not sure about bouncing on furniture... its Ruby that bounces excitedly.   I reminded Matthew not to jump on the stuff and to watch the shoes.
so there.

Hmmmm... I seem to recall a video that was shown on here from last general conference. Something about Amelia Bedelia flying through the air and then landing and bouncing on the motel bed....
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.


Awesome story!!

I didn't know you worked in a law firm - what do you do?? My hubby works in a law firm too, it stresses him out on a good day ;) lol


It was MusicFest, not GC. lol
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: Amelia Bedelia on October 03, 2008, 02:35:31 AM
They had a very tired looking grandmother sort that was watching them and I tried to keep them within eyesight.  And the store personnel also seemed to know the kids.  What I gathered was that mom was working and since the kids were off of school for Rosh Hashana they were waiting around the furniture department - which is much different than the rest of Macys as its like the top floor and tourists don't buy furniture, it was actually rather quiet and more employees than customers. 

Also, I'm 5ft short, female with a big smile - people don't usually stereotype me as the kid stealin' kind.  One employee commented that I was a "saint" for playing with them that long  LOL   I doubt they are that friendly with everyone but I think the boredom of entertaining yourself for hours plus it being more their turf than my turf... and I'm not much bigger than an 8 year old sort of made the situation

I may squeeze in suitcases but I'm not sure about bouncing on furniture... its Ruby that bounces excitedly.   I reminded Matthew not to jump on the stuff and to watch the shoes.
so there.

Today I had some indian doctor sharing a pole on the subway with me and he proceeded to tell me all about what my hand was telling him about me... and I watched the rest of the train try not to laugh at me as he read my palm... it was quite hilarious.  I have a highly unusual thumb... I always thought it was weird but never had someone get that excited about it  LOL  I love living here
i'd love new york... aw... :(
My Best friend at work is from Brooklyn
Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you

Amelia Bedelia

oooh you're right - I forgot about the bed. hotel beds don't count, I'm paying for those and beds are made for bouncing anyway.  I don't bounce on new sofas in macys

World Traveler

There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.

Backseat Radio

Quote from: EricShane on October 02, 2008, 12:36:49 PM
I wish my time at the mall  was that nice...
I went to Dillards Monday Morning in a town a couple hours away, and my Cashier (some Pentecostal looking lady I didnt know at all) looked at me and says
"You Need Jesus!"
My eyes bugged out of my head and I said "Um WHat!"
and she said
"I Dont know why I feel like telling you this... but You need The Lord in Your Life!"
and She proceded to tell me how that morning when she woke up, the Lord let her know she was going to be Helping someone today..
and how that on her way to work she was listening to a tape of some woman singing named Linda Gibsun, and how it blessed her so much
I Proceded to tell her after that, I knew about Church, that I had Grew up pentecostal all my life, felt the real power of God, had the Holyghost, Expierenced so much... and even used to travel with Linda Gibsun and be her Piano Player... ---
The Woman started crying and really feeling the Lord to talk to me then, and I told her I had to go...
I walked out of the Store, scared to death I was going to get killed in a car wreck or something, and God was trying to warn me and wake me up LoL

I told my friend "I cant get away from all these Church people!" lol

I used to get similar messages via email and IM's.  Not sure what I'd do if someone I don't know ever goes through my line at Walmart and delivers that kind of a message.