Godplace/Mission238 forums

Open Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: MsJennJenn on June 05, 2023, 03:54:29 PM

Title: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on June 05, 2023, 03:54:29 PM
haha started a new thread so we can leave the C word behind.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on June 05, 2023, 04:59:03 PM
 Second post!

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 05, 2023, 05:57:27 PM
Thanks, Jenn. I was tired of the "C" word.  :smirk:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 05, 2023, 06:04:57 PM
This feline only likes sardines if you take out the bones. Nobody does that though.

I'll stick with salmon. They include the bones with that too, but they are easier to pick out.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on June 05, 2023, 06:38:47 PM
Haha Sandra it was time. We were at almost 70 pages on that one!!  :o
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 05, 2023, 10:50:10 PM
 :pound:  :pound: Outlaws.
And you put "cats" in the title. I hate cats, and I might point at that it too, is a "C-word". :pound:  :pound:

So. Anyhoo. While y'all were being rebellious, I was working. On my day off. Built a small rack for the church sound booth, worked on my "smokeshack" and built a shelf for it, mowed the yard and cleaned up some stuff, took Chey's vette in to my brother in law's shop to address an issue that I didn't feel like trying to fix,and did a small bit to Sam. I'm tired and I have not made near the progress on Sam that I would like. And I gotta go back to work tomorrow. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 06, 2023, 02:45:42 AM
Shaping up to be a busy week for me. 

I was by myself in the sound booth during the 10AM session Sunday so had to juggle the ProPresenter and following Pastor with the video camera when he started running around while preaching.  Thankfully Pastor Gothra's preaching style tends to give warning of when he might start moving around.  Bro. Carson preached during the 11 AM session Sunday.  Bro Joseph told me later he looked up from the ProPresenter to realize Bro. Carson had disappeared off camera without warning and he had to figure out where he'd gone to get him back on camera.  Both services were awesome.

I ended up working an hour over in Electronics today trying to get the rest of the new release movie sections set since the new movies come out tomorrow.  Guess that means I'll be working a shorter shift on Wednesday since I'm not allowed to have overtime.

Wednesday and Thursday I'm back in the sound booth for midweek service and praise team practice.  Then Saturday my church is doing a tenderloin dinner so I'll be at the church all day helping out with that too.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 06, 2023, 08:23:03 PM
We've had rain off and on for a couple days. We needed it. It had been raining well all spring then just stopped. My flowers were glad for the drink.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 06, 2023, 09:53:27 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on June 06, 2023, 08:23:03 PMWe've had rain off and on for a couple days. We needed it. It had been raining well all spring then just stopped. My flowers were glad for the drink.
So that's where it has been going...

Every morning when I pull into the parking lot I check the weather forecast to see if I should roll my windows up before I leave the car. Every day there is a 20% chance of rain for every single hour of the day. I think in some circles that is known as hedging your bets. Every day we don't get a drop.

Now I know where the rain is. And you can keep it. Makes the grass grow, which means I have to mow.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 06, 2023, 10:02:07 PM
Talk about grow. We have some of that Bahia grass and it's a mess. Shoots up a foot or two in no time flat
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 06, 2023, 10:09:16 PM
Had a storm come through south of us last night. A bit of rain tonight. I had indigestion all night last night, and as a result took off today. I've literally done nothing today but rest.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 07, 2023, 02:19:57 PM
Urgh. Back at work. Thankful for a job that does not require a lot of physical work. I just realized, if I can get through today, tomorrow and Friday, I've got all next week off... :clap2:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 07, 2023, 04:23:03 PM
You just now realized you have next week off?

I was counting down days when vacation was more than five weeks away. More than a week out, I was counting hours.

You must either have a lot more patience than I had or be much less tired than I was. Given how much more you do than I, I'm betting on more patience.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 07, 2023, 08:11:21 PM
I got off work earlier than usual tonight since I worked an hour over on Monday.  Now I just have to make sure I don't drop off to sleep before service tonight.  I'm scheduled in the sound booth tonight and Bro Joseph would probably needle me about it for a while if I dropped off to sleep and didn't make it to the service.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 08, 2023, 01:17:32 PM
Urgh. Bible study went well. Slept good last night. So why am I dragging this morning? :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 08, 2023, 01:22:58 PM
I think I always drag in the morning...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on June 08, 2023, 03:23:06 PM
Yup same. I've been so swamped with work this week. Two meetings at the office this week.
I honestly don't know how I ever got up, got ready, and went to an office in the past. It absolutely drainssss me now. I literally will have no energy for the remainder of the evening.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 08, 2023, 03:47:15 PM
I'm out mowing my yard today in spite of the air quality warning from the wildfire smoke. Its drying my airways out a bit making me cough, but today is the only day I have available to mow yard.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 09, 2023, 07:56:45 PM
Been busy. Just got in from home visits. Oh, and little move on the church's part...we've been wanting to get our name out a bit more for lack of a better term. Haven't been able to afford a billboard or the like, but they just put up these new electronic billboards in our town. The ads rotate through every 30 seconds or so, and it is located on THE main road in our town at a stoplight, so it'll be exposed to the typical driver at the stop light three times per traffic light. (It's also across from our ONLY steak house, and the ONLY way to Walmart, so if they have ANY Apostolic inclination at all we will snag 'em.  :lol: )
So today I took a big step and rented a spot for one month. We will see how it works. Way I see it, it's another way of watering and waiting on Him for the harvest.
So this is how it looks- kinda. The camera and the digital media doesn't always play the nicest..
You can click on this for a clearer pic, but in person the billboard looks like the clear pic...
(https://i.ibb.co/fM1xBtc/received-268859902330660.jpg) (https://ibb.co/fM1xBtc)

Anyhow. Now. If I can make it until 6pm...then prayer at 7....then vacation!!!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 09, 2023, 08:38:17 PM
Last day of work for this week unless working at the church most of the day tomorrow counts.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 10, 2023, 01:14:49 PM
And it's next to the Dollar Tree... Well, the Dollar And A Quarter Tree, now. Anybody with any Apostolic inclination will be there.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 11, 2023, 12:25:00 AM
Been a fun day.  I was the door greeter and part of the clean up crew for the Tenderloin dinner.  We had 2 mishaps... One end of one of the dessert tables fell and dumped some stuff onto the floor.  Then during cleanup I accidently dropped a glass bottle of cleaner which shattered and went all over the place.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 11, 2023, 11:56:38 AM
That woulda broke my heart. I can't stand to see good homemade desserts wasted.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on June 12, 2023, 06:59:05 PM
Back @work again.

Had blood lab this morning before work. Follow-up appointment for that and my blood pressure logs is next Monday. I had a really good reading on Saturday, but back to a little more elevated yesterday. I'm still overall doing better than I had been originally tho. Trying my best with exercise, low sodium eating, and meds.

Going to Arkansas this weekend for Fathers Day.

We will have a dog in the home in... 2 and a half weeks. I'm nervous hahaha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 13, 2023, 12:12:40 AM
Switching out boy grandkids for girl grandkids this week.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 13, 2023, 02:08:07 AM
Relaxing in the motorhome on Petit Jean
Have chey and her cousin with me.
Wish they were at home and lou was with me with the furbabies.durables.
But alas, Lou has to work tomorrow..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on June 13, 2023, 04:10:08 PM
Been rainy all morning. So, of course I've been sneezing my head off.
I don't wanna adult today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 14, 2023, 01:33:29 AM
 Been  busy day. Walked through the swap meet, then came home and got my tools. Purchased and installed the second (and last) monitor at the church, complete with HDMI splitter and cables. NOTHING at my church is square. The first mounting, the studs were 18 inches apart. Just like you would expect.
This one- studs were 25-ish. I had to make a mount to mount the mount to. :laughhard:  Ethan and I picked it up and down about five times before I could in good conscious say close enough.
Now the rest of the week, I hope to do a bit of social mingling with brethren of like automotive desires...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on June 14, 2023, 04:02:23 PM

That's really all I have for now..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 14, 2023, 07:44:17 PM
Grandkids want to eat constantly. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 15, 2023, 10:52:29 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on June 14, 2023, 07:44:17 PMGrandkids want to eat constantly. ;)
I can't say anything. I'm 45 and I want the same thing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on June 15, 2023, 02:46:18 PM
Same... lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on June 15, 2023, 06:37:21 PM
Ditto. Even more so now that I'm trying to eat no salt hahaha.


Just got back from the dentist getting my permanent crown put on.

Hoping for a quick rest-of-the-day!

Gotta go home, pack, get the cat ready for her long weekend with her dad (I'll be away).. etc. I need to take an hour and do some housework lol. I really need to stay home this weekend and work on the house for the dog's arrival, BUT I don't want to miss this time with my dad.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 16, 2023, 01:22:16 AM
Dashing in to remind yall there is an all seeing eye watching...
Well, kinda.
This particular eye is reliant on internet capabilities which are bad close to nil on the mountain.
We've been beaten up hy hailstorm the last week. I've been fortunate  in that it hasn't damaged my rides or home but I'm feeling kinda like a target.
Hot springs, about an hour south of us had BASEBALL size hail. Imagine  the pop knot that would put on ya head....
Be back soonish...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 16, 2023, 08:25:06 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on June 16, 2023, 01:22:16 AMHot springs, about an hour south of us had BASEBALL size hail.

(In a stuffy British-regal accent)
I say old boy, do get with the times. Baseball size hail is SO last century.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on June 16, 2023, 04:10:20 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on June 16, 2023, 01:22:16 AMHot springs, about an hour south of us had BASEBALL size hail. Imagine  the pop knot that would put on ya head....

Hopefully that's not near Eureka Springs. LOL
Headed there on the 26th for vacation with the hubbs and my parents.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 18, 2023, 09:08:04 AM
Yesterday was a BLEEP of a day.

A water line burst and started spraying the production line.

Almost half the people were mad at someone. Fortunately everyone was mad at someone different, so the mad was spread around.

I slid up beside one guy who is usually fairly laconic and said, "Hey who are you mad at today?"

"I ain't mad at nobody."

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be mad at someone. Get with the times dude."
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 18, 2023, 09:09:03 AM
Days like this, I'm glad I'm not a manager.

Then there's the days when I wish I was a manag... Wait, no, I've never had those days.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 18, 2023, 10:09:16 AM
Our electricity is out and it is muggy. Gonna have to get generator running soon to save food in freezers and fridge.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 19, 2023, 01:47:18 AM
Shew. What a week. I feel wore out, and this was "vacation".
But I had a good time. Enjoyed visits with my uncle and aunt, then Mini and his lovely bride came over. We spent all day yesterday tormenting each other, and he tried to kill me by forcing me to hike down and up the mountain.
Then I took them to a place I had neglected to take them before. We have a beautiful bed and breakfast, modeled after an antebellum plantation, in the middle of 5,000 pecan trees.
 They fell in love with it.
Then today- they brought me 7 brew, and lawd, did they minister to our church. Absolutely amazing....
Now, tomorrow, I get to clean up some of the storm damage, and tomorrow will be recuperation day..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on June 19, 2023, 02:23:58 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on June 16, 2023, 04:10:20 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on June 16, 2023, 01:22:16 AMHot springs, about an hour south of us had BASEBALL size hail. Imagine  the pop knot that would put on ya head....

Hopefully that's not near Eureka Springs. LOL
Headed there on the 26th for vacation with the hubbs and my parents.

Eureka Springs! Where are you guys staying? We stayed at the hotel downtown. It was neat, but I'd like to stay at Crescent the next time we traipse through or maybe even an alternative place. Crescent has a resident kitty. :)

It's cute up there, but plan out your food LOL. I felt like I was going to starve. I expected my brother (who had been there before) to have more ideas of things to eat and whatnot, but it was so chaotic b/c of no pre-planning. I enjoyed the availability of breakfast places tho. I had a delicious breakfast bagel sandwich at one place. I can't remember the name.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 20, 2023, 03:28:26 AM
We finally got electricity back on last night. I'm so thankful for an air conditioner.  Some folks still don't have power in our area.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on June 20, 2023, 11:46:45 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on June 20, 2023, 03:28:26 AMWe finally got electricity back on last night. I'm so thankful for an air conditioner.  Some folks still don't have power in our area.

I'm a little behind the times, but I have seen many people from your state posting about no electricity. Is it because of storms?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on June 20, 2023, 11:50:32 AM
Quote from: Nelle on June 19, 2023, 02:23:58 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on June 16, 2023, 04:10:20 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on June 16, 2023, 01:22:16 AMHot springs, about an hour south of us had BASEBALL size hail. Imagine  the pop knot that would put on ya head....

Hopefully that's not near Eureka Springs. LOL
Headed there on the 26th for vacation with the hubbs and my parents.

Eureka Springs! Where are you guys staying? We stayed at the hotel downtown. It was neat, but I'd like to stay at Crescent the next time we traipse through or maybe even an alternative place. Crescent has a resident kitty. :)

It's cute up there, but plan out your food LOL. I felt like I was going to starve. I expected my brother (who had been there before) to have more ideas of things to eat and whatnot, but it was so chaotic b/c of no pre-planning. I enjoyed the availability of breakfast places tho. I had a  :o delicious breakfast bagel sandwich at one place. I can't remember the name.

Isn't the Crescent the "haunted" hotel there?

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 20, 2023, 12:49:13 PM
Back at work after 11 days off. Doesn't feel like I had 11 minutes off.
Left over 7brew from yesterday , bang energy drink, and abiding dislike for the world in general  are fueling me this morning.
Not exactly pastoral,  but hey, I haven't punched anyone yet. :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 20, 2023, 01:54:30 PM
Quote from: mini on June 20, 2023, 11:46:45 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on June 20, 2023, 03:28:26 AMWe finally got electricity back on last night. I'm so thankful for an air conditioner.  Some folks still don't have power in our area.

I'm a little behind the times, but I have seen many people from your state posting about no electricity. Is it because of storms?
yes, we had storms
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on June 20, 2023, 02:47:39 PM
The Crescent IS the "haunted" one, hahaha. I think the other one is also haunted esp due to its age, but Crescent puts itself out there more for its 'hauntedness'. haha


Sleepy is my dwarf name.. I can't seem to kick it. Doc didn't hold out much hope on me getting out of that side effect of my blood pressure, but if it gets to where it's not something I can handle, I guess she'll change it. My WBC count was slightly better since the last time I had bloodwork (Jan). I still have my hematology appt next month, so we will find out the details on that from them.

Jeremy leaves eaaaarly in the morning. Still got lots to do on the house, but it's not all getting done for sure.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on June 20, 2023, 07:30:48 PM
We're staying in an AirBnb on Holiday Island. lol
We're gonna do the train ride. Hubbs and I are gonna traipse over to Rogers (or Bentonville whatever the lady decides) for a food tour on one night. I'm excited!  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on June 21, 2023, 12:45:58 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on June 20, 2023, 07:30:48 PMWe're staying in an AirBnb on Holiday Island. lol
We're gonna do the train ride. Hubbs and I are gonna traipse over to Rogers (or Bentonville whatever the lady decides) for a food tour on one night. I'm excited!  :clap:

You are gonna be close to my area when you head up there!  And close to Roscoe when you stay up there!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 21, 2023, 08:22:31 PM
And yet, we shall be neglected.  :lol:

Hi all. Plugging through the day. Received a blessing today, unexpectedly. Got my evaluation and a 4.5 % raise. Thank you Lord.
Ready to go home, but first- bible study.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 22, 2023, 01:57:12 PM
Another work day. And in interesting sharing, some of you might get a giggle...I have an offender who I've supervised pretty much the entire time I've been here, with breaks due to his stints in prison. (He is a "can't get right".) :biglaugh:
So, day before yesterday, he comes in to see me, is in full compliance, we joke and as he is leaving he says "Hey, I know you are a car guy- would you want to buy a Charger ScatPack?" He explained he'd bought it before going to prison, had hydroplaned and wrecked it so it needed some bodywork, but was drivable. He gave me a very good price.
I politely thanked him for the offer, explained that I could not purchase anything from an offender even if I wanted to as it would be a conflict of interest, and wished him well selling it.
Yesterday morning about 130, I got notification my guy was in jail in an adjoining county. Charges? Altering a VIN and Theft by Receiving. Yes. The car he was arrested in- was the car he tried to sell me. Yes. It was STOLEN out of Texas. Probably not a good career move to try to sell your P.O. a stolen car.... :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on June 22, 2023, 02:12:03 PM
Haha wow Bobby he really cant get it right LOL

T-minus 1 day till vacation. :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 22, 2023, 02:34:55 PM
Wow, maybe he just wanted to go back to jail. :eyebrow:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 22, 2023, 05:33:16 PM
Bobby I have heard of that happening in fiction, but never in real life.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 23, 2023, 08:17:29 PM
It happens.
Hi, all. Glad it is Friday!!Ready for the weekend.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 24, 2023, 12:24:21 AM
Got a house full this weekend. Dina & Alex and kids.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 26, 2023, 02:27:34 AM
Storms. They are walloping us again.  One of our saints went home from church to find a tree had crushed her back room and her deep freeze.
Over it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on June 26, 2023, 08:00:58 PM

Jeremy ended up coming home early on Friday evening with Athena (Belgian Malinois). Our cat Tabby does not appreciate this new addition and is making that abundantly clear to her little sister. Athena has been very kind and ignores her, but I have to find a way to get Tabby to stop. Hopefully she grows out of it, haha.

Athena is at work with me today (and every day after this until paperwork clears back) until Jeremy can take her with him officially. She's doing fine, but I hate that she's stuck in her kennel with limited interactions.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 27, 2023, 08:54:36 PM
I'm so happy that I got to see all my grandkids this weekend.
All left now, except one. I'm tired.

It was my step sisters 60th birthday.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 28, 2023, 08:52:56 AM
I don't really have anything to say, so I'm trying to not say it. But I'm still here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 28, 2023, 05:55:56 PM
I'm here too. Been busy week. I did enjoy an extra day off this week, chasing old cars. Had to play catch up today. Looking forward to next week and another four day weekend.. :lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 28, 2023, 06:49:07 PM
I've been too exhausted this week to post much. My life has been work, crash nap in the afternoon since I can't stay awake, then barely sleeping at night. Hoping I can stay awake for church tonight since I'm on ProPresenter duty.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 29, 2023, 02:26:54 PM
It's been too hot in the afternoons. I know why some countries have siestas.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 29, 2023, 03:17:16 PM
It has been warm no doubt.  Got a sister that broke her hip yesterday and is in the hospital. A saint that is back in the hospital. And no time to get there to check on them until possibly this weekend, unless I can slip down this evening.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 29, 2023, 06:57:49 PM
Finally managed to get my yard mowed before the next batch of storms roll in. I'd let the yard go for a couple weeks because of being sick. Then Tuesday when I had originally planned to mow, the wildlife smoke drifting in from Canada was thick enough to burn my eyes.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 29, 2023, 09:57:15 PM
Observation on the way home...

There's nothing quite like the hilarious sight of a guy in a flashy neon yellow sports car, trying to make a big deal of his acceleration power, in a 30 mph speed zone. Yes we are very impressed.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 29, 2023, 10:15:53 PM
Quote from: Lynx on June 29, 2023, 09:57:15 PMObservation on the way home...

There's nothing quite like the hilarious sight of a guy in a flashy neon yellow sports car, trying to make a big deal of his acceleration power, in a 30 mph speed zone. Yes we are very impressed.

Sounds more like the way to get an impressively expensive ticket.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 30, 2023, 12:49:40 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on June 29, 2023, 10:15:53 PM
Quote from: Lynx on June 29, 2023, 09:57:15 PMObservation on the way home...

There's nothing quite like the hilarious sight of a guy in a flashy neon yellow sports car, trying to make a big deal of his acceleration power, in a 30 mph speed zone. Yes we are very impressed.

Sounds more like the way to get an impressively expensive ticket.
Nah... Like one guy said about a friend of his who liked to show off, "there's a law about how fast he can go, but there ain't no law about how fast he can get up to that speed."

But when the top speed is 30, it looks really silly.

Now if the speed limit was naughty it would be really impressive how fast he could take off.

I said if the speed limit was 90, but I think I'm going to leave that speech to text typo because it seems oddly fitting...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 30, 2023, 02:17:28 PM
It's alot of fun to play with those sports cars....no matter the speed limit until this guy shows up. :copcar: 
Thank de Lawd it is Friday, even if it is hot enough to grill a steak to medium rare on the sidewalk.
I heard tell that Gabriel asked God what he was cooking. God told him "Arkansas". Gabriel told Him "I think you've burned it".  :lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 01, 2023, 01:56:10 PM
Well, the last of my company left this morning. That was too many weeks in a row for an introvert.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 03, 2023, 05:50:12 AM
Been busy few days with much of nothing going my way. LOL.
And now for the second night in a row, sleep evades me. SO I sit in a recliner, wide eyed, and browse the world wide web...
Maybe I can get some sleep later and get up and do some work tomorrow on Rusty and Sam
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 03, 2023, 10:36:49 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on June 30, 2023, 02:17:28 PMIt's alot of fun to play with those sports cars....no matter the speed limit until this guy shows up. :copcar: 
Hmph. You used to BE "this guy." Traitor!

What would past you think of future you if past you had to pull future you over for speeding and give you a ticket?  :nono:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 03, 2023, 02:50:46 PM
It's too early for my brain to process all those "past you and future yous"
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on July 03, 2023, 09:03:51 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 03, 2023, 02:50:46 PMIt's too early for my brain to process all those "past you and future yous"

My brain didn't process them at first either.

The Pop social at church got postponed because of storms which gave me time to get a few more roped into some shenanigans we have planned.  Since there's already going to be a water balloon fight, a handful of us plan to show up with loaded super soakers and go after Pastor.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 03, 2023, 10:23:32 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on July 03, 2023, 09:03:51 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 03, 2023, 02:50:46 PMIt's too early for my brain to process all those "past you and future yous"

My brain didn't process them at first either.

The Pop social at church got postponed because of storms which gave me time to get a few more roped into some shenanigans we have planned.  Since there's already going to be a water balloon fight, a handful of us plan to show up with loaded super soakers and go after Pastor.
Wait, what? Y'all plan to get wet and make others wet, but a little rain stops the show?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 03, 2023, 10:25:40 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 03, 2023, 02:50:46 PMIt's too early for my brain to process all those "past you and future yous"
If police officer Bobby pulled over parole officer Bobby for speeding, police officer Bobby would be sadly disappointed in parole officer Bobby. Police officer Bobby would have to give parole officer Bobby a speeding ticket.

Or in either Bobby's own words, he'd win an award.  :teeth:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on July 04, 2023, 12:31:14 AM
Quote from: Lynx on July 03, 2023, 10:23:32 PMWait, what? Y'all plan to get wet and make others wet, but a little rain stops the show?

Was the lightning that stopped the show. Didn't want to chance having someone get hit by lightning.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 04, 2023, 02:12:04 AM
Quote from: Lynx on July 03, 2023, 10:25:40 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 03, 2023, 02:50:46 PMIt's too early for my brain to process all those "past you and future yous"
If police officer Bobby pulled over parole officer Bobby for speeding, police officer Bobby would be sadly disappointed in parole officer Bobby. Police officer Bobby would have to give parole officer Bobby a speeding ticket.

Or in either Bobby's own words, he'd win an award.  :teeth:
Welll......since I 1) became police in part so I wouldn't GET those awards...and 2) have always been a speed nut, and 3) RARELY wrote speeding tickets, the past me would probably challenge the present me to a race to see if my 'vette is faster than the squad car.
Not that I ever found that out with a coworker..:hypocrite:
Rusty is giving me a headache.
Also managed to get Sam's fender's somewhat lined up. Tomorrow, I might bolt them down for good and begin some more sanding, with an eye towards paint within the next month or so....
I've got to get one of the trucks on the road. Before I do something real stupid like go buy a normal truck/car.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 04, 2023, 11:56:33 AM

And here all this time I thought you became a police officer just to be a stalwart upholder of the law.

Y'know all those ways I said you were like my uncle Fred? That's one way you're not. He still calls me Batman, because of how (he thinks) I drive.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 05, 2023, 02:45:20 PM
I have done come up with a new tradition I'm gonna call Hidden Horn Day. It'll be July fifth.

All the people what couldn't sleep July fourth will instead go crawling through the bushes hiding noisemakers. These noisemakers will be set to go off about 6am on July fifth, or some maybe 6:30 or 6:45.

This could be more or less personal - some might hide the noisemakers in the fireworks shooters' houses, depending on how upset a person is about being kept awake and how much a person knows about the offending person's personal security system. Probably won't have to worry about the fireworks guy's dog though. He's off hiding in the basement.

July fifth the noisemakers go off and the fireworks people gotta get up and find and silence them. This could be a whole subcategory of fun, depending on how easy or hard it is to reach the hiding places.

After it catches on we'll have the usual amazon.com choice - do we want a few high quality, VERY loud noisemakers or do we want a lot of cheap chinese so-so noisemakers for the same money?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 05, 2023, 04:33:25 PM
 :biglaugh:  :biglaugh:

Lord. I am OVER today. Bipolar Clients are puching my buttons. I need God. And when I walked into the church a few ago to turn the air on for tonight- He was there. I didn't want to leave...I hope that spirit lingers until tonight. I need that.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on July 05, 2023, 06:37:55 PM
No church tonight here. We're doing the pop social/cookout tonight.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 05, 2023, 08:21:38 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on June 30, 2023, 02:17:28 PMThank de Lawd it is Friday, even if it is hot enough to grill a steak to medium rare on the sidewalk.
I heard tell that Gabriel asked God what he was cooking. God told him "Arkansas". Gabriel told Him "I think you've burned it".  :lol:

So in Arkansas we stayed on Holiday Island - Near Eureka Springs. Holiday Island has like a golf course and a rec center. Where you can do mini golf, tennis, the pool etc. We went to ask about tennis and the lady was like are you sure? It's sooooo hot. We were like we're from Texas...this is normal heat LOL

Arkansas was great btw. We loved the mountains.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 05, 2023, 08:30:49 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on July 05, 2023, 08:21:38 PMSo in Arkansas we stayed on Holiday Island - Near Eureka Springs. Holiday Island has like a golf course and a rec center. Where you can do mini golf, tennis, the pool etc. We went to ask about tennis and the lady was like are you sure? It's sooooo hot. We were like we're from Texas...this is normal heat LOL

Arkansas was great btw. We loved the mountains.
I hope y'all didn't wear long sleeves. That would be just showing off.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 05, 2023, 09:14:38 PM
Well no, we're not crazy!!  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 06, 2023, 12:02:55 AM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on July 06, 2023, 02:47:40 PM
Had a great time last night at the church cookout. A handful of us ganged up on Pastor at the end of the water balloon fight and completely drenched him with super soakers and buckets of water. He says he knows now what he's preaching on Sunday.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 06, 2023, 06:16:26 PM
Nearly friday...... :clap:  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 06, 2023, 06:57:51 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on July 06, 2023, 02:47:40 PMHad a great time last night at the church cookout. A handful of us ganged up on Pastor at the end of the water balloon fight and completely drenched him with super soakers and buckets of water. He says he knows now what he's preaching on Sunday.  :laughhard:

Unity, right? LOL..


This may be my last few days at work with Athena if Jeremy's meeting next Wednesday goes well! Or at least, I hope that means it'll be my last few hahahaha. I love her, I do. Just want her to do what she was trained for instead of being in a kennel behind me all day.

Headed to Arkansas tomorrow night. Tabby & Athena will be alone on Saturday at the house. Hopefully Tabby doesn't bully Athena while she's trapped in her kennel.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 06, 2023, 07:32:57 PM
This week of work has been bliss with no boss. So easy. I'm thankful.

Still waiting on a message about a second interview. I'm dying over here. For context the position is on Aetna and they're hiring 15 people for the position. I have a friend who is in the department and she gave me an internal referral. I also referred my sis in law. She lost her job last year and finally got a job but she has to go back to an office now and she literally does nothing. Sits there all day. This position we've applied for is fully remote. She and I both got the first interview request at same time. It was a video/questionnaire type interview. She got the second request for the in-person (via video chat lol) last FRIDAY. And I haven't. So yea....seriously doubting everything at this point.

Finally followed thru with my "I need to talk to someone about my church trauma so I don't keep all of this anger" promise I made to myself. I had my first session today and it felt good to start to talk about it. I really like my counselor.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 07, 2023, 04:42:36 PM
So glad it's Friday. But also sad cus that means the boss comes back Monday. LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 07, 2023, 08:06:11 PM
Just found out the lady doing the hiring for the job I'm waiting for is on PTO this week!! I feel so relieved now. That's probably why I haven't heard from them for the second interview!!  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 07, 2023, 08:28:45 PM
Hopefully you'll hear soon, Jenn.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 08, 2023, 02:44:06 AM
Good luck, Jenn.
Fixed Kim's car tonight- she was complaining of a sloshing sound when she turned. Her a/c condensation line was clogged. A couple of minutes and a burst or two of compressed air and the problem was fixed.
My issues are never that easy.
In fact, while mowing tonight I discovered a water leak I have to fix..... :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 08, 2023, 09:59:22 AM
If you didn't water it, you wouldn't have to mow it so much...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 08, 2023, 08:53:11 PM
Quote from: Lynx on July 08, 2023, 09:59:22 AMIf you didn't water it, you wouldn't have to mow it so much...
Definitely not an intentional watering. Fortunately it's not bad right now, so I can "schedule" a time to work on it.
Because a "right now" thing is nigh impossible.  :pound:
So, got a bit so far today.  Did a bit of work on Sam that had to be done while I could, and more important, got the church bus back in service. Had the help of my bus driver and one of my most faithful saints...couldn't have done it without them. Stupid Ford engineers.....did NOT make it easy.
Sigh. I was filthy after that so I came back to shower and change. Still need to go check on a sister in the hospital, turn the air on at church, prepare for tomorrow night, and pick up a couple of items.And it's already 4pm.... :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 09, 2023, 12:30:15 AM
Got another storm coming through. It's blowing like crazy.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 09, 2023, 03:39:18 PM
So... A human, a twi'lek and a wookie walk into a bar.

The bartender looks up and says, "Wow, people are still playing KOTOR?"

I mean yeah, it's two decades old, but it's still fun. And my party is a human (lead character, can't ditch him for somebody more useful) a twi'lek (great at disarming mines, opening security locks, etc.) and a wookie (never make a wookie mad... He can totally wreck face) and we just walked into Javyar's Cantina.

I just feel like there should be a bad joke somewhere in this...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 10, 2023, 07:10:24 PM
Monday again. It was super gloomy this morning, but still no rain.

Played around with my new power washer this weekend. Did laundry. Got in my pool. Grocery shopped.
Def. not ready for it to be monday but anxious to hear about the job. Sigh  :updown:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 10, 2023, 11:50:02 PM
Beautiful today. Not too hot, sunny, actually springlike weather. I did a little work on Sam, mowed the lawn, fixed the water leak, cooked dinner, test drove a potential vehicle purchase, paid a lot of bills, figured out a budget plan for the rest of the year (family) considered some improvements (church), went by the insurance office and upped the house insurance as we were underinsured, and handled umpteen phone calls. Much more to do. I have no time in my life to spare.  :pound:  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 11, 2023, 01:52:46 PM
Oreo Mocha Frappe. It is what fuels me this morning. And some of my wayward children are intent on making me work..... :pound: .
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 11, 2023, 02:57:40 PM
Back at work today instead of yesterday. Got sick overnight and didn't make it in yesterday. Got lots to do this week!

Leaving Saturday for Wisconsin for one of Jeremy and Athena's dog events. Should be interesting. Hate that I have to leave Tabby at home alone, but I'm hoping she enjoys the Athena-free house. Thankfully I can check on her unless she hides from the cameras, hahaha.

Had a good, but quick time w/ family this last weekend.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on July 11, 2023, 03:26:30 PM
Good morning everyone.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 11, 2023, 03:45:05 PM
Today is my daddy's 85th birthday.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on July 11, 2023, 05:41:07 PM
My mother passed away early this morning  :sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 11, 2023, 08:27:37 PM
Oh I'm so sorry. Sending lots of love and prayers.  :cry:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 11, 2023, 08:29:44 PM
I'm so sorry. Will be praying for you and your family!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 12, 2023, 12:58:22 AM
Sorry to hear Tia. Praying for ya'll..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 12, 2023, 01:49:09 AM
Oh, Tia! I'm so sorry. Sending hugs.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 12, 2023, 01:57:34 PM
Morning. Stumbling through the morning. Totally not motivated.
   Had a guy come over and look at the motorhome last night. Not exactly convinced that I need to part with it, but we are not using it much- and he wants to trade a 1930 Ford Model A, one of my bucket list cars, for it, which is more temptation than I can overcome. He's thinking about it. If he does, I'll smile and wave in my 93-year-old ride and be way happy- until Lou gets mad at me, because I won't have a doghouse to run to anymore.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 12, 2023, 04:13:02 PM
But if you don't use it much anymore, you're not in the doghouse much anyway.  :smirk:   :teeth:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 13, 2023, 05:03:26 AM
I got in trouble today for sighing when my boss called. I told her why I sighed and why I was feeling very stressed. She proceeds to say "okay well you're not in the right headspace for what I need so I'll let you go" and hangs up. Then proceeds to text me a few minutes later "I'm sorry but no one should pick up the phone like that. Unacceptable. I'm not asking for you to do anything outside your job description. I am very disappointed."

Y'all I'm at my tipping point. I've been trying very steadily for 6-8 months to move internally in my company. I've worked there 21 years. Since the age of 16. I have almost 7 weeks of paid vacation. I don't want to lose my tenure. My husband thinks she's blocking every internal position I try for. But I can't cant confirm that. But I'm at a loss what to do now. I'm applying externally too.

She's completely awful. We have not one, not two, but three ethics line complaints out on her. And nothing is happening.

I just don't know what to do. I'm trying SO hard to keep my mindset right until a better door opens but I literally don't know how anymore. I don't.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on July 13, 2023, 01:44:47 PM

I'm praying for your situation.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 13, 2023, 02:48:44 PM
Maybe God will take her out of the way or something else will work out. Praying for you.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 13, 2023, 03:26:37 PM
Praying Jenn. I know what it is like.... and I know God can make a path for you.
It's raining today, nasty out. And I just got word that a friend and former supervisor, who was aways funny and extroverted, waited until his wife was gone last night and committed suicide. Totally a downer.
Otherwise, I'm plugging through the day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 13, 2023, 03:41:02 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 13, 2023, 02:48:44 PMMaybe God will take her out of the way or something else will work out. Praying for you.

This is what we're all wishing.  But the waiting for it to happen will break me. I'm at a breaking point now.
Thanks for all of the prayers ya'll. I need them desperately.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 13, 2023, 04:08:36 PM
For anyone with the McDonald's app, free fries today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 13, 2023, 05:12:10 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on July 13, 2023, 03:41:02 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 13, 2023, 02:48:44 PMMaybe God will take her out of the way or something else will work out. Praying for you.

This is what we're all wishing.  But the waiting for it to happen will break me. I'm at a breaking point now.
Thanks for all of the prayers ya'll. I need them desperately.
Do other people have trouble with her?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 13, 2023, 10:27:07 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 13, 2023, 05:12:10 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on July 13, 2023, 03:41:02 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 13, 2023, 02:48:44 PMMaybe God will take her out of the way or something else will work out. Praying for you.

This is what we're all wishing.  But the waiting for it to happen will break me. I'm at a breaking point now.
Thanks for all of the prayers ya'll. I need them desperately.
Do other people have trouble with her?

Oh yea our whole team does. It's why 3 people called the ethics line on her.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 13, 2023, 11:58:04 PM
It seems like three different people would get their attention.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on July 14, 2023, 04:34:34 AM
My mom's viewing is on Saturday.  Going to be a tough weekend.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 14, 2023, 05:07:35 AM
/me *hugs* Tia
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 17, 2023, 03:12:36 AM
We had clouds today that made the temperatures much better.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 17, 2023, 04:48:54 AM
Been busy. Traded for the A...drove it about 50 miles yesterday. I'm kinda liking it very much.
(https://i.ibb.co/pySLNLZ/20230715-112044.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Qd4KhKn)
The straw-colored wheels not as much but they'll do. I'm tormenting the fire outta Min 'cause I know he'd love this thing.
Had church today. New first time visitor this morning, followed by a different couple of first time visitors this evening. Preached heart out tonight, good response. Had elderly saint have to go to the hospital in Conway again, so I'll probably head that way sometime tomorrow too.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 17, 2023, 09:00:10 AM
Drove it about fifty miles... So it DOES run. That was my first question.

Fifty miles for that car is like three hundred fifty for a modern car. You trying to give the poor thing a heart attack?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on July 17, 2023, 01:44:39 PM
I think the thing is trying to give Roscoe a heart attack.  My wife is already planning Roscoes demise so she can get ahold of the A.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 17, 2023, 04:20:58 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 13, 2023, 11:58:04 PMIt seems like three different people would get their attention.

You would think. But those happened in May and still nothing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 18, 2023, 12:36:37 AM
Quote from: Lynx on July 17, 2023, 09:00:10 AMDrove it about fifty miles... So it DOES run. That was my first question.

Fifty miles for that car is like three hundred fifty for a modern car. You trying to give the poor thing a heart attack?
Nah. The old girl seeme to like it
actually. The more I drive it the better  she runs.
Quote from: mini on July 17, 2023, 01:44:39 PMI think the thing is trying to give Roscoe a heart attack.  My wife is already planning Roscoes demise so she can get ahold of the A.

I'm gonna have to specifically  exclude Kim from my will in regards to the A. For my own protection.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 18, 2023, 12:08:04 PM
Morning all. Back at work. A ton to do today... and a *ugh* gathering, work potluck this afternoon. I shall do all in my power to keep from having to attend....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 18, 2023, 01:45:08 PM
Back @work.

I guess I've got the post-time-off-work-blues. Cranky. :)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 18, 2023, 02:57:28 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on July 18, 2023, 12:08:04 PMMorning all. Back at work. A ton to do today... and a *ugh* gathering, work potluck this afternoon. I shall do all in my power to keep from having to attend....
I thought you were off on Mondays.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 18, 2023, 04:00:24 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 18, 2023, 02:57:28 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on July 18, 2023, 12:08:04 PMMorning all. Back at work. A ton to do today... and a *ugh* gathering, work potluck this afternoon. I shall do all in my power to keep from having to attend....
I thought you were off on Mondays.
I am. Unfortunately, over here, it is Tuesday. :sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 18, 2023, 04:12:39 PM
I was SO confused yesterday thinking it was Sunday still. I even texted a friend (who normally has to do Amtrak northbound to chicago on Sun evenings) if he was on the train that blew by me. No.. b/c it was Monday already haha. It was confusing missing my normal Sunday schedule.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 18, 2023, 05:02:16 PM
My days have run together. :lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 18, 2023, 05:29:49 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on July 18, 2023, 12:08:04 PMMorning all. Back at work. A ton to do today... and a *ugh* gathering, work potluck this afternoon. I shall do all in my power to keep from having to attend....
"In appreciation for your performance last month, tonight we will have a company potluck dinner."

"Sir we hate doing stuff as a group after work when we don't get paid for it."

"Yeah, I wasn't very happy with your performance last month either."

- Dilbert
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 18, 2023, 05:33:17 PM
It's about to storm here. Athena's terrified of storms. Thankfully I still have my ipad with me from the trip, so I have the ipad in front of her crate playing Paw Patrol. Hoping it distracts her from thunder/lightning.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 19, 2023, 03:39:57 PM
Morning. It's hotter than the devil's armpit here.  :pound: I'm chugging through the day...slowly. As in if I were an auto, my model A would outrun me. :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 19, 2023, 04:00:03 PM
Yep. I think we're under some sorta excessive heat warning.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 19, 2023, 04:10:24 PM
Yea we are definitely under a heat warning. I keep getting those notifications from my weather app.  :o

Update to my work saga. Our ethics calls are finally getting somewhere. An official investigation has been opened and the investigator has started reaching out to people to get information.  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 19, 2023, 05:52:08 PM
wheels of justice are often slow, but hopefully effective.

@Work. Hardly any sleep last night due to a ferocious dog who is terrified of storms, haha. Poor kid.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 19, 2023, 07:14:22 PM
Quote from: Nelle on July 19, 2023, 05:52:08 PMwheels of justice are often slow, but hopefully effective.

@Work. Hardly any sleep last night due to a ferocious dog who is terrified of storms, haha. Poor kid.
Is this a dog (can bark and scare away deer) or a "dog" (can bark and deer just look at the critter like, "Pfft! What?")
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 19, 2023, 08:00:11 PM
Quote from: Lynx on July 19, 2023, 07:14:22 PM
Quote from: Nelle on July 19, 2023, 05:52:08 PMwheels of justice are often slow, but hopefully effective.

@Work. Hardly any sleep last night due to a ferocious dog who is terrified of storms, haha. Poor kid.
Is this a dog (can bark and scare away deer) or a "dog" (can bark and deer just look at the critter like, "Pfft! What?")

She's a Belgian Malinois and she can be literally ferocious, but only when requested to be by her peoples. She protected her dad last night (in our own yard) from a neighbor's pit bull who aggressively approached him. Unsure why their dog was unsupervised and unleashed out of their yard, but thankfully Athena was there to deescalate the situation.

She "failed out" of police line of work due to her liking kids and small pets too much. (and I don't mean the "I want to eat them" liking hahaha.) When I come home from work and she's already home w/ Jeremy, her growls/bark often intimidate me, and I live here.. LOL.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 19, 2023, 09:17:23 PM
Definitely a real dog.

Ever have anybody argue with you that she is a german shepherd, and won't accept that she's any other breed?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 20, 2023, 02:20:06 PM
Not yet! We've only had her since around mid-end June. Her service dog status keeps most strangers at bay.

This should be her last week coming to work with me every day. I feel like a broken record b/c I've said that for two weeks, BUT she was able to show what she can do yesterday morning. Hopefully they can get her through all their stinkin red tape and completely cleared asap.

@Work. It's raining - again. We had flooding here and even worse flooding down in KY from yesterday's lines of storms.

My blood pressure has been so elevated the past month. I've got to get strict with my diet & exercise again, so that hopefully all I have to do is some minor tweaking to the meds.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 20, 2023, 02:29:18 PM
It's hot here. No rain. I hope I'm able to cut my lawn when I get off tonight- it's growing up on me. So much to do, so little time...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 21, 2023, 11:54:45 AM
Ugh. Tell me about it!

I was going to mow Tuesday, but it rained. Of course it rained. It's been raining every day, just enough to get the grass good and wet. Then the sun shines the rest of the day to make the grass grow.

Finally got a break in the weather and got it mowed yesterday. It done growed three inches between Tuesday and Thursday. Looked like I was baling hay.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 21, 2023, 12:03:40 PM
In local news, this morning I've been baking chocolate chip cookies for a church homecoming dinner.

You can start lying to yourself a lot when you're making cookies...

"Gotta test one, make sure they didn't get overdone. They get doggone hard and crunchy when they get over... Mmm, nope, that's perfect."

"Oooh, what about this tiny one? Gotta make sure cookies that size don't get overdone either... Nope, that's perfect."

"Whoops, this one is falling apart, it's so good. I mean... Um... Oh that's just in terrible shape. Can't send that one to church."

I mean even the Bible says you shouldn't bring a sacrifice that is imperfect to God, right? (We ministers can quote scripture for our own purposes just as good as the devil.)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 21, 2023, 12:05:34 PM
When you mix up chocolate chip cookie dough it should rattle. If it doesn't rattle you're being too stingy with the chips.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 21, 2023, 12:12:51 PM
And...now...rain. I rushed home last night and mowed at least the front yard. As fast as the grass has been growing, it nearly could've been baled. And I guess I can share here. In addition to the Model A, something else followed me home Monday.
  I've been known by most of my friends to have just antique vehicles, other than my state car. Since we began pastoring more and more I find myself in need of a more modern vehicle with A/c, especially since Papa Wilson passed. Last week, in addition to having everything I had torn apart, I had two saints in the hospital and had to borrow Lou's car twice so I could at least arrive at the hospital not smelling like a goat.
I told Lou I HAD to do something. The Model A was a trade, no money involved so it didn't impact the budget.
I've been looking halfheartedly for the past couple of years. When I began looking seriously last week, I got sticker shock. Everything that was available cost nearly what I paid for my house 20 years ago. And I'm not talking new....we are talking 75,80k miles, five- and ten-year-old trucks.
But the local Ford place had something. The most beautiful blue 2018 F150 I've ever seen and I'm not a Ford guy. It had been on their lot a month, 86k miles, so they were willing to deal. Apparently, it had two flaws for most people around here. It was two-wheel drive, not four-wheel drive. And instead of a crewcab with four full doors, it was a supercab with the back two doors being the little reverse hinged doors. Since I truly don't need 4x4, that didn't bother me. And it would be rare anyone would need to be in the back, which was spacious enough anyway.
I prayed about it, counseled with friends and laid a fleece before God. If they accepted my offer and the bank gave no kicks, I would buy it. They called Monday and I made my offer. An hour later they told me I could come get the truck at my price. It has the most beautiful two tone gray leather with black tooled leather insert seats I've ever seen.
And in one more act of showing God's approval...It had big mudgrip 4x4 style tires that were getting worn. I'd told a close friend I was looking at it, and he went by to see. When I texted him I'd just bought it he came over to see- then made me cry.
"Bobby, I need you to tell God I'm a wee upset at Him, He just cost me money". Puzzled, I asked how. Keep in mind my friend is a backslider.
" I've watched you for 20 years put your wife and family first and keep them in nice vehicles. Most of what you've driven in that time, other than your antiques has been junk and I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings. I asked God this morning- and yes I do still pray occasionally-, if it was His will I wanted Him to bless you with that truck. And if He did, I told Him I would buy you a new set of tires. I just ordered a new set of factory street tread tires like you said you would want. They'll be here Thursday"
I cried like a baby. Tried to tell him it wasn't necessary. He simply said, in the way that only brothers can- "Shut up. You aren't robbing me of my blessings. I take care of God's man, God takes care of me"
Last night I went and got my new tires. And his son in law, who I married to his daughter in April- works at a tow service. He told me Monday, I am to come and he will install the tires. Free of charge.
I am not worthy of His blessings, but I so thank Him for them. And for my friends, who I am confident will return to God soon.
And yes, those that have found out locally- have been amazed. "You bought a MODERN NORMAL vehicle?!?!"
"You bought a FORD?" Apparently this is out of character for me. Who knew? :laughhard:  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 21, 2023, 12:48:57 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That's just about the sweetest story. I'm glad I read that this morning.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on July 21, 2023, 04:10:34 PM
I've been out past midnight the last 2 nights at Indiana ALJC camp meeting. Planning to go back again tonight.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 21, 2023, 05:42:04 PM
My pastor would be glad to hear another convert has been welcomed into the fold. He's a Ford fanboy, always making jokes about Chevy during his sermons.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 21, 2023, 08:26:14 PM
Quote from: Lynx on July 21, 2023, 05:42:04 PMMy pastor would be glad to hear another convert has been welcomed into the fold. He's a Ford fanboy, always making jokes about Chevy during his sermons.
I ain't fully converted yet.  :laughhard:
And we've entered the next phase of reaping the harvest in our town, or at least in our efforts. Now, for a first-time visitor, we are delivering to their home address a gift bag with a $5 gift card to the local coffee trailer, and a loaf of our church baker's homemade banana nut bread, along with a welcoming note. Let's see if it bears fruit. Having had some of the banana nut bread- they may be willing to put up with subpar preaching from me just to get a crack at the bread.  :laughhard:
(https://i.ibb.co/mzb9d60/20230721-151200.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bdQsYzF)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Chseeads on July 24, 2023, 03:09:57 AM
/me kicks everyone soundly in the shins. 
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 24, 2023, 03:21:00 AM
Hi, Seth. :hi:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 24, 2023, 09:25:23 AM
I'd like a crack at that bread. Uh... For quality assurance purposes.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 24, 2023, 11:39:07 PM
Wow. Turn my head one day, and Seth sneaks in.  :biglaugh:
Shew. Lord, I ain't had time to say "boo" this week. Saturday, wound up road tripping a couple hours to get a primer gun, then back to church to do some church work. Made an appearance at a gender reveal event, exited that, went by and visited a backslider friend. Got home about 930. Church Sunday. God moved mightily and gave me some confirmation and answers. Got numerous calls after service Sunday night...it seemed several felt the message had been just for them and wanted to thank me. Next Sunday we have a 2pm service with a guest minister, and I've got one baptism for sure, maybe two....
And today, I DID get to primer Sam a bit, got my new tires mounted on Big Blue...and then it was off to the races- Little Rock to check on a sick church kid in the hospital, then back to pick up a church member without transportation and take them grocery shopping- Lord. None stop.  I'm REALLY looking to Lou and my getaway in September.. :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 25, 2023, 04:28:56 PM
Love that story Bobby.

Had a five-day weekend for my birthday.
Talked to an ethics investigator today about the open case they have on my boss.  :clap:

Have an interview this afternoon for an executive admin position I applied for two weeks ago.
Funny part is they are based out of Bentonville AR. And i was just there for vaca!! haha Bobby know anything about US Faster Payment Council? :question:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 25, 2023, 06:00:35 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on July 25, 2023, 04:28:56 PMLove that story Bobby.

Had a five-day weekend for my birthday.
Talked to an ethics investigator today about the open case they have on my boss.  :clap:

Have an interview this afternoon for an executive admin position I applied for two weeks ago.
Funny part is they are based out of Bentonville AR. And i was just there for vaca!! haha Bobby know anything about US Faster Payment Council? :question:
No, but Bentonville is amazing,  although pricey to live..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 26, 2023, 12:43:16 PM
Urgh, Morning is once more assaulting me. Busy day ahead.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 26, 2023, 03:52:39 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on July 26, 2023, 12:43:16 PMUrgh, Morning is once more assaulting me. Busy day ahead.
What's this about needing salt for your morning?

I'm anticipating my Mint Mobile SIM card arriving today. (T-Mobile MVNO, buys from T-Mobile, sells to you... like Cricket is an AT&T MVNO.)

I recently found out my "landline" internet is no longer really landline. It still comes through a wire into the house, but they no longer maintain their own entire network. Somewhere inside of two miles from here, there's a little box on their phone lines that communicates with... AT&T. No wonder my phone and "landline" data connections dropped out at the same time.

That's right. Brightspeed "landline" service is now just another AT&T MVNO.

I figure if I switch my phone to a service that uses T-Mobile, I will at least have two avenues for data again. If Brightspeed (really AT&T) is out, at least my Mint Mobile (really T-Mobile) might still be working. Or vice versa.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 26, 2023, 04:25:13 PM
I cannot process life at this sluggish level of energy. Reaaaaaaaaaaally hoping I can find some way to not want to fall asleep all the time.

No dog today since she's with Jeremy (on his day off) in St Louis with his mom for a follow up appointment. Athena also has a vet appointment this afternoon. Hopefully they make it home in time for that. We didn't know/remember about MIL's appointment today when we made the vet appointment.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 26, 2023, 04:49:46 PM
Just made a peach pie with sugar substitute for Chel since she's supposed to stop by tomorrow. Hope it turns out ok.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 26, 2023, 05:28:20 PM
My interview yesterday went great. I think she liked me a lot. They currently do not have an admin for any of the four executives. So it would be a new role for their team. I think I could crush it and show them what it means to have a great admin and to have an admin period. They're all individually doing their own admin work. She said I would know by the end of the week if I get the next interview (would be with the other 3 executives). So here's to hoping!!  :cool:

I cannot stop sneezing today though good grief. Been going since 8am. Had to send an early morning report to my boss. Then jump off for quick run to the dentist to have a crown re-cemented. It fell out last week eating a Starburst!!  :o
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on July 26, 2023, 06:09:36 PM
MJJ - Honestly, without knowing any details - it sounds like a perfect situation. They wouldn't have to help you navigate what an admin would do since you already have such great experience of doin that very job!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 26, 2023, 07:44:32 PM
I hope so!! I have an "admin portfolio" that has visuals lol of what I do/have done. I have been doing admin work since 2007. So I think I could be a crazy good fit. Just told God if it's the right door have them offer it to me!! If not, slam the door. Even though I don't want anymore slammed doors.  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 27, 2023, 04:22:20 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on July 26, 2023, 07:44:32 PMI hope so!! I have an "admin portfolio" that has visuals lol of what I do/have done. I have been doing admin work since 2007. So I think I could be a crazy good fit. Just told God if it's the right door have them offer it to me!! If not, slam the door. Even though I don't want anymore slammed doors.  :noo:
Slammed doors are never fun, but they've saved me a time or two.  :biglaugh:

Hi, all. Went and got license for Big Blue today. Stumbling through the day. Taught bible study last night.
Today is GrumpyBear's 17th birthday! Lord, it doesn't seem possible.
Now, if I can get through the day, mow the grass and take Chey for the dinner of her choice tonight...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 27, 2023, 06:03:25 PM
I made 2 lemon pies today. One for a friend and the other so hubby won't eat the one for the friend. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 27, 2023, 06:18:43 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on July 27, 2023, 06:03:25 PMI made 2 lemon pies today. One for a friend and the other so hubby won't eat the one for the friend. ;)
I do that sometimes. Easy enough to double a recipe, and it solves the problem of temptation.

Of course it solves it the way legalizing marijuana solves the problem of so many people breaking the law by smoking it... But at least this instance is a lot more tasty. Especially when I know I will be the one facing the temptation. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 28, 2023, 12:42:48 PM
Morning. It's Friday. Thank the lord. Hopefully, I can rush home and get the yard mowed before it gets dark. Got a visiting minister- from Lynx's area, no less- coming in Saturday afternoon for Sunday service and I am sure that this means my Saturday night will be booked...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on July 28, 2023, 05:53:21 PM
Has to be a good one then. Anybody I know?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 28, 2023, 07:09:52 PM
Quote from: Lynx on July 28, 2023, 05:53:21 PMHas to be a good one then. Anybody I know?
Good one, yes, I think.
You may not know him- Doug Raynor. He's ACJC, Scott's Hill area.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on July 28, 2023, 08:14:45 PM
My church has missionaries to Russia speaking this Sunday - Jordan and Lindsay Stumbo.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 30, 2023, 04:15:57 PM
Hi.Been busy. Gonna go to church in a bit for service potluck and baptizing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on July 31, 2023, 03:54:03 AM
Shew. So, church was GREAT. Terrific move of God, wonderful sermon, great food. Baptized two, which, while great, hurt me. Physically. The last one was a big ole boy, and while I was overjoyed to finally get to do it, when he went down in that watery grave, he nearly took me too. I hit my left lower rib cage on the baptistry HARD, and I'm not sure that I didn't break a rib. It's sore as a rising and I won't be overexerting myself for the next few days. :pound:
It's worth it though, seeing people hungry for God and obeying the word.
One said "I've felt I needed to do this since I first came in this church" The other said " I'm 30 years old, was raised Church of Christ which is very different. I knew I needed this and I thank you so much!" I told him I was overjoyed to baptize him and that if he would continue to study and follow God, he'd see God do so much more...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 31, 2023, 04:11:36 PM
Kinda got the blahs today. Head uncomfortable and tired feeling. For no apparent reason.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on July 31, 2023, 07:02:56 PM
Good afternoon everyone.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 31, 2023, 07:10:00 PM
I got the blahs too. Work is well work.
I sat for OVER an hour this morning at the doctor AFTER seeing the actual doctor so they could do labs. Like really?
On top of the almost $200 it cost me for the actual visit. So expensive to see a doctor and then read her paperwork that says you're "morbidly obese"  :nono:  :noo:  :mad:

Slammed since I got home trying to recap something that was due at 1pm and it's now 2:09pm and still missing a districts info. I just am over it.

Still havent heard from the US Faster Payments job either.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on July 31, 2023, 08:07:50 PM
Our CEO just sent an email about 5,000 layoffs coming now too. Love that.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on July 31, 2023, 10:58:34 PM
/me *hugs* Jenn
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 01, 2023, 03:15:28 PM
That's a lot, MJJ. :( Praying today goes better!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 01, 2023, 03:17:34 PM
Haha oh it's def. not. My boss is an idiot. She's already reamed me for a "double booked" on her calendar this morning when she's the one who told the person to book the call at the same time as the other call.  :frustrated:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 01, 2023, 10:00:10 PM
Rib aching. Done paperwork on removal of two thorns of the flesh, had one removed today already. Ready for next weekend(10th & 11th). I'm burning holiday and employee birthday and taking two days, which works out to 5 days off.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 02, 2023, 02:38:19 PM
Hope everyone has a good day!
I'm drowning in paperwork.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on August 02, 2023, 03:27:11 PM
Don't have too much fun with that paperwork!

I'm currently at work, tired of people, dreaming of a day when I don't have to work anymore.  At current rates, it should be when I am 936 years old.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 02, 2023, 04:21:41 PM
Sames Mini. Sames. Sigh.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 02, 2023, 06:05:37 PM
Or you could just quit and be poor like me. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 02, 2023, 07:31:23 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on August 02, 2023, 06:05:37 PMOr you could just quit and be poor like me. ;)
Well, I'm half way there. Got the poor part covered. :smirk2:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 02, 2023, 09:56:55 PM
Yeah, me too. No sign of being able to quit, but I got the poor part nailed down. I'm a past-master at that.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 02, 2023, 10:40:44 PM
Sames on the poor. And in too much debt. Working on it. S l o w l y.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 03, 2023, 12:28:11 PM
Working on debt is hard, but we, too, are doing it. My recent truck purchase didn't help, but sometimes you have to do things that counter the ultimate goal temporary. At least I didn't buy a $40k+ new one. :smirk2:
Bible study went good last night. Having a carpet cleaner come in today and try cleaning the sanctuary carpet. The water issues we had last year had stained it pretty badly, so last ditch effort before paying mega bucks to have it replaced is to see if they can get the water stains out.
Hope everyone has a great day. I'm in my usual morning mood- irritable and not fit for human consumption.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 03, 2023, 12:49:34 PM
Hmph! When I  have to use a cable clamp for a stupid piece of rope...

My dog got loose four times in the last three days. One time was when his old rope wore out. The other three times were when his new rope wouldn't hold a knot.

I don't know what this stuff is made of. Feels like plastic. May be nylon? But it's worthless as a rope. You're supposed to be able to tie a knot in a rope and it STAYS there.

So I tied a new, more complex knot and this time backed it up with a cable clamp I had lying around.

But you're not supposed to have to use a cable clamp with a rope. Sailors would be looking for little nuts all the time if they had to resort to cable clamps.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 03, 2023, 12:50:22 PM
Complaining about modern rope...

Holy cow! I'm getting old! NOOOOOOOO!  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 03, 2023, 01:49:38 PM
:lol: @ Isaac

I finally finished making up the peach jam last night.
Speaking of old, I have to do things in stages now that I used to do just as a side task. :smirk2:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 03, 2023, 07:23:32 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on August 03, 2023, 12:28:11 PMI'm in my usual morning mood- irritable and not fit for human consumption.

Same. Except it's progressed into the afternoon. :mad:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 04, 2023, 01:53:25 PM
Hi, y'all
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 04, 2023, 04:47:19 PM
Always so happy when Friday finally comes.

I've been grumpy since the start of work. Cus my boss is an idiot.
I wish I understood how executives get where they are with NO basic computer/Microsoft office skills. She can't even send Outlook invites properly.  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 04, 2023, 06:03:27 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on August 04, 2023, 04:47:19 PMAlways so happy when Friday finally comes.

I've been grumpy since the start of work. Cus my boss is an idiot.
I wish I understood how executives get where they are with NO basic computer/Microsoft office skills. She can't even send Outlook invites properly.  :pound:

I'm always grumpy in the am, even though I have terrific bosses at this time. Cus I don't like mornings. :pound:
And Jenn, I've come to the conclusion that people in power usually rise due to WHO they know, not WHAT they know. Every once in a while, God smiles, and the worker gets someone who knew the right people and who is actually competent at their job- I find myself enjoying this now- but most often it's the idiots that rise to the top. Someone needs to get a skimmer and remove some of 'em.  :laughhard:
In sharing, now that I'm awake- coworker's boyfriend is semi opening a food truck catering business. The man can COOK. Last week, it was the most delicious grilled pork chops I've ever had, including my own, and all the trimmings.
Today was something I'd never tried- German Burgers. Oh Lawd. I'm in love. Sooooo good, and so filling.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 04, 2023, 07:30:52 PM
My hubby fried fish for lunch.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 04, 2023, 10:02:48 PM
All I got is lasagna from Food Giant, but it was leftover and half price. I'll take it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on August 05, 2023, 12:02:03 AM
I put in a late night last night.  Rode my bicycle to praise team practice since we're usually out around 8:30 PM. Didn't count on the fact that Pastor picked up a new peice of tracking equipment for one of the media team cameras. We spent the evening setting up and playing with our new toy. Even had a couple of us doing laps across the front of the auditorium testing the tracking system. Also set up a tripod camera for the keyboard. By time we got all that done we didn't get out of there till around 10:30 PM which meant I had to ride my bike home after dark.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 05, 2023, 08:24:25 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on August 05, 2023, 12:02:03 AMI put in a late night last night.  Rode my bicycle to praise team practice since we're usually out around 8:30 PM. Didn't count on the fact that Pastor picked up a new peice of tracking equipment for one of the media team cameras. We spent the evening setting up and playing with our new toy. Even had a couple of us doing laps across the front of the auditorium testing the tracking system. Also set up a tripod camera for the keyboard. By time we got all that done we didn't get out of there till around 10:30 PM which meant I had to ride my bike home after dark.
Tiny bike lights are getting insane lately. Probably because LEDs don't take up as much power.


Bright enough that I could fly down the highway at flank speed, in pitch black, with no fear.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 05, 2023, 08:25:51 AM
No I'm not getting paid to advertise that. I was just impressed.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MelodyB on August 07, 2023, 02:29:20 AM

Anyone miss me? :couch:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 07, 2023, 07:26:38 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on August 07, 2023, 02:29:20 AMHI!!

Anyone miss me? :couch:
Let's see... The standard answer is "Yes, but my aim is getting better with practice."

What's been going on with y'all lately?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 07, 2023, 04:16:36 PM
Hi! Good to see Mel repent and sneak in. :laughhard:
We had a bit of a God moment this week with Mel Mel connections.
The church bus needed freon. While we were installing it so the older saints wouldn't experience hellfire, we discovered the alternator was going out. I was ticked. Bellyached a bit..." Tryng to grow the kingdom,  why does this always happen. Blah blah." Enjoying my pity party, I headed for the local parts store.
Young man there I'd met a couple times...when I mentioned it was for a church bus, and mentioned the church name he lit up. " Apostolic? Ever been to Biloxi? Or Pascagoula?"
I admitted  I had, and my wife and I had a good friend from there
" I went to the Sanctuary  when I lived there" I asked if he knew Mel. He lit up. " Oh yeah! She's good friends with my wife!" To prove it he called her. :laughhard:
Mel had mentioned  a friend a few years  ago potentially moving about 30 miles away but I never heard anything more.
Now, here they are in my own town.
And I'd have never know if it hadn't been for that alternator. 
He fo so had an invite before I left and I will be following up.
Never know what God is up to.....
And today I am at the Dr with Lou. Just got the gut punch that her copay hasn't been met and in order to run the lung test she needs they want 400 bucks. That was NOT in the budget...:sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 07, 2023, 09:02:44 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 08, 2023, 12:26:35 PM
Urgh. Morning. Rainy and stormy here- I'd say we need it, but my grass, which I have not had much opportunity to cut, is getting high.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 08, 2023, 01:20:12 PM
We desperately need rain. Everyone is under burn bans.
Our grass is crispy.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 08, 2023, 03:16:23 PM
Rain would indeed be nice. It's actually quite overcast here today which is nice. lol
It's just a teases though cus there isn't any rain on the forecast.

Rough day yesterday. Had my mid-year review and my boss proceeded to tell me everything I'm doing wrong even though I'm literally doing more than half of what she said I'm doing wrong. Really stinks to feel like and know you're doing your job well but to be told you basically aren't. Really covet ya'lls prayers on my work situation. I'm applying everywhere now. I have to have a change or I'm going to be sick. I'm already dealing with stress sickness. I'm at a loss what to do.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 08, 2023, 04:47:51 PM
Anything new on her ethics charges?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 08, 2023, 04:52:43 PM
'Something Has To Break' by Kierra Sheard immediately popped in my mind. I will be praying for a way to be shown! He's the Waymaker, so He can do it!

@work. eating leftover cheesy chicken and rice quesadilla leftover from last night. Jeremy's birthday is tomorrow, so I talked him into going somewhere wheN I got home from work last night. (He took today and yesterday off to coincide with his day off on Wed for his birthday.) We ran to Carbondale and got Athena some toys to replace the toys she destroyed this weekend, grabbed Tabby some new food (the food we have was really for her brother and is too hard for her) and a new crinkle toy (her FAVE), grabbed us junk we don't need from TJ Maxx & Home Goods, haha. Then of course we had to eat.. I may have had to sleep half sitting up to not die overnight from reflux, BUT I enjoyed my food and slept all night until a little paw kept smacking my face this morning, hahaha. I love her, I do... but she's not an alarm clock and better stop it! hahahaha
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 08, 2023, 05:18:31 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on August 08, 2023, 04:47:51 PMAnything new on her ethics charges?

Well....we think she has her call with the investigator today. Obviously we don't know for sure, but she has a private appointment that popped up on her calendar our of the blue today at 2pm. And that's how those invites get sent. As private. So you can't see who they're from. Sooooo.....we're hoping lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 08, 2023, 08:58:54 PM
Wouldn't it be nice if you could get rid of her but keep your present job.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MelodyB on August 09, 2023, 04:54:21 AM
Im good. Been busy busy. Just took my Radiology exam to obtain my state license for limited Rad Tech.

Been attending Celebrate Recovery and dealing with all my pent up lifetime trauma and issues. Its been a great experience. Hard, but its helping.


Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 09, 2023, 08:30:35 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on August 09, 2023, 04:54:21 AMIm good. Been busy busy. Just took my Radiology exam to obtain my state license for limited Rad Tech.

Been attending Celebrate Recovery and dealing with all my pent up lifetime trauma and issues. Its been a great experience. Hard, but its helping.


Ooooh, radiology is so rad!


The electrons in radiation therapy hit you at 99.8% of the speed of light. According to calculations the radiation used in a 90 second therapy session could, if fired with less precision, kill a horse. (They did not let me test this theory.)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 09, 2023, 01:00:15 PM
 It's stormy here today. And man, the last week... Trying not to complain, but broke ribs hurt! Told God this morning- "You gotta do something. I can't hardly walk because of it". :pound:
Had to mow the yard last night and bouncing on the tractor nearly did me in. 'bout ready to convert to sprinkle baptizing. Full immersion is gonna bury ME!  :laughhard:

Make it through today, and bible study, and I'm off until Sunday. Well, except tomorrow night school orientation for Chey. And Friday Prayer meeting. And Saturday- prepare for Sunday. But Monday- mine. Maybe.:lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 09, 2023, 01:05:39 PM
Quote from: MelodyB on August 09, 2023, 04:54:21 AMIm good. Been busy busy. Just took my Radiology exam to obtain my state license for limited Rad Tech.

Been attending Celebrate Recovery and dealing with all my pent up lifetime trauma and issues. Its been a great experience. Hard, but its helping.


Also, Mel, Radiologist is something Chey is looking at as a field. She has just about changed her mind on nursing, afraid she's not people person enough.  I told her she can speak with the guidance counselor at the local college for assistance in deciding what suits her...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 09, 2023, 04:43:36 PM
That's why I never wanted to be a nurse... at least one of the reasons.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 09, 2023, 05:23:19 PM
I've applied for 15 more internal jobs today alone. Even in customer service. Mostly on Aetna side.
Plus about twice that many since Monday on the external side. I think most of me wants to just get into something new. To learn something new. Even as daunting as that is. Rather than wait it out to see if anything "happens" to my boss. Ugh. I just need one door to open. Please Lord. One door.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 10, 2023, 02:14:24 PM
You know, sometimes we've got to be miserable where we are to make any big moves...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 10, 2023, 03:51:58 PM
Well I'm sure trying LOL - can't make a move with no open door.

I did the first hirevue interview for an operations analyst position I applied for yesterday.
This is a video/questionnaire type interview where you answer some multiple choice/short answer plus 3 video questions where you record your answers on video. This was an internal position on the Caremark side of CVS.

Then got a text this morning for one of the Personal Assistant admin jobs I applied for externally this week.

Movement helps with the staying hopeful! 
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 10, 2023, 04:06:28 PM
Happy birthday, Bobby!  :partyballoons:  :birthday:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 10, 2023, 04:57:55 PM
Aww Happy Birthday Bobby FiVE OHHH  :sing:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 10, 2023, 05:04:48 PM
That time already? Huh...

Happy birthday you old motorhead.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 10, 2023, 09:04:45 PM
I thought I heard bones creaking when I logged on..

Happy Birthday!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 11, 2023, 04:40:04 AM
Thanks all! Except Nelle. :pound:  :pound:  :pound:
But, sadly, true. I would not doubt that she heard my old bokes creaking all the way north.  Forty-Seven is getting to the wrong side of old...
Enjoyed the day. Gonna go tomorrow and get some work done for the church, pick up a 6 volt battery charger for Clara the A, and generally try to get caught up on some stuff before prayer meeting...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 11, 2023, 10:40:59 AM
HEY! 47 ain't old.

It can't be old...

I'll be there in a year and a half.

Surely that's not THAT old.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 11, 2023, 05:19:03 PM
Haha I was about to say...if my bones creak I KNOW Bobbys do  :hypocrite:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 12, 2023, 02:30:56 AM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on August 11, 2023, 05:19:03 PMHaha I was about to say...if my bones creak I KNOW Bobbys do  :hypocrite:
:pound:  :pound:  :pound:  :pound:

Shew. Went and did all I planned to. Did some extra- some work on the church that needed done. And it was like 97 degrees. I'm wiped out..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 12, 2023, 02:07:59 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on August 12, 2023, 02:30:56 AMShew. Went and did all I planned to. Did some extra- some work on the church that needed done. And it was like 97 degrees. I'm wiped out..
You forgot the part about the humidity. Last couple of days it has felt like Florida out there. This heat in Arizona would be nothing. This heat with all the moisture feels like being smothered by a hot, wet blanket.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 14, 2023, 01:36:06 AM
Hi. Church done. Church van's NEW alternator went out. Going back to talk to my and Mel's mutual friend...
Too hot to breathe outside. I so want to do some work on Sam, but I can't. Too hot. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on August 14, 2023, 01:49:02 PM
Good morning everyone.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 14, 2023, 05:05:13 PM
So they're moving region admins from 1:1 to 2:1 for supporting an RD. This is my role.
So instead of supporting one RD - I would have to support 2. But I would have to apply, interview with whoever the 2 RD's are and hope I get chosen over a peer.

Feeling so frustrated and left out to sink when it comes to my job.
I just want to quit and rest for a while. But we literally can't afford it - with student loans coming back up in September.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 14, 2023, 08:42:49 PM
I'm sorry, Jenn. Hopefully something will work out soon.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 15, 2023, 12:23:10 PM
Morning all. Back at work after much needed time off.  I can't say that I did anything I really had planned to, but I DID get some stuff done that needed done...so there's that. Also, it is Chey's first day of school- her last first day. Doesn't seem like the little bug should be a senior but she is. And when she gets off of school today, she has to go to work. I told her welcome to adult hood. You never really have time off; you just change jobs.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 15, 2023, 12:55:42 PM
Ooooh... If she complained about that, she's REALLY gonna hate it when she gets to the part about paying bills. Seems like every month they add another one you gotta pay.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 15, 2023, 03:04:26 PM
Yea adulthood is wack. Send it back.  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on August 16, 2023, 01:27:48 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on August 15, 2023, 03:04:26 PMYea adulthood is wack. Send it back.  :pound:

I agree...but at least now I can buy the junk food I wanted as a kid.

However, the junk food I ate as a kid now sticks to me in ways I do not appreciate.  lol

Good morning everyone.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 16, 2023, 01:34:16 PM
Quote from: mini on August 16, 2023, 01:27:48 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on August 15, 2023, 03:04:26 PMYea adulthood is wack. Send it back.  :pound:

I agree...but at least now I can buy the junk food I wanted as a kid.

However, the junk food I ate as a kid now sticks to me in ways I do not appreciate.  lol

Good morning everyone.
You don't have the time to go out and play the way you did when you were a kid.

For that matter, I notice it's sticking to kids a lot more than it used to when I was a kid...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 16, 2023, 02:08:50 PM
Morning all. So I get home last night- to discover one of my best friends had purchased a new four-wheeler. And, since I wasn't home and didn't have a four-wheeler, left me a gift. A nice lifted '05 Honda 350 4x4 four-wheeler. Yes,I called him. Yes, I cried at what he said. Yes, I got defensive when he laughed at my treasures, telling me I have a large amount of junk. :pound:  My treasures...junk.  Funny though- he's scheming for my Model A which he shan't get,. He wants to violate it by making it a "rat rod". :pound:
 Humbled by the love some folks have for me. I am not deserving.
And Chey called last night sobbing. They were very busy, and a coworker was pushing her buttons. I gave her a pep talk, then eased up to the bbq restaurant 'cause I wanted a sandwich. Well, truthfully to provide support for my little girl. Lou laughed and told me she was definitely a Daddy's girl. By the time we got there, her personal storm had passed and she was happy.
Even more so when she called on the way home at 9 pm- "Dad! I made $75 in tips!!" Lord. At that rate, I'm thinking I'd make a good waitress. :laughhard:  Needless to say she is motivated to continue work.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 16, 2023, 02:11:56 PM
Finally hump day. I spent all of yesterday thinking it was Wednesday when it was only Tuesday.  :updown:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 16, 2023, 02:22:42 PM
$75 for a night's waiting tables...

Are they hiring?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 16, 2023, 02:23:40 PM
The days go by so fast for us anymore. I guess that comes with getting old.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 16, 2023, 02:26:16 PM
Quote from: Lynx on August 16, 2023, 02:22:42 PM$75 for a night's waiting tables...

Are they hiring?
That was my thoughts. And that's not counting the salary he's paying her. :pound:
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on August 16, 2023, 02:23:40 PMThe days go by so fast for us anymore. I guess that comes with getting old.
Yes. I don't have a minute to turn around it seems...the days fly by
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on August 17, 2023, 02:23:13 AM
Feeling like I got ran over today. Got to work to discover my coworker called off leaving me by myself most of my shift. Management did send me a cashier to help me.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 17, 2023, 02:25:26 AM
/me *hugs* Tia
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 17, 2023, 02:00:43 PM
Beautiful day. I wish I were wealthy instead of so darn good looking. :ugly:  I could really get some stuff done
Ah well. Play the cards God dealt ya...  :laughhard: 
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 17, 2023, 02:33:22 PM
Some money sure would be a relief right about now. Sigh.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 18, 2023, 12:29:03 PM
Good morning. It's Friday. Thankfully.  Got a list of home visits to do, then tonight will be a youth night at the church.
I finally got the fuel filter changed on my tractor and mowed the yard last night. Got done with that, headed for the AC... boom power went out and stayed out until 130 this morning. I'm dragging a bit because my phone was nearly dead and, paranoid I'd oversleep, I stayed up pretty much until the power came back on, because I kept waking up to check. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 20, 2023, 07:38:38 PM
Lawd. Everybody backslid.  :pound:  :pound:
Hotter than the devil's parlor here. My church A/c can't keep up. Got the unit outside being sprayed with a water sprinkler and it's still 82 degrees in the sanctuary.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 20, 2023, 08:03:52 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on August 20, 2023, 10:43:26 PM
Been an adventurous day here. After church Pastor's family and some of the choir went to visit a sister thats in a nursing home and unable to communicate well from a stroke and have a time of worship with her.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 21, 2023, 03:05:41 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on August 20, 2023, 07:38:38 PMLawd. Everybody backslid.  :pound:  :pound:
Hotter than the devil's parlor here. My church A/c can't keep up. Got the unit outside being sprayed with a water sprinkler and it's still 82 degrees in the sanctuary.

This is about what my house sits at by time we get to 5pm. These 105+ days are getting old!!!!

I have TWO interviews this week for internal positions!!!! Prayers please!!!  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on August 21, 2023, 05:14:36 PM
The depression over losing my Mom is kicking in and making me want to withdraw from church attendance and involvement. My church leadership and family is aware of this and already told  me if I start skipping services they will be showing up at my house looking for me. Sunday morning I was feeling down so I showed up at church just minutes before service started rather than my usual hour and a half early. As soon as I stepped into the building, my media team leader Bro Joseph confronts me and says "you're 7 minutes away from me showing up at your house."
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 21, 2023, 06:35:32 PM
BR.. Do you have access to support groups even outside of church? They may seem 'too much' at times, but I'm thankful you have people in your corner looking out for you! I want to say good job for going to church even in the middle of not really feeling like it. Those are difficult, but big steps. Praying for you.. virtual hugs!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on August 21, 2023, 07:10:49 PM
Quote from: Nelle on August 21, 2023, 06:35:32 PMBR.. Do you have access to support groups even outside of church? They may seem 'too much' at times, but I'm thankful you have people in your corner looking out for you! I want to say good job for going to church even in the middle of not really feeling like it. Those are difficult, but big steps. Praying for you.. virtual hugs!

The only grief support group that I know of off hand (if it still exists)  is at a Church of Christ and I'm trying to stay away from Church of Christ.  I do have some friends outside the Apostolic faith that I keep in touch with and share the grieving process with.

Bro Joseph's comment was said in a teasing my sister tone. At the same time he was dead serious about  being concerned about me.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 22, 2023, 12:53:56 PM
Morning. BSR praying for you. Jenn Jenn praying for your job situation. And Nelle- I'd pray for your heat but I don't want Him to think that I should have it in your stead. In this case I am respectfully preferring you.

Currently I am mad at my department's IT folk. They are blocking nearly every site I go to ...Don't know how they've missed this one. It's department wide though, not targeted at me.
This week, and next week are gonna be an eternity long. SO ready for the first week of September for Lou and my getaway...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 22, 2023, 03:42:47 PM
One more day till my interviews. Couldn't sleep last night thinking about them.
Thanks for the prayers Bobby.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 22, 2023, 04:42:10 PM
Poor Athena is so ready to not be coming here to work with me. She just wants to chase squirrels and I make her stay inside with me except for potty walks, hahahaha. She's leaving with her dad in the morning for the event in Wisconsin until Sunday, so I think she'll be ecstatic tomorrow. I'm goin to miss them while they are gone, but hopefully Tabby, me and mom can find the strength to have fun anyway. I'm taking off Friday so that I can go to my follow-up hematology appt but also to shop. I'm feeling like Goodwill in every town near me will be seeing us.

I've been VERY careful to not mention how hot it's been outside.. for fear Jeremy will murder me in my sleep, hahahahaa. I am so thankful for an indoors job! I would NOT make it with no a/c in these kinds of days. I was washing dishes last night and started sweating, hahaha. Our kitchen a/c vent does not do so hot in the far corner (where all the air seeps into the next room instead). But I survived thanks to a fan!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 22, 2023, 05:25:46 PM
Yes, we've had a long streak of days over 100*. Right now my thermometer on the porch says 102* but some days it'll get up to 111/112*.  :o

It's still kinda early today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 23, 2023, 01:24:38 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on August 22, 2023, 03:42:47 PMOne more day till my interviews. Couldn't sleep last night thinking about them.
Thanks for the prayers Bobby.

praying your interviews go well.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 23, 2023, 02:30:06 PM
Thanks Sandra! I have a third interview next Tuesday too!! It's for the Aetna job I've been trying for since July!!  :clap: Finally getting somewhere. I feel so revived!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 23, 2023, 03:06:00 PM
Lord have mercy. I think I'm getting carpal tunnel from all the typing I just did, One of my wayward children came and saw me yesterday in a good mood. Twenty minutes later- arrested. Five new felony case files, totaling around 9 new felony charges from dispensing pharmaceuticals without proper licensing, to deciding he did not care for police company and wanted to enjoy a bit of a race.
 And they went back to get them- offenses were from the first part of 2022. I suspect he will not be going anywhere for a good bit.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on August 23, 2023, 04:30:36 PM
Got a busy weekend ahead... church tonight, choir practice tomorrow night, ladies conference Friday and Saturday, church again Sunday morning with me scheduled on the ProPresenter
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 23, 2023, 08:04:17 PM
Shew. Another 100 degree plus day. Church air was out completely in the sanctuary. Nearly 90 in the sanctuary. Cancelled bible study tonight. Got an A/C company out and found it had a bad condenser. Replaced, now we have air, but it can't get cool enough to be comfortable in just a couple of hours. Lord, I am ready for a little less maintenance and a bit more church growth.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 23, 2023, 08:11:25 PM
Two of my three interviews done.

I feel good about both. They're both senior coordinator jobs. Ones for product safety area of CVS, and ones for temp alert team (so when pharmacy fridge/freezers fall off of their defined temperature that's bad cus then drugs can be ruined so there is a temp alert team).

The product safety one I actually feel like could be pretty easy. I wouldd have to learn some stuff obviously but. It seemed pretty straightforward. I think they liked me. Lol one of the interviewers was 100% in her pajamas. Silk collared shirt that was a pajama lol.

And the temp alert one I knew a LOT more about and that impressed the guy. He was like oh yea you already know we don't even have to keep interviewing.. he liked that I did my research. Butttt.... This temp alert one is every weekend.  :smirk2:  :smirk2:  my days off wouldn't be sat/sun.

They said hopefully by end of the week they'd make their decision. But my worry is everyone is rushing towards a deadline we have for our job platform. It's changing to a new one so open job reqs have to be closed by what I thought was the 28th. Bu the third interview I have next week isn't until the 29th. So now I'm unsure lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 23, 2023, 10:55:41 PM
Praying you get the best one for your situation.
I always pray that my kids make the "best right choices" because some choices aren't wrong, they're just not the best for you... so I'm praying for the best outcome for you.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 24, 2023, 12:08:44 PM
Urgh. Back at work. About to embark on a trip to West Memphis to pick up one. That'll be a most of the day trip. And I need coffee.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 24, 2023, 06:01:52 PM
Today's my Friday!

Boss got Long John Silver for lunch, so I'm eating two pieces of chicken, a hushpuppy and some fries. Leftover sweet tea from Wendy's breakfast. I really do enjoy their tea, haha.

Tomorrow I have a followup hematology appointment and then I'm FREE until Monday. I think we are going to Paducah tomorrow after that to shop at some stores. I want rolled ice cream, haha.

Jeremy's in WI until Sunday sometime. They found a BAT in their hotel room last night. Athena knocked it down and Jeremy had to do away with it. Ugh. Glad they found it before anything crazy happened. I'm also thankful I didn't go - because I would have probably passed right out in a heart attack, haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 24, 2023, 06:15:37 PM
Husband just found out today there is a possibility he could get promoted soon.
To Lawton, Oklahoma.  eek
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 24, 2023, 07:49:46 PM
Would the positions you're interviewing for be WFH?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 24, 2023, 09:17:42 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on August 24, 2023, 07:49:46 PMWould the positions you're interviewing for be WFH?

Yes they're all WFH. I already am 90% wfh, but I've been applying into fully remote ones for this purpose. Cus he's been trying hard for over a year to get promoted. My intention was to get fully remote so we can move if needed.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 24, 2023, 09:55:56 PM
Oklahoma? Score! I hear the people in Oklahoma are pretty nice folks.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 25, 2023, 12:27:32 PM
Urgh. Morning. Thank the Lord it is Friday.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on August 25, 2023, 01:00:20 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on August 24, 2023, 06:15:37 PMHusband just found out today there is a possibility he could get promoted soon.
To Lawton, Oklahoma.  eek

I know where that is!  And I hear there is an incredible burger place right outside of town that's on my bucket list of places to visit.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 28, 2023, 03:07:57 AM
Hi. My weekend is disappearing way too fast..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 28, 2023, 03:22:15 AM
Thankfully we finally got a little rain tonight.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 28, 2023, 03:03:53 PM
We got a little rain yesterday morning. Mom left yesterday afternoon and Jeremy/Athena came home last night! Our worlds are back in their normal orbits for a while.

Back @work today. We had a good visit this weekend. went shopping on Friday & Saturday, church on Sunday!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 29, 2023, 01:43:42 AM
Countdown to vacation....
Got a bit done today in spite of everyone else. Got Rusty running, got the last bit of primer sprayed on Sam and partially mounted his rear fenders. I may spray his final paint coat this Saturday...
Ready, however, to roll out to Gatlinburg. Probably Sunday morning but maybe Saturday night..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 29, 2023, 12:09:33 PM
Best thing I saw in Gatlinburg was the pinball museum.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 29, 2023, 12:37:58 PM
I like the nature there. And there is a muscle car museum nearby, and flea markets.
Morning all. Dragging, trying to avoid coffee ad sodas for their calories, and my diet mountain dew does not have enough caffeine.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 29, 2023, 01:19:45 PM
I miss the mountains!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 29, 2023, 02:05:19 PM
Quote from: mini on August 25, 2023, 01:00:20 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on August 24, 2023, 06:15:37 PMHusband just found out today there is a possibility he could get promoted soon.
To Lawton, Oklahoma.  eek

I know where that is!  And I hear there is an incredible burger place right outside of town that's on my bucket list of places to visit.

ooo good to know. we love a good burger spot.

We got the rain too Sunday!! It was soooo lovely.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on August 30, 2023, 12:44:23 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on August 29, 2023, 12:37:58 PMI like the nature there. And there is a muscle car museum nearby, and flea markets.
Morning all. Dragging, trying to avoid coffee ad sodas for their calories, and my diet mountain dew does not have enough caffeine.
Best thing I saw there was a thrift store that Lou had obviously never been to. I got so many CDs...

We went there for a chat meetup last year. We all just lived our lives in Pigeon Forge for a week. My friends saw me listening to big stacks of CDs I had bought for a few hours to see if I liked them.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on August 30, 2023, 01:42:09 PM
My third interview went so well yesterday. This is the one I really want I think. It's on the Aetna side.
I connected so well with my interviewers. They both told me if I get the job to connect with them because they wanted to help me any way they could. I almost felt like the one girl straight up would fight to get me on her team. All offers are locked down until 9/5 cus of our transition to a new hiring platform etc. So I won't know anything for another week or so. Waiting is so hard lol.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 30, 2023, 05:30:21 PM
Awesome, Jenn. Hopefully you'll hear something soon.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 30, 2023, 05:55:52 PM
Hi.Church tonight. Work now. That is all.  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on August 31, 2023, 01:15:35 PM
Today...and one more. Then it is glorious vacation!!!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on August 31, 2023, 02:02:04 PM
Then it'll fly by so fast you'll wonder what happened. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on August 31, 2023, 02:59:31 PM
So excited for Monday off! I love a free day off.

@Work. I got to work early by like.. 10 minutes. Finished payroll so this guy could pick up his check. THEN my computer literally just basically shut off on me. Restarted and seems to be running fine now. Thankfully I already had payroll done. Then I went to Wendy's and grabbed breakfast b/c I was starving. Now I'm trying to re-motivate.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 01, 2023, 02:02:46 PM
Yesss Nelle. So excited to have another short week. I was off this past Monday too. So excited to have another Monday in a row off LOL.

Got declined for both jobs I interviewed for last week. Plus I had another interview set up for Sept 12 and it got canceled yesterday too. So strange. I have to believe God has a plan - which hopefully means the Aetna job!!  :'(

Husbands out of town in Wichita Falls this week and the next two weeks. And he is so beat down. They just really do not want him to succeed or have his own store. Makes me so grrrr. Just wish he could get a win.  :sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 01, 2023, 03:00:17 PM
All in good time Jenn. I remember when I applied for my "dream job". Interview was amazing, and the interviewers even told me that. But they still went with someone else- someone who had academic qualifiers but ZERO experience. As in straight out of college. I was hurt and upset.
  Within six months, this job came open and it has been blessing upon blessing for the past 7 years. I love my job, have terrific bosses, better pay, better hours, and great coworkers. Every few weeks, there is something good that comes my way in it.
That "waiting in the hall" between doors was so difficult and stressful, but it was 1000% worth it when I made it through the door God wanted me to go through instead of the pretty painted door I wanted to kick off its hinges. :lol:

And- motivational speech over, I'm still the same lovable grump who is not a morning person at all this morning. Thankful it is friday, especially since it is the last day of work before I am off for 10 days...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 01, 2023, 05:32:26 PM
Over here today is a BLEEP of a day. Friday, first of the month government checks and Labor Day weekend.

By the grace of God and with the power of Moser Roth 85% cocoa bars I shall prevail!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 04, 2023, 01:47:42 AM
Now in Cookeville,  TN.
About 2 hours away from Gatlinburg...we've been stopping  and lous been shopping.  New Ford did decent t...average 21mpg, much better than I feared for a v8 full size truck.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 04, 2023, 03:04:07 AM
Our son and his 3 boys were here this weekend. They left this afternoon. Had a blow out on the trailer on the way back home. Thankfully, some nice folks helped him get another tire since he just got the trailer and didn't have a spare yet. It's hard to do everything when you've got three kids by yourself.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 04, 2023, 07:27:52 PM
 Lou has located the Zadie B's in Sevierville.  I may never actually get to Gatlinburg  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 04, 2023, 10:13:08 PM
And you were so close!

There's more than one thrift store in that town. Beware!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on September 05, 2023, 01:48:22 PM
Good morning everyone.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 05, 2023, 03:12:52 PM
I have absolutely no motivation today to work. lol three-day weekend was boring but nice to not be at work.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 06, 2023, 10:06:40 PM
I wonder if Lou left Roscoe in one of those thrift stores? ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 06, 2023, 10:40:11 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 06, 2023, 10:06:40 PMI wonder if Lou left Roscoe in one of those thrift stores? ;)
He's a good bargain. She'd have to go back for him.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 07, 2023, 03:08:53 PM
I can't remember if I mentioned a week or so ago.. I shopped online at Goodwill & Goodwill Finds? My stuff came in yesterday! I'm THRILLED! I got some brand name purses in excellent condition for a mere fraction of the gigantic retail price. Like I paid $39.99 for a seemingly brand new (minus tags of course) Kate Spade purse on the Goodwill Finds site! I also won an auction on the regular Goodwill site for an iPad Air 2 for my mom to replace her old ipad mini I gave her a decade ago. She can't play her bubble pop game anymore on it due to not getting any more updates. With taxes, shipping, and price, I paid $70. I got it up and running last night, so I'll be taking it down to her in a few weeks when I go visit! I feel like I robbed a store LOL.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 07, 2023, 05:13:06 PM
I didnt even know you could shop Goodwill online. lol

Waiting to hear about the Aetna job is excruciating. Sigh.
Hubbs has his first recruiter interview for the Lawton store director position. Everyone seems to think he's gonna get it but again, more waiting.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 07, 2023, 05:27:25 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed my shopping experience, hahaha. You pay shipping of course, but the prices are good for the brand name items.

I got a few wallets, two purses, and one dress. And then an ipad from that auction-based site of theirs. Love it.

I love a Goodwill trip, store or online. :)

@work. Starving so I guess I'll eat lunch. I need a nap.. story of my life, haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 08, 2023, 02:41:51 AM
Hi. I yet remain.
Been busy...posted a bit on fb but otherwise I've limited online time.
The Smokies are beautiful.
Lou has shopped her heart out, and my wallet out.
The concerts were amazing.
Had a God moment tonight of confirmation directly to me from a man who had never met me before Tiesday, lives in Georgia,  and the only thing he knew was that I had told him I was a pastor from Arkansas.
He came up to me tonight, told me some things that confirmed what had already been told me, that I had been praying about, and the power of God hit and we both stood to one side in an autito full of people, speaking in tongues  and praising God.
Amazing  when God does things like that. So glad He has people that obey Him, too. Been fun. But I'm ready to head home and kiss my baby girl and cuddle with my sweet baby dog..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 08, 2023, 01:37:06 PM
Friday finally.  :clap:

Interview Monday for a hybrid position in Dallas.
Have another request for a Fidelity position interview. Again hybrid though.
Desperately waiting to hear back on the Aetna job.  :smirk2:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 08, 2023, 02:11:40 PM
So tired. Couldn't fall asleep until after 2:30am.. had to be up at 6am for work.

Wedding shower for a girl in our church (her last service w/ us is Sunday :() at 10am tomorrow about 40 minutes away and then at 5pm we are having her a personal shower about 20 minutes away from me. lol. THEN it's our weekend to clean the church, so we will be doin that after the party - unless it's super nice Saturday, then I might go between parties and do some of the cleaning so I won't be there all night long.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 09, 2023, 02:05:48 AM
Shew. Left Gatlinburg at 6 this morning. Ran backroads all the way to Dickson, TN, to avoid big cities. Thought about running down to Chattanooga and calling Mel, but was so tired of driving, with another 10 hours ahead, we didn't.
Stopped in Smithville and visited a minister friend who took me on a tour of their church, then back on the road. Finally got home at 730pm. Of course, we stopped for Lou to shop occasionally, but 13 hours in the truck proved that the truck is fairly comfortable- and I'm not made out to be an over the road trucker.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 09, 2023, 03:26:52 AM
I just can't do those extended drives anymore.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 09, 2023, 05:52:33 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 09, 2023, 02:05:48 AMShew. Left Gatlinburg at 6 this morning. Ran backroads all the way to Dickson, TN, to avoid big cities. Thought about running down to Chattanooga and calling Mel, but was so tired of driving, with another 10 hours ahead, we didn't.
Stopped in Smithville and visited a minister friend who took me on a tour of their church, then back on the road. Finally got home at 730pm. Of course, we stopped for Lou to shop occasionally, but 13 hours in the truck proved that the truck is fairly comfortable- and I'm not made out to be an over the road trucker.
Are we talking about back roads as in they don't have a highway number and you will probably see signs advertising farm fresh chicken eggs? Or are we talking about back roads as in highway 100, instead of taking the freeway?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 11, 2023, 10:34:47 PM
 Isaac, sorry I haven't answered. Been trying to get caught up. So much has happened here, I can't begin to tell it all. Seems to be good though.  We ran back roads as in two lanes, instead of the freeway. It was an enjoyable vacation.
Looks like I get to add to my frequent driver miles Friday- a saint lost his mother in law, and while I don't think he is overly saddened, the deceased didn't have a home church. So I got tagged to drive to Claremore, Oklahoma to do a graveside service for a lady I never met. My least favorite type of speaking, but it's part of the calling.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 12, 2023, 01:11:34 AM
That doesn't sound like fun.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 12, 2023, 02:23:42 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 11, 2023, 10:34:47 PMHi.
 Isaac, sorry I haven't answered. Been trying to get caught up. So much has happened here, I can't begin to tell it all. Seems to be good though.  We ran back roads as in two lanes, instead of the freeway. It was an enjoyable vacation.
Looks like I get to add to my frequent driver miles Friday- a saint lost his mother in law, and while I don't think he is overly saddened, the deceased didn't have a home church. So I got tagged to drive to Claremore, Oklahoma to do a graveside service for a lady I never met. My least favorite type of speaking, but it's part of the calling.

Whoa. Claremore is where my former pastor was pastoring for a few years until the last 1-2 years. They're now in Iowa.

@work. We had a special church service last night with the missionary to Israel (they were also with us Sunday AM), and now I'm thinking it's Thursday over here, hahaha. I'm gonna have to keep reminding myself it's only Tuesday!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on September 12, 2023, 03:04:17 PM
Nelle, who was your former pastor?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 12, 2023, 03:04:31 PM
Quote from: Nelle on September 12, 2023, 02:23:42 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 11, 2023, 10:34:47 PMHi.
 Isaac, sorry I haven't answered. Been trying to get caught up. So much has happened here, I can't begin to tell it all. Seems to be good though.  We ran back roads as in two lanes, instead of the freeway. It was an enjoyable vacation.
Looks like I get to add to my frequent driver miles Friday- a saint lost his mother in law, and while I don't think he is overly saddened, the deceased didn't have a home church. So I got tagged to drive to Claremore, Oklahoma to do a graveside service for a lady I never met. My least favorite type of speaking, but it's part of the calling.

Whoa. Claremore is where my former pastor was pastoring for a few years until the last 1-2 years. They're now in Iowa.

@work. We had a special church service last night with the missionary to Israel (they were also with us Sunday AM), and now I'm thinking it's Thursday over here, hahaha. I'm gonna have to keep reminding myself it's only Tuesday!
Was the missionary blind? If so, he was just at the church one of my friends, Bro Huling, attends in  Smithville, Tennessee. Bro Huling said they were awesome.
I am so dragging today, trying to catch up from the break. I loved the vacation but lord the catch up....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 12, 2023, 07:33:15 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 12, 2023, 03:04:31 PM
Quote from: Nelle on September 12, 2023, 02:23:42 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 11, 2023, 10:34:47 PMHi.
 Isaac, sorry I haven't answered. Been trying to get caught up. So much has happened here, I can't begin to tell it all. Seems to be good though.  We ran back roads as in two lanes, instead of the freeway. It was an enjoyable vacation.
Looks like I get to add to my frequent driver miles Friday- a saint lost his mother in law, and while I don't think he is overly saddened, the deceased didn't have a home church. So I got tagged to drive to Claremore, Oklahoma to do a graveside service for a lady I never met. My least favorite type of speaking, but it's part of the calling.

Whoa. Claremore is where my former pastor was pastoring for a few years until the last 1-2 years. They're now in Iowa.

@work. We had a special church service last night with the missionary to Israel (they were also with us Sunday AM), and now I'm thinking it's Thursday over here, hahaha. I'm gonna have to keep reminding myself it's only Tuesday!
Was the missionary blind? If so, he was just at the church one of my friends, Bro Huling, attends in  Smithville, Tennessee. Bro Huling said they were awesome.
I am so dragging today, trying to catch up from the break. I loved the vacation but lord the catch up....

He is! He's got such an incredible testimony. Very sweet couple. Their puppy was also a big hit at our church, hahaha.

Quote from: mini on September 12, 2023, 03:04:17 PMNelle, who was your former pastor?

John & Bonnie Chance!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 13, 2023, 06:52:43 PM
We are finally getting some much needed rain. Cooler temps, too.  :)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 14, 2023, 02:05:07 AM
Cooler here too. Down right nice. Taught/preached tonight. Moving closer to weekend...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2023, 08:44:50 PM
 :hi: Is everyone still alive?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 15, 2023, 11:53:42 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2023, 08:44:50 PM:hi: Is everyone still alive?


Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 16, 2023, 12:17:14 AM
I'm still here.

All of you are still there.

That is all.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 16, 2023, 12:35:20 AM
We might not be All there.  :freaky2:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 16, 2023, 12:45:47 AM
I'm not all here either, so whatever works.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 16, 2023, 03:36:19 AM
Shew lawd. So- made it through the day yesterday. Today-Drove 3 and a half hours over, preached the funeral, drove back. Intended to sit down and was notified one of my parolees got stupid and was arrested for a crime that required a trip to town and a report to my supervisor. Just got back home a few ago. Been a long day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 18, 2023, 05:14:07 PM
Anyone alive out there?

Hubbs comes home tomorrow finally!!! 3 weeks without him has been awful.

Hoping and praying I hear about the aetna job this week.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 18, 2023, 06:19:38 PM
I'm still here. Just nothing worth talking about.

Unless you want to hear about playing fallout 4 on survival mode while I wait for Grandma to make a pee mess for me to clean up.


Okay. Nothing to report then.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 18, 2023, 09:47:26 PM
I'm here. Anyone want any roosters? I have about 15 to get rid of.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 19, 2023, 01:57:12 AM
Well, I'm around. My life has gotten much busier as of late. Difficult to check in here, unless I am at work- Ironically, since I'm on the computer all day, I can check in and chat then.
 Got the church bus back in service, finally. The alternator had been out and somehow a wiring harness got jacked, so the shop repaired that. If half the people who have asked about it will utilize it, we will be in the 60s instead of the upper 30s. LOL
I'm really enjoying my bible study on Wednesday night- going to be the second installment of five on Nehemiah. I'm really liking that book more now that I've slowed down and analyzed it preparing for and teaching this bible study. Alot of good stuff in it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 19, 2023, 04:38:45 AM
Been a crazy busy day here.  I was scheduled to work 7AM to 4PM but didn't get off till 5PM.  That left me just barely enough time to grab a combo from McDonalds and rush over to the church to spend the evening helping with the first night of pork rind frying and packaging.  My back was killing me before the night was over but we had a lot of fun.  I'm on vacation from Walmart the rest of the week so I can be at the church in the evenings Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to help do more pork rinds.  Then Friday and Saturday mornings I'll be helping sell them at the James Dean Festival.  Proceeds are going to help the youth get to the ALJC national youth convention in November.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 19, 2023, 09:52:02 AM
Homemade... er, churchmade pork skins as fundraiser?

Eh, why not? Has to be better than the store junk.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 19, 2023, 12:27:26 PM
Good morning. The pig skins sound like a great fundraiser. We going old school and starting our traditional peanut brittle making in October. I hate the stuff and can't fathom why people want it, but it is generally sold out as fast as we can make it.
I'm back at work.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 19, 2023, 01:52:59 PM
If you made any pecan brittle I would buy it before you finished making it.

Peanut brittle, not so much.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 19, 2023, 05:59:17 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 19, 2023, 12:27:26 PMGood morning. The pig skins sound like a great fundraiser. We going old school and starting our traditional peanut brittle making in October. I hate the stuff and can't fathom why people want it, but it is generally sold out as fast as we can make it.
I'm back at work.

I wouldn't be able to help out if my church did peanut brittle....I'm allergic.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 19, 2023, 06:05:57 PM
I wish peanut (or pecan) brittle would be less.... painful to the dental budget, hahaha. I like the super thin patties if I eat any at all.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 19, 2023, 07:24:36 PM
I like peanut brittle but without the peanuts lol
but yes, it's hard on the teeth!!  :cry2:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 20, 2023, 02:56:02 PM
Morning. Overcast, and a bit of rain here today. It's needed...
And today is crawling by......
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 20, 2023, 03:46:11 PM
I'm cooking meatloaf for lunch. I never ate meatloaf until I got married. I still don't really eat anyone else's. I know what's in mine. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 20, 2023, 04:15:42 PM
I feel you. I'm super picky and don't like onions in mine. We really like these mini cheddar meatloaves and I love the sauce (ketchup, dijon mustard and brown sugar). I didn't enjoy meatloaf days growing up, but I would've torn these up!

@Work. It's lunchtime, but I had a snack not too long ago, so now I'm not hungry for lunch.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 20, 2023, 06:14:28 PM
We got a huge storm last night. Sun is shining today though.

Hubbs is home finally  :clap:
Still no word on his promotion or the Aetna job for me. Sigh.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 20, 2023, 06:30:57 PM
Patience is hard.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 20, 2023, 07:30:42 PM
I LOVE meatloaf, if it's made right. Unlike Nelle, I love Onions. Not crazy about those folks' recipe that includes bell peppers, but I won't leave it untouched even with them. I love it even more if it is a smoked meatloaf. And the best part of it is- the next day Miracle Whip, cheese and meatloaf sandwiches. :fork:

And yeah, patience is hard. It's something I have little of and don't really want to have to learn.  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 20, 2023, 08:31:51 PM
Quote from: Nelle on September 20, 2023, 04:15:42 PMI feel you. I'm super picky and don't like onions in mine. We really like these mini cheddar meatloaves and I love the sauce (ketchup, dijon mustard and brown sugar). I didn't enjoy meatloaf days growing up, but I would've torn these up!

@Work. It's lunchtime, but I had a snack not too long ago, so now I'm not hungry for lunch.
Someone said cheddar so here I am.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 21, 2023, 12:11:42 PM
Urgh. Back at work. Mucho dragging. Have coffee. So far, it no work.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 21, 2023, 12:53:50 PM
Good morning  :hi:

I'm off to the doctor's office this morning for a routine physical. Then back to the church tonight for another round of frying pork rinds.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 21, 2023, 01:46:17 PM
Quote from: Lynx on September 20, 2023, 08:31:51 PM
Quote from: Nelle on September 20, 2023, 04:15:42 PMI feel you. I'm super picky and don't like onions in mine. We really like these mini cheddar meatloaves and I love the sauce (ketchup, dijon mustard and brown sugar). I didn't enjoy meatloaf days growing up, but I would've torn these up!

@Work. It's lunchtime, but I had a snack not too long ago, so now I'm not hungry for lunch.
Someone said cheddar so here I am.

Mini Cheddar Meatloaf

1 egg
3/4 cup milk
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1/2 cup quick cooking oats
1 teaspoon salt
1 pound ground beef
2/3 cup ketchup
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons prepared mustard

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2) In a large bowl, combine the egg, milk, cheese, oats and salt. Add the ground beef, mixing well, and form this
mixture into eight miniature meatloaves. Place these in a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish.
3) In a separate small bowl, combine the ketchup, brown sugar and mustard. Stir thoroughly and spread over each
4) Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 45 minutes.

I rarely get eight of them anymore, but I do shape them a little like a football. We often double the recipe for our home. I was able to share this recipe with my parents as well. Dad doesn't eat sugar, so we were able to use sugar-free (sugar alternative) items for him. They of course sometimes add onion to theirs, because they're pretty normal, LOL.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 21, 2023, 01:49:20 PM
This morning I'm working on payroll. I wish I could've taken off today! I did NOT sleep well nor feel well, but I think I'm on the mend for the day. I have a doctor's appointment at 4pm to check my blood pressure progress (it hasn't done well lol) and at 5pm I have a dentist appointment for a cleaning. Hoping the first doesn't make me late for the second. I'm not sure what I was thinking having these both in the same day.

I need to call my hematologist's office to see if they got pre-authorization for this genetic blood lab they want me to have done. It's $1500 if I don't get my insurance to pay for it.. and I'm just not that interested in paying that large amount when she thinks I don't have anything major haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 21, 2023, 09:58:18 PM
I didn't sleep too well either. And I've been soooo tired. That thing they say about how you sleep better with your spouse cus the dopamine hits or whatever is sooooo true. Hubbs has been home since Tuesday and I just want to sleep all day. Him being home makes my heart feel at rest. And apparently my body too.

And yea you were brave making both appointments back to back Nelle LOL
I had a dr appointment at 3 myself. Waited until almost 345 before I saw her.  :roll:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 22, 2023, 05:28:12 PM
Welppp husband didnt get the Oklahoma job. But the DM wants to pay him an extra 5k plus relocation expenses to transfer to the Wichita Falls store. And revisit the promotion in another YEAR.... Sigh. Honestly he just needs to get away from the DM. The DM is the issue. He had several coworkers who are on special products tell him about an opening in an Indiana store. They would pay relocation but no raise. It would put us 2.4 hours from my family in Indiana. Idk what the answer is but bleh. I would need this Aetna job (or something else remote) to come thru though for either option.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 22, 2023, 05:37:06 PM
Appointment timing went okay. I made the bad decision to get my flu shot yesterday while I was there. Now today I'm feeling like a painful zombie, but hopefully that'll mend itself soon. I didn't make it into work until almost 11am because I kept falling asleep and this horrid headache. My whole face hurts, haha. I'm supposed to leave tonight for Arkansas for a wedding tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 22, 2023, 08:29:18 PM
Glad it is Friday. Cranky. Sleepy. Mean Spirited. All describe me. Chey should be happy. Her new Iphone 15 came in today. I can tell no difference from the one she had.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 22, 2023, 08:31:57 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 22, 2023, 08:29:18 PMGlad it is Friday. Cranky. Sleepy. Mean Spirited. All describe me.

Same. lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 22, 2023, 10:28:40 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 22, 2023, 08:29:18 PMGlad it is Friday. Cranky. Sleepy. Mean Spirited. All describe me. Chey should be happy. Her new Iphone 15 came in today. I can tell no difference from the one she had.
Your perception is accurate. We have temporarily stalled and there is nothing really new in phones right now. But that doesn't make money.

And her peers would disparage her if she was behind the curve.

On the bright side, at least the status symbol is your phone now. Cheaper than a car.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 24, 2023, 03:31:59 AM
Been an interesting day.  I was originally on the schedule to go to the James Dean Festival early this morning to help out but we had a memorial service at the church that ended up with more in sound and media than Pastor could keep up with by himself.  I volunteered to stay in town longer and run the ProPresenter for the service so he'd have one less thing to juggle.  Ended up being a 2 hour service and we had a camera die on us 3 times.  I did eventually make it to the James Dean Festival but not till around 3 pm.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 24, 2023, 08:36:22 PM
Is it wrong that my human side is really ready for church to be over tonight so I can rest? I don't know, my mind just seems so tired....
They finished painting the church sanctuary yesterday. Bought a new storage shed from a saint who'd bought it a year or so ago and doesn't need it. Gotta figure how to move it- the church has needed one for a bit. Down to remodeling fellowship hall, buy new commercial ice machine, update lady's bathroom and my office. One step at a time.
All the while keeping an eye peeled for property because a local developer has expressed interest in our building. I'd not be opposed to moving to a move visible location.
On the other hand- "I's tired, boss".  :lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 25, 2023, 07:38:00 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 25, 2023, 09:30:06 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 25, 2023, 09:54:14 PM
Chel is supposed to come over tomorrow and go with me to my heart dr. So I have a special gluten free, sugar free meatloaf in the oven for her.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 26, 2023, 03:01:02 AM
Hi. Today went by too quickly. Feel like crud but having taken off the Friday before last and the week previous to that, I'd feel guilty to call in tomorrow. Got very little done today unfortunately. Went and bought a new twin bed for Ethan-
Chey's 17-year-old cousin we've basically adopted due to family issues beyond control. He's 6'2", bed is about 6'4", but it's about all there was room for in the hamroom/ library/storage room that he is turning into his room. I couldn't get to my radios if I had to now.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 26, 2023, 11:57:51 AM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 26, 2023, 01:37:36 PM

That emoji always reminds me of John (Newsman)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 26, 2023, 08:14:08 PM
It does me too. I sent Jerm a message this morning- my local weather watcher's fb page posted "3 months until christmas". I told him that John's jacked my local weather watcher page from heaven and would be playing Wham's "Last Christmas" next. LOL.
Sure miss that nutcase. :sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 27, 2023, 12:55:51 PM
Urgh. Dear Lord, it's morning again. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on September 27, 2023, 12:56:32 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 26, 2023, 08:14:08 PMIt does me too. I sent Jerm a message this morning- my local weather watcher's fb page posted "3 months until christmas". I told him that John's jacked my local weather watcher page from heaven and would be playing Wham's "Last Christmas" next. LOL.
Sure miss that nutcase. :sadbounce:

I do too.

I think of him often.

Good morning everyone!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 27, 2023, 06:50:13 PM
Howdy ya'll.

Well I got a decline on the Aetna job. The feedback I got was basically someone else who got laid off got ahead of me. If I try for the February intake...I would be at the top of the offer list.... except my current role ends 12/30.... sigh.

Also update is that we're moving to Wichita Falls....hubbs didn't get his promotion either. But got an offer to move in his current role but with a raise and relocation to W. Falls store. Soooo.... to avoid being black balled on his job we're moving.

The Lord is just going to have to work out my job details. I've been applying both internally and externally over and over. Idk what the answer is.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 27, 2023, 09:35:09 PM
January is a miserable month anyway, the best month of the year to just stay home.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 27, 2023, 09:42:49 PM
Quote from: Lynx on September 27, 2023, 09:35:09 PMJanuary is a miserable month anyway, the best month of the year to just stay home.

haha I don't disagree with you there.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 28, 2023, 12:04:09 PM
Back at work. In my usual none-morning mood. On the bright side, church last night was, as they say, "off the chain". God showed up and I didn't get to teach our bible study. A sister who had missed several services and who has been going through some things came, and before church even started, had prayer warriors gathered around. A roar was going through the building and His power fell. 'Twas great. I needed it.
But now I'm back at work and spiritual thoughts have been limited to my morning prayer drive and going by the property I've claimed for the church and reminding God of the claim as I do every morning. :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 28, 2023, 01:32:46 PM
Can you claim me a job too?  :hypocrite:

Last day of work this week. Taking tomorrow off. Hubbs and I are going to W. Falls to hopefully find a house.
So many of these listings wont reply back though. SO strange.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 28, 2023, 01:51:56 PM
Covid is going through my church. Some of the ones I was hanging out with during the James Dean Festival tested positive so Pastor talked me into testing since I've been sick... I tested positive too. My brother tested shortly after and also came back positive.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 28, 2023, 06:02:04 PM
Been feeling unwell for a couple of day snow. Had to take our pup to the vet today. Our pup has kennel cough and unfortunately it's super contagious. Sooo that means I guess she'll be with me for a while instead of walking his route with him. I am testing tonight for covid to appease my husband, haha. I have no idea if I've been around someone with it or not, but it'll be nice to know if I do or don't.. esp since ~I~ was around a lot of people last weekend.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 28, 2023, 09:37:09 PM
Quote from: Nelle on September 28, 2023, 06:02:04 PMBeen feeling unwell for a couple of day snow. Had to take our pup to the vet today. Our pup has kennel cough and unfortunately it's super contagious. Sooo that means I guess she'll be with me for a while instead of walking his route with him. I am testing tonight for covid to appease my husband, haha. I have no idea if I've been around someone with it or not, but it'll be nice to know if I do or don't.. esp since ~I~ was around a lot of people last weekend.
You may have kennel cough too. :hypocrite:
Wait. I DID NOT mean to just call you a bow wow.  :o  :lol:  :lol:
And in sharing- this next hour and a half needs to roll. I got T-bones to put on a grill.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 28, 2023, 10:00:39 PM
It's hard to cook when nothing sounds good. Or if it sounds good, I shouldn't have it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on September 28, 2023, 10:13:30 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 28, 2023, 09:37:09 PM
Quote from: Nelle on September 28, 2023, 06:02:04 PMBeen feeling unwell for a couple of day snow. Had to take our pup to the vet today. Our pup has kennel cough and unfortunately it's super contagious. Sooo that means I guess she'll be with me for a while instead of walking his route with him. I am testing tonight for covid to appease my husband, haha. I have no idea if I've been around someone with it or not, but it'll be nice to know if I do or don't.. esp since ~I~ was around a lot of people last weekend.
You may have kennel cough too. :hypocrite:
Wait. I DID NOT mean to just call you a bow wow.  :o  :lol:  :lol:
And in sharing- this next hour and a half needs to roll. I got T-bones to put on a grill.

LOL. I actually jokingly blamed her for my sickness. It IS possible to transmit to humans, just doesn't happen super commonly. Now I have to somehow keep the cat and the dog from sharing too many surfaces and their fave water fountain.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 29, 2023, 03:24:32 PM
Good morning. I was accused by a boss of having woke up full of sunshine and unicorns.
Methinks the lady's sarcasm meter pegged out.  :laughhard:
(Our department has instituted a new program called "Papercut" which is aimed to prevent misuse of the printer, I guess. You have to log in to print anything or scan anything) After the third log in trying to scan a report, when I sent said report, I told my boss, with whom I am close and consider a friend, my feelings on the moron(s) that caused us to do this, prompting the sarcastic response.

Otherwise- my work sistah is off today, rendering my normal Friday cruise nearly none existant. I'll dash to Conway and drop off some paperwork but I'm pretty much here all day.  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on September 29, 2023, 05:13:08 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 29, 2023, 03:24:32 PMGood morning. I was accused by a boss of having woke up full of sunshine and unicorns.
Methinks the lady's sarcasm meter pegged out.  :laughhard:
(Our department has instituted a new program called "Papercut" which is aimed to prevent misuse of the printer, I guess. You have to log in to print anything or scan anything) After the third log in trying to scan a report, when I sent said report, I told my boss, with whom I am close and consider a friend, my feelings on the moron(s) that caused us to do this, prompting the sarcastic response.

Otherwise- my work sistah is off today, rendering my normal Friday cruise nearly none existant. I'll dash to Conway and drop off some paperwork but I'm pretty much here all day.  :pound:
Reminds me of a Dilbert comic strip. Ratbert is hired to cut costs and increase office efficiency. He starts making comments like, "Hmm, looks like those words in boldface are sucking up the ol' electricity."
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on September 30, 2023, 10:41:35 PM
Tired. Not alot of sleep last night. Church tomorrow. Went with Lou to some Goodwills. Came home and did about 20 minutes of work on Sam, and put a pork loin in the smoker because it was thawed and needed to be cooked.
Gonna wander to the church in a bit...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 01, 2023, 01:57:44 AM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 02, 2023, 01:18:17 PM
Morning.  Here it is, my day off and I am up and moving this early. It is 815 am here and I am in the waiting room of the local Ford dealer  having my truck serviced.
It's just as cheap to have them do it.
I just can't believe I set the appointment this early. :pound:
Good church last night.our former piano player, backslidden for many years, came to both services yesterday. Maybe God is drawing her home.
Got a few things to do today...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 02, 2023, 07:50:05 PM
We found a house in Wichita Falls!! We signed the lease today!  :clap:

In other news the AC at the current house is acting bad today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 02, 2023, 09:07:47 PM
So, when do you move, Jenn?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 03, 2023, 01:00:16 PM
I remember passing through Wichita Falls several years ago. Looking for a motel for the night, I pulled up next to a parked police officer and identified myself as an officer from Arkansas. Not only did he direct me to a good motel, he tried to recruit me into a job. I actually consider it for a minute, but I'd have had to go back through another academy and we'd just had Cheyenne, so the timing wasn't right.

Back at work. Went last night and picked up a small truck from a friend of mine, for a saint that is battling a ton and has no vehicle. Itamazed me- been sitting a year, and I put a new battery and 3 gallons of gas in it, and it spun over about ten times and fired up. Ran so quiet and smoothly you'd have thought it wasn't running.
Only issue is the brakes stuck momentarily on the way home. this morning they were free. I imagine a few drives and there will be no issues..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 03, 2023, 01:37:34 PM
Welppp we slept with no AC. And in separate beds lol. Adam is a furnace so he made me sleep in our bed with the extra fan and he slept on the guest bed.
The landlady told me to turn it off so we don't like burn it out. AC guy is supposed to come today between 9-12.... sigh  :smirk2:

The movers come on the 26th Sandra. They come 26 to pack. 27 to load. 28 to drop off at new house. Adams job paid for relocation so this is how it has to be. I can't even pack. lol and I hate it. I am so apprehensive about these strangers packing my life up. Except they wont take any liquids, my record collection, any paint or lumber (i have a nice little lumber pile going lol) and my 100+ plants lol... plus my 3 kitties. 

And Mr. Potato. The fish. lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 03, 2023, 01:50:12 PM
I'm sure you can pack anything you consider special.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 03, 2023, 01:55:23 PM
It's gonna look like a rainforest on the move when you load those plants.  :laughhard:
And three kitties and a fish sounds like a dinner party for the kitties.....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 03, 2023, 02:06:30 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on October 03, 2023, 01:55:23 PMIt's gonna look like a rainforest on the move when you load those plants.  :laughhard:
And three kitties and a fish sounds like a dinner party for the kitties.....
I'm thinking more about what all those animals will leave in all those plants...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 03, 2023, 04:42:55 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on October 03, 2023, 01:50:12 PMI'm sure you can pack anything you consider special.

Yes I full intend on doing this also. They recommend you pack any paperwork type stuff also. Laptops. Personal items. Jewelry etc. We're getting a u-haul truck for all of the stuff they wont move. I need the u-haul alone just for plants lol

Quote from: Lynx on October 03, 2023, 02:06:30 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on October 03, 2023, 01:55:23 PMIt's gonna look like a rainforest on the move when you load those plants.  :laughhard:
And three kitties and a fish sounds like a dinner party for the kitties.....
I'm thinking more about what all those animals will leave in all those plants...

And they surprisingly for most part leave all of the plants alone. lol they don't use bathroom in them.
The only one I have to watch is the black crazy tornado one. He is the only one who has messed with them. But none of them have ever used the bathroom in them. Thank goodness.

Quote from: Roscoe on October 03, 2023, 01:55:23 PMIt's gonna look like a rainforest on the move when you load those plants.  :laughhard:

Haha jungle is what I call it. I have this huge ikea shelf that's those square type bookshelves in a row? It's a 5 square by 5 square. My plan is to lay it down in the u-haul and fill each cubby hole with plants lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on October 03, 2023, 05:03:30 PM
Well.... I hate to say this, but I fully enjoyed my covid quarantine. I tested positive Thurs evening. I did have to watch Athena by myself during the days when Jeremy was working, but we managed. I loved having NO responsibilities other than staying alive and keeping my pets alive, hahahahaa. I wasn't too bad sick either. Just have congestion still, had a sore throat a couple of days with sinus pressure two days, and then an elevated temp two nights. Otherwise - I just enjoyed watching Murder She wrote and cuddling with my cat. LOL. I needed the mental break from work stress. Now I have to wear a mask for 5 more days, but at least I can go back into civilization. Work was getting busy and doesn't stop for anyone, so glad I came back today. Athena will hopefully be cleared to go back to work with Jeremy soon. She has her follow-up vet appt tomorrow, and she hasn't coughed in a least one day or so. Fingers crossed!!!

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 03, 2023, 05:34:04 PM
Nelle I fully believe when we need rest and we dont do it our bodies are like "ha ha jokes on youuuu cus nowwww you're sick"  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on October 03, 2023, 07:26:17 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 03, 2023, 05:34:04 PMNelle I fully believe when we need rest and we dont do it our bodies are like "ha ha jokes on youuuu cus nowwww you're sick"  :laughhard:

I chuckled to myself over the weekend because JUST last weekend I quoted basically the same sentiment to my home pastor from AR. He's been so sick and was even sick over his vacation. I was like "Well, didn't I enjoy that meal of crow." LOL..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 04, 2023, 02:30:45 PM
Urgh. Morning. Bah. I'm hungry; fat; and trying to lessen my calorie intake. But I'm leaning strongly towards a breakfast run. Sonic burrito would be nice. But if I wait another hour and a half, it'll be lunchtime. What I really want is dark chocolate. Of any type.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 04, 2023, 10:39:41 PM
Ever thought about telling Sonic you deserve a commission? I haven't been to Sonic in years because the local one has been cruddy - literally - but a distant relative recently got put in charge of it and they say it should be better now.

Think I know what I'll have for breakfast tomorrow. I'm blaming it on Bobby.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 05, 2023, 01:35:55 AM
My pastor was trying to torture his ProPresenter operator tonight. He gave me a huge list of scriptures to put in for his lesson. Then he had the audacity to tease me by telling the teams in the pre service meeting "pray for Sis Celestia, she's got her work cut out for her tonight."  During the lesson he skipped one of his points jumping a whole 11 passages down the list. Had me scrambling to figure out where he jumped to on the scripture list.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 05, 2023, 02:16:19 AM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 05, 2023, 01:42:58 PM
Ohh Tia I dont think I ever knew your full name. That's beautiful.

Roscoe I saw this lady prep breakfast burritos and freeze them. I added all the things to my cart so I can do it for myself to make breakfast in the am easy lol
I prefer a breakfast sandwich from Sonic though. YUM that toast.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 05, 2023, 01:59:00 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 05, 2023, 01:42:58 PMOhh Tia I dont think I ever knew your full name. That's beautiful.

Roscoe I saw this lady prep breakfast burritos and freeze them. I added all the things to my cart so I can do it for myself to make breakfast in the am easy lol
I prefer a breakfast sandwich from Sonic though. YUM that toast.
Lou does that sometimes. But she has a habit of sneaking stuff I can't stand into them.

Morning all. An offender has caused me to need to repent already. No, I didn't yell at him or get a wrong spirit. No, I have to repent for envy and lust.
He pulled up in a Ram TRX with Hennessy package. Yes, I know that means nothing to you. But- It's a $100k truck even used, maybe a touch more and it makes over 1,000 horsepower.
I made good choices. And I ain't driving that. He made bad choices. And he IS.
Lawd...the drool. And it was bright orange too...1,000 hp. Oh the fun I'd have....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 05, 2023, 02:03:48 PM
Hennessy package? The boys at w*rk talk about Hennessy sometimes, but it is referring to something from the liquor store. I'm guessing this Hennessy package is more automotive than alcoholic.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 05, 2023, 03:34:31 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on October 05, 2023, 01:59:00 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 05, 2023, 01:42:58 PMOhh Tia I dont think I ever knew your full name. That's beautiful.

Roscoe I saw this lady prep breakfast burritos and freeze them. I added all the things to my cart so I can do it for myself to make breakfast in the am easy lol
I prefer a breakfast sandwich from Sonic though. YUM that toast.
Lou does that sometimes. But she has a habit of sneaking stuff I can't stand into them.

LOL what does she add? Vegetables?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 05, 2023, 04:39:34 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 05, 2023, 03:34:31 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on October 05, 2023, 01:59:00 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 05, 2023, 01:42:58 PMOhh Tia I dont think I ever knew your full name. That's beautiful.

Roscoe I saw this lady prep breakfast burritos and freeze them. I added all the things to my cart so I can do it for myself to make breakfast in the am easy lol
I prefer a breakfast sandwich from Sonic though. YUM that toast.
Lou does that sometimes. But she has a habit of sneaking stuff I can't stand into them.

LOL what does she add? Vegetables?

Yes. Lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 05, 2023, 05:47:35 PM
Well, if it's bell peppers, they are nasty.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 05, 2023, 05:50:30 PM
I loveeeee bell peppers/sweet peppers. But I prefer them raw not cooked lol
And I prefer the yellow/red/orange ones. Not the green ones.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 06, 2023, 02:31:50 AM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 05, 2023, 01:42:58 PMOhh Tia I dont think I ever knew your full name. That's beautiful.

Thanks.  I rarely use my full first name online which is why you've not seen it before.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 06, 2023, 12:38:00 PM
Thank God it is Friday! Been a long week.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 06, 2023, 06:54:05 PM
Super glad it's Friday also.

Hubbs left yesterday and won't be back until next Friday. Working in our new city.  :smirk2:
T-minus 18 days until we start our move. Still waiting on his relocation money so we can pay first months rent and our pet deposit. We've signed our lease and paperwork though and put down our deposit.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 06, 2023, 08:18:55 PM
Back in the office. Did home visits, saw a Camel- in Arkansas- ate ribs, and got Seven Brew.  Tired of coworker emailing every ten minutes for me to give a drug test. Ready for the day to be over.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 06, 2023, 11:48:11 PM
We have zebras, llamas, some fancy deer, different types of goats, mini donkeys, emus etc around here but I've never seen a camel.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 07, 2023, 09:24:59 AM
I'm wondering if maybe he saw a cigarette someone saved from the 80s.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 07, 2023, 02:03:40 PM
Nope, he posted a picture of it on Facebook.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 08, 2023, 04:31:10 PM
Morning. No, Isaac it was a real live breathing camel. Two actually, munching grass in a field of cows.
Sorry I didn't get back on here before now. Yesterday was church yard sale and peanut brittle making. I was busy from get up to get down. :pound:
Today is a break though. Bro Clayton will teach and Bro Huling, my friend, will preach tonight.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 09, 2023, 06:57:44 PM
T-Minus 14 days until moving starts. We got our relocation money and paid first months rent and our pet deposit. So we are finally settled in all of the house arrangements. I cleaned out my potting bench and stuff over weekend. Went thru stuff I don't want them packing or taking. Started taking stuff off of walls. So many things to do, but then I cant' do everything because they have to pack it for liability reasons. So unsettling lol.

Hubbs scheduled got changed so he came home last night and is here off today. Yay. I hate going a day without him!! Let alone a week+!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 09, 2023, 11:43:05 PM
Well. Glad things are moving along Jenn. I took care of some church business, and sprayed what I hope is the final coat of paint on Sam. Still some wet sanding to do, but it's within eyesight of finished for my purposes. Work tomorrow. Bah. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 10, 2023, 12:31:03 AM
Jenn, what do you plan to do about your job when you move?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 10, 2023, 01:08:42 PM
Morning. :waving:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on October 10, 2023, 01:19:08 PM
Morning all!

Jenn, we were about 80ish miles from where you will be last week.  Got to experience some first rate storms that started down in Texas.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 10, 2023, 03:03:34 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on October 10, 2023, 12:31:03 AMJenn, what do you plan to do about your job when you move?

Well for my current boss is going to let me commute for the like maybe 2 meetings we have left for the year? Otherwise I'll just at home like normal.

Buttttt....the Aetna job I've been trying for since July emailed me last week. I will be getting an offer when they open the next round for the February intake. AHH so excited. And it's fully remote!!!!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 10, 2023, 03:05:24 PM
Quote from: mini on October 10, 2023, 01:19:08 PMMorning all!

Jenn, we were about 80ish miles from where you will be last week.  Got to experience some first rate storms that started down in Texas.

Our new house in W. Falls has a tornado shelter on one side of the garage lol. That makes me worry the storms will be awful. SO many houses also have carports for hail.  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on October 10, 2023, 05:36:45 PM
Hopefully it'll just mean the former homeowner was acting in an abundance of caution or feared storms very badly.


Dentist visit today at 430. Really hoping that this visit will mean an end to the pain I'm getting when I eat anything. I'm not sure if my gums are angry, if the tooth is in pain, or if something "broke" from a previous visit.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 10, 2023, 08:07:21 PM
Haha Nelle he was a security guy in Army. That's why he moved out actually. He got send elsewhere. So could be a precaution. lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 11, 2023, 08:19:15 PM
Totally wishing I was rich.  Bible study tonight... I don't know if I'm coming or going anymore. Pretty sure this Friday is Prayer Meeting, Saturday a dinner at Chey's school, Sunday Church, and I had something for Monday, but I can't remember what it was.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 12, 2023, 09:43:44 AM
Shoot, that makes me tired just reading it! Good luck Bobby.

When the kids at w*rk complain about life being so boring, I just have to laaaaaaaaaaaugh.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 12, 2023, 09:10:47 PM
Yes indeed. Monday- is to be Chey's tour of the local college and trying to get her registered.
Been a day. Had to go qualify on firearms...qualify another officer.... then try to talk to people and mediate issues. Sometimes I wish I could focus on MY issues and not everyone else's- but the job, calling and being Dad means I gotta help others. On the bright side- when you can't focus on your issues, they tend to melt off for the most part.

And last night built my faith a bit. I told God the other day, to the point of being nearly angry, that I was ready to see an increase at church. Told Him it was enough to be promised. Increase NOW. Last night 40 people were at bible study. We've been running 25 ish...
And the folks- someone who once came long ago, and had walked away from God and church.
 Now, 20 plus years later, they have came back with their family...
Another young couple, with two babies- came Sunday, said it was by accident, they were going to another church, but were running late, and knew someone that went to our church so they stopped. They liked it and came back Wednesday night. During worship, I looked back- mama and dad were clapping and worshipping...but those babies. The little girl around 3, was standing in the seat clapping, singing and dancing. The little boy, around 18 months would be my guess, had his little blonde ringlets flying as he danced and shook his rear down the aisle. I nearly fell off the platform laughing.
My week has been made. Now, please dear lord let them stay.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 13, 2023, 07:34:43 PM
Everybody got quiet.. I killed GP.  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 13, 2023, 07:38:39 PM
I just got home from garage sales.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 13, 2023, 09:09:10 PM
Ouuuu fun Sandra. Did you find anything?!

My day has been absolutely slammed. Boss won't leave alone. lol
But about to clock out now. Going next door for girls night.  :waving:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 13, 2023, 10:49:05 PM
I got stomped on at Walmart. We had no delivery tonight so my department worked on our list of resets. I had to pick one that was more complicated than it looked at first. Was 2 hours late getting off by time I got it done.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 14, 2023, 07:08:01 AM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 13, 2023, 09:09:10 PMOuuuu fun Sandra. Did you find anything?!

My day has been absolutely slammed. Boss won't leave alone. lol
But about to clock out now. Going next door for girls night.  :waving:
Yes, actually. I bought a lawnmower, a mini tiller and a bunch of battery operated tools without batteries but we have some of those batteries already. The lawnmower looks nearly new but has carb problems which hubby can fix, the tiller needs fuel line which hubby can also fix. I only paid $30 total for those items.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 14, 2023, 01:43:26 PM

These days you would think anybody could look up a Fix-It video on YouTube for that stuff. Good thing they didn't.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 14, 2023, 01:45:05 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on October 13, 2023, 10:49:05 PMI got stomped on at Walmart. We had no delivery tonight so my department worked on our list of resets. I had to pick one that was more complicated than it looked at first. Was 2 hours late getting off by time I got it done.
Reset is where y'all scramble everything up so I can't find anything now.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 14, 2023, 07:27:22 PM
Quote from: Lynx on October 14, 2023, 01:45:05 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on October 13, 2023, 10:49:05 PMI got stomped on at Walmart. We had no delivery tonight so my department worked on our list of resets. I had to pick one that was more complicated than it looked at first. Was 2 hours late getting off by time I got it done.
Reset is where y'all scramble everything up so I can't find anything now.

We can't find anything either for a week or two
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 15, 2023, 05:31:23 PM
At church. Do not feel the best....hopefully God will keep it together through service and use me.
Yesterday, Lou and I had the pleasure of having lunch with Mini and his wonderful bride. Also, got the church's storage building moved and set up, and spent time with a backslider friend.  Tomorrow- tour college. Do work on Sam if I ever make it to that point. And I've got so many people scheduled Tuesday I'll have to feel better and go to work.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 16, 2023, 05:58:22 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on October 14, 2023, 07:08:01 AM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 13, 2023, 09:09:10 PMOuuuu fun Sandra. Did you find anything?!

My day has been absolutely slammed. Boss won't leave alone. lol
But about to clock out now. Going next door for girls night.  :waving:
Yes, actually. I bought a lawnmower, a mini tiller and a bunch of battery operated tools without batteries but we have some of those batteries already. The lawnmower looks nearly new but has carb problems which hubby can fix, the tiller needs fuel line which hubby can also fix. I only paid $30 total for those items.

Wow you made out with a great deal!! lol my bff and i share my lawn mower currently. cus we live in a duplex. she's in one side im in the other. but with me moving... she's gonna be out a mower lol.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 16, 2023, 07:28:43 PM
Well, he fixed it to sell. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 16, 2023, 09:21:01 PM
:hi:Finished the college deal. Only about 5,000 things left to do. Still feel like crud- to the point that I'm in my recliner while it is 70 degrees and sunny out. I did get the yearly mums set out in their spot, including in the little stake bed truck on the mailbox. So many things to do. So exhausted.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 17, 2023, 01:25:40 PM
 :waving: At work. Totally not wanting to be here, but I had 13 people scheduled. :pound:  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 17, 2023, 01:30:23 PM
Grandma about scared me to death!

She was sitting on her porta toilet, hollering she needed help. I looked in and she had blood ALL OVER both hands. I thought she had sprung an "issue of blood" style leak.

Turned out she had been picking at a wound on a knuckle until she got blood all over both hands.

It looked like something from a TV murder scene.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 18, 2023, 03:16:42 PM
"Working" but wish I wasn't. Although, I am getting paid and not doing anything but sitting here. So, shouldnt complain lol.

T-minus 7 days until we start our move. Eek.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on October 18, 2023, 05:43:24 PM
I'm so sleepy. Fighting to keep my eyes open at my desk. I need to be doin SO much here, but I cannot find the motivation! It's payroll day too.. so I'm about to get a flood of phone calls, haha. :(
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 18, 2023, 06:16:00 PM
Sames Nelle. Sames. so sleepy. Hubbs left around 430 to drive back to w. falls. so i was awake for a bit after he left.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 19, 2023, 01:26:31 PM
Urgh.... Back at work. Fortunately, I feel somewhat better than I have for the past week. Ready for the weekend.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 19, 2023, 02:42:55 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 19, 2023, 04:50:40 PM

Pack pack packing things. my house is a chaos.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 20, 2023, 04:33:25 PM
Two weeks until vacation...  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 20, 2023, 04:58:41 PM
I've been doing my Friday garage saling.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 20, 2023, 06:14:32 PM
Ouuu find anything good today Sandra?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 20, 2023, 08:47:14 PM
I've been working. But did get a bit of a blessing. We are remodeling an approximately 500 square foot "mother in law" apartment, with an eye towards Chey having a place to be independent while in college, yet still close enough for Dad to be there for her. I've been gathering lumber, etc, and getting things together- a man in our church in construction has a huge stash of building materials he's collected from jobs over the years and is now liquidating much of it. I got a couple doors I needed, a heat and air unit, an amazing small kitchen island, a sink, and other assorted things from them at a HUGELY reduced price. Nearly free. :clap:
And I really have minimal plans for tomorrow...for once.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 21, 2023, 12:37:59 AM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 20, 2023, 06:14:32 PMOuuu find anything good today Sandra?
Well, I found a 3 burner propane heater for $15 and a toaster oven that hubby had been wanting. I also found some scrub tops for Chel at $1 each.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 21, 2023, 11:09:44 AM
I just now found (munch) chocolate chip cookies at a (munch) good price. Some assembly (and baking) required.

Grinding oat flour took the longest time. Had to wait for the little stick blender to cool off before I finished. Those "immersion blenders" are cool, but limited.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 21, 2023, 08:47:51 PM
I've never had an immersion blender but occasionally wish I did.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 21, 2023, 09:08:22 PM
They are pretty cheap these days. The Hamilton Beach blender I got from Walmart outperformed the more expensive one I got off amazon.com. If you get one you won't regret it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 22, 2023, 08:44:33 PM
Running in to wave. :waving:  Lord, been so busy, I don't know where to turn. And Re: immersion blender- I know not what they be.
God is good. Evidence of His work is showing among people connected to and occasionally attending our church.
Had a church member who is a recent convert send me a card recently for pastor appreciation that caused me to cry- then, when we went to Waffle House yesterday, where she works, further made me cry by giving me a monetary gift she had not wanted to send through the mail, and telling me that the value of what I had given to her in messages, teaching and example far dwarfed the monetary gift. I know it was a sacrifice for her...and yes, I bawled like a baby, in the middle of the Waffle House.
  Then one of her coworkers came over and requested prayer, RIGHT THEN. So we prayed for her in the middle of that crowded restaurant. And before it was over, we had people asking for cards and saying they would like to come to church. And as an added bonus, we sold the extra peanut brittle we had made. :lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 22, 2023, 11:17:58 PM
Immersion blender - spinning blade on a stick.


Always has a button that you have to hold down to keep it spinning. Hopefully has a guard around the blade.

When I got a new one, i was unprepared for how powerful they are these days. My last one had been running for more than a decade. I got a new one and the "low" button was as powerful as the old one's "high" button.

I don't even wanna talk about the new one's "high" button. All I'mma say is, milk clashes terribly with our ceiling color.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 23, 2023, 09:37:21 PM
I may look into getting one. They seem small enough to not take up much space.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 24, 2023, 01:25:32 PM
Urgh. Back at work. Coffee..is all that keeps me moving.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on October 24, 2023, 01:57:43 PM
@Work as well.. Why do these people insist on my continued attendance to give me money? LOL

I really need this week to be productive at home AND work.. hopefully I can manage, hahaha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 24, 2023, 11:11:16 PM
The past week has been interesting, starting with getting my toes stepped on Thursday night. I'd been planning to play hooky from my church last Sunday and go hang out with a friend at her non apostolic church.  I hadn't told anyone at church because I knew they'd try to talk me out of it. Towards the end of practice Thursday night, my team lead pops back into the sound booth and asks me when I was planning to show up Sunday so he'd know when to get worried - since I wasn't scheduled in the sound booth Sunday. It's like he sensed I was about to get into trouble because he's never asked me that before when I wasn't scheduled in the sound booth.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 25, 2023, 03:33:36 PM
Bible study tonight. Peanut brittle was last night. Dragging this morning. My caffeine isn't working. And it appears my weekend is compromised with a harvest festival/church party. I totally hope to be brief in my appearance there. LOL
I love my peoples...but I wanna be away from people for the weekend..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 26, 2023, 06:55:17 PM
Here I be. Where is everyone? I assume Jenn is still moving, but lawd. Everybody done forgot us
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 26, 2023, 07:35:15 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on October 26, 2023, 06:55:17 PMHere I be. Where is everyone? I assume Jenn is still moving, but lawd. Everybody done forgot us

I haven't forgotten you guys. Been out trying to mow my yard one last time before winter weather sets in.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 26, 2023, 10:27:51 PM
I'm here.

(Insert random stuff from Fallout 4 here.)

(Insert random stuff I heard from a comedian on youtube here.)

(Insert exultation about only a week and a half until vacation here.)

That's all I got.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 27, 2023, 12:42:44 AM
I'm here. I just experimented with a can of crescent rolls.  I rolled it out, topped with cream cheese then homemade peach jam then rolled it up and cut like cinnamon rolls. They were pretty tasty.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on October 27, 2023, 01:04:41 PM
Good morning everyone!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on October 27, 2023, 01:43:02 PM
@Work. Drinking (cold) caramel cappuccino. It'd be tasty if it was still warm, haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 27, 2023, 09:17:02 PM
Urgh. It's 4:15 and I'm STILL not into today.
Did home visits. Ate at Freddie's Frozen Custard. Couldn't help but think Freddie is full of himself. Every square inch of that store has pictures of the founder and his lifestory. I half expected a sign in the bathroom to say "Freddie used THIS very urinal in 1958, after coming home from the war and starting his first custard stand"
Then again it IS possible I am just snarky and cranky today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 27, 2023, 10:17:50 PM
Get to the important part. Was the frozen custard good? As good as Culver's? Better?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 28, 2023, 12:10:33 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on October 27, 2023, 09:17:02 PMUrgh. It's 4:15 and I'm STILL not into today.
Did home visits. Ate at Freddie's Frozen Custard. Couldn't help but think Freddie is full of himself. Every square inch of that store has pictures of the founder and his lifestory. I half expected a sign in the bathroom to say "Freddie used THIS very urinal in 1958, after coming home from the war and starting his first custard stand"
Then again it IS possible I am just snarky and cranky today.

I love their burgers and fries!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 28, 2023, 03:01:43 AM
Been a fun day for me. Went to a party at a church members house tonight. Pretty much all the adults in the church was invited. Had a bonfire, basketball, corn hole, and lots of good food and fellowship. The party was just a couple blocks from my house so I rode my bike over rather than trying to find a parking spot for my car, although balancing the bike while carrying a lawn chair was a bit tricky.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 29, 2023, 01:24:38 AM
Rained today and was colder. Did nothing of value other than go to church's fall party which was a bit of a bust due to being moved inside due to weather..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MelodyB on October 30, 2023, 05:00:28 AM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 30, 2023, 08:50:52 AM
Howdy Mel.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on October 30, 2023, 08:52:37 AM
"I slept like a baby. Woke up crying every two hours."

Well, not crying really... But I was struggling to get back to sleep a lot. And when I did get some sleep, it was shot through with the most ludicrous dreams.

Today will be brought to you by our sponsor Caffeine.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 30, 2023, 01:21:48 PM
It's raining here. Sleepy weather.

Hey, Mel. Where you been hiding?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 30, 2023, 08:55:03 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on October 28, 2023, 12:10:33 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on October 27, 2023, 09:17:02 PMUrgh. It's 4:15 and I'm STILL not into today.
Did home visits. Ate at Freddie's Frozen Custard. Couldn't help but think Freddie is full of himself. Every square inch of that store has pictures of the founder and his lifestory. I half expected a sign in the bathroom to say "Freddie used THIS very urinal in 1958, after coming home from the war and starting his first custard stand"
Then again it IS possible I am just snarky and cranky today.

I love their burgers and fries!

Me too. Yum!!! Their cheese curds are way better than the fries though. Even though I do love their cheese fries. Not actually sure I've ever had the frozen custard though LOL

And yes I was moving. We're all moved in. Mostly. Things went awry every day it seemed. But we're here and alive and all 3 kitties and 7 fish and 1 shrimpy. lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on October 31, 2023, 01:50:28 PM
I need to try Freddies. They're everywhere around here these days and I've never had it. Your take is hilarious Roscoe, hahaha.

@Work. Tired. What's new there huh? LOL

Last night around midnight, I woke up.. realized it was 30° outside (and trending downward) AND I had cans of ginger ale in the back of my vehicle for Jeremy. I got up, threw on coat & shoes, tromped outside to rescue them before they could possibly freeze and explode. I did not want to clean up that mess in my vehicle, hahaha.

This will be Athena's FIRST truly cold day working with Jeremy. Lucky for her, he has an appointment at the VA this afternoon so it'll only be a partial day.

There are some people tryin to get Jeremy in trouble with his dog. These are the same people who have harassed, bullied, and tried to get him fired since he started the USPS. I feel like it's time they move on to another office or another employer. I don't know if that's harsh or not, but it's quite a bit nicer than what I feel like I want emotionally, so.. lol. SO I'm goin to pray specifically that God moves Sherry & Emily to another office, or that they find Jesus and He changes their heart. Every time Jeremy has a positive situation they seem to manage to mess it up since Day 1. I worry one day he's goin to snap and say or do something he will regret. I'm not sure why anyone feels like it's a good idea to push buttons of a PTSD veteran (who qualified for a service dog b/c of all of his issues).. but people have made unwise decisions in the past with this office AND a different veteran who had even more extreme PTSD than Jeremy. We think about Jose often. He's Jeremy's coworker that passed away from the ATV accident a few years back. He was getting scary at work. He really liked Jeremy and they had become close thankfully.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on October 31, 2023, 05:35:28 PM
It's cold here. I am NOT a fan. It was like 27 this morning.  :pound:
Been a busy weekend, what with church, the harvest party (that got semi-rained out); and then Monday, I went to Memphis to meet up with a couple of minister friends for an informal Ministers' breakfast. Memphis is about the halfway point for us. Highly enjoyed it, then stopped to visit a saint in the hospital. Honestly doesn't seem like I had much of a break. Next week is a trip to Tulsa for a friend's wedding, and church...
I'll admit that the 10th, which is Veteran's day- that weekend, I am planning NOTHING. And may very well popped someone if they plan something for me.

And Hi Mel! Lest you think I forgot you. Nelle, praying for ya'll's situation. I've never understood why some folk enjoy drama. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 01, 2023, 07:49:54 AM
Frosty must have gone on a bender. He done barfed all over the yard.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 01, 2023, 02:29:31 PM
Poor Frosty. LOL.
Morning all. It's cold. I'm not a fan. My next-door coworker is in full steam. Loud. I'm not a fan of that either.  I need to repent for my thoughts towards both situations. I'd ban winter forever....and lord, I don't know that there's a way to silence the coworker. It'd be worse if she wasn't a sweet person. Or perhaps easier to imagine how to shut her up,but she is truly kind. Just louder than a steam locomotive in full shriek. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 01, 2023, 04:01:23 PM
Holiday mayhem at Walmart starts next week
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 03, 2023, 03:23:27 AM
I'm not looking forward to the time change. Also, it's been colder than my body appreciates.
Gotta start planning ahead for Thanksgiving, all the kiddos are supposed to be here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 03, 2023, 08:02:13 PM
I was surprised that there were quite a few garage/yard sales today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 03, 2023, 10:22:46 PM
Am I the only one able to get on here?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 04, 2023, 02:00:24 AM
We're BACK!!!!!

Yes, apparently you were the only one that could, Fuzzy. :teeth:
Been a long day. Going to Oklahoma for a wedding tomorrow...then church Sunday. Hoping for pretty weather Monday for final paint work on Sam. I'm beginning to think I'll never have him done.  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 04, 2023, 03:55:38 AM
Been a day here. Was going to go home for lunch and get my Amazon package inside. When I got to my car I discovered I had a flat tire. Drove around the building and put my car into Tire and Lube for repair instead of going home. From what the guys in tire and lube told me, I ended up with a bolt in the tire. Had to get a new tire.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 04, 2023, 01:05:16 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on November 04, 2023, 02:00:24 AMWe're BACK!!!!!

Yes, apparently you were the only one that could, Fuzzy. :teeth:
Been a long day. Going to Oklahoma for a wedding tomorrow...then church Sunday. Hoping for pretty weather Monday for final paint work on Sam. I'm beginning to think I'll never have him done.  :pound:
It's not the destination, it's the journey. Or so I've been told.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 04, 2023, 01:06:04 PM
8 hours 25 minutes until vacation.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 05, 2023, 01:27:56 AM
:hi: Tia, that stinks. Been there though- with a tire that had less than 2k miles on it.
Just got back in about an hour ago. Went over and enjoyed meeting Mini and his bride for a ride the rest of the way to Tulsa. Went to a friend's wedding- then we skedaddled to the nearest Olive Garden, followed by a trip by 7brew. Enjoyed company and Godly advise/discussion.  Tomorrow- church. Then Monday. Then work for two days and I'm off for five. :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 06, 2023, 02:33:12 PM
I wasnt able to get on either!! But so glad it's back.  :clap:

Spent Saturday doing much of nothing.
Sunday I did house projects. Started painting my kitchen. I was up till 2am.... 745 alarm was NOT welcome.  :'(
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 06, 2023, 10:51:59 PM
Ran most of today...got the paint on Sam done, definitely not professional but it'll have to work. Now to put him back together. Paid property taxes which were obscene. Titled and licensed the Model A finally.
Had a good service last night. A friend we've tried to get to come to church for 5 years came for the first-time last night. She ran to the altar. God touched her greatly and she told us she would be back, she had never felt like that before. Then today on fb she tagged me in a post stating God had really used me and touched her in ways I couldn't imagine. Made me cry.
Now- to get through the next two days....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 06, 2023, 11:28:13 PM
It's been beautiful out for the last few days. Love this weather,
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 07, 2023, 02:46:18 PM
Urgh. Morning, once more is being unkind. I wanted to sleep in....
Today and tomorrow. I can do this.  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 07, 2023, 03:01:54 PM
I echo Bobby's morning sentiments.  :mad:

Weather is okay here too. Was like 88 yesterday though haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on November 08, 2023, 02:12:44 PM
Urgh.  Good morning all.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 08, 2023, 02:16:07 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on November 08, 2023, 02:54:20 PM
I think we need to ban work.  lol

I really want to be home doing nothing today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 08, 2023, 03:00:14 PM
Yes lets ban work. I don't wanna do it either.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 08, 2023, 07:33:10 PM
Yellow! Er, Hi.
Plugging through the day. Closer and closer to quitting time...and tomorrow is MY day... Going to enjoy being off.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on November 09, 2023, 05:31:12 PM

Technically I have the day off tomorrow for the holiday, but I'll be at work anyway. Too much work stacking up and this will help me feel better mentally going forward if I can get some off my plate.

Jeremy's leaving tomorrow morning early for a Wisconsin dog event. My current plan is to work from home on Saturday. I was goin to work from home tomorrow as well, but I wasn't able to get enough prepared to use for both days. Hoping it'll be silent at work (with everyone else off) so I can focus anyway. I just want to make SURE I'm home on Saturday even if I'm working from there haha.

Sunday afternoon is our church "fall party" at someone's house. Hopefully it won't be raining or TOO cold. I love a good sweater at those events, so I don't mind it not being too warm.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 10, 2023, 12:07:48 AM
Well. I was off. Got up early anyway to get the kids off to school. Went and had new tires put on the rear of the Corvette- that was an ordeal that tried my patience. Had to get Jesus to put His hand over my mouth....
Came home, rainy, cold....so I cooked. Now I'm sitting here relaxing...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 10, 2023, 03:57:00 AM
We've got a nice rain going on and cooler temperatures.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 10, 2023, 09:37:01 PM
Sunny and cool here. Ran errands, delivered first time visitor gift bag, took lou to lunch, visited Bro Wilsons grave to make sure it was tidy, and picked Chey up.
Now im an hour from home at her volleyball game.
Tomorrow- Senior pictures....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 11, 2023, 08:29:52 PM
I'm still here, just vacating at the moment. Catching up on online stuff because I got bored. Seems like I do that a lot, getting bored when there are about three days of vacation remaining.

When I left last Saturday, I left most of a big ole bowl of homemade pimento cheese...

Well... back up. I recently found out Walmart carries 4-pound blocks of sharp cheddar for $14 a piece.  :freaky2: So I made up my mind that homemade pimento was going to factor heavily in my diet while on vacation. I used one of those 4-pound cheddar blocks, a block of velveeta and a block of white velveeta. Also used a lot of mayo... Ran out of mayo, so I added a little buffalo mayo for a kick... Need more mayo, um, uh... Say, here's some horseradish sauce!

I filled up a cool whip bowl and quart yogurt container with pimento cheese, with multigrain crackers and rye bread to use it on. I left the rest of it at home for dad while he's staying with Grandma in my absence. I am now firmly convinced that all homemade pimento cheese should include horseradish. It was the best thing I brought with me. Dad liked it too.

Well... except if you make homemade pimento cheese for a church dinner or something. Some folks are allergic to unexpected things on the dinner table. Gotta do the same old boring thing every time or they come unglued - don't use cream cheese or pureed bell pepper in the deviled eggs, don't sweeten the tea with honey, for heaven's sake don't try anything new. But I wouldn't take this stuff to a church dinner.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 11, 2023, 09:03:47 PM
That would be me. I can't stand bell pepper and I don't do spicy. I'm not very adventurous on food.

Quote from: Lynx on November 11, 2023, 08:29:52 PMWell... except if you make homemade pimento cheese for a church dinner or something. Some folks are allergic to unexpected things on the dinner table. Gotta do the same old boring thing every time or they come unglued - don't use cream cheese or pureed bell pepper in the deviled eggs, don't sweeten the tea with honey, for heaven's sake don't try anything new. But I wouldn't take this stuff to a church dinner.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 11, 2023, 09:52:39 PM
Shew. Chey's senoir pics took most of today. I'm whupped. Gotta gwt aonething together for tomorrow..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 11, 2023, 10:58:39 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on November 11, 2023, 09:03:47 PMThat would be me. I can't stand bell pepper and I don't do spicy. I'm not very adventurous on food.

Quote from: Lynx on November 11, 2023, 08:29:52 PMWell... except if you make homemade pimento cheese for a church dinner or something. Some folks are allergic to unexpected things on the dinner table. Gotta do the same old boring thing every time or they come unglued - don't use cream cheese or pureed bell pepper in the deviled eggs, don't sweeten the tea with honey, for heaven's sake don't try anything new. But I wouldn't take this stuff to a church dinner.
I'm pretty sure you're too nice to come unglued about it though.

But, point taken.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 12, 2023, 01:10:43 AM
Nope, I'd just not eat it. I'm picky on whose food I'd eat anyway. I need to know who made it, ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 13, 2023, 05:31:13 PM
I'd eat anything Sandra makes but prob not Lynx LOL his foods be crazy :hypocrite:

The Aetna req opened today!!! Here's to hoping the offer comes soon!!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 13, 2023, 11:46:52 PM
:bigcheese: That's funny, Jenn, but I understand. I'd want ingredient info from Isaac.  :freaky2:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 14, 2023, 12:18:02 AM
I'll have you know, I brought chocolate chip cookies to church ONCE and the pastor asked multiple times if I was bringing cookies for the fall festival. So there!  :nono:

But at home, at a family dinner... Yeah, probably better ask what's in it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 14, 2023, 03:36:00 AM
I'm adventuresome  with food to an extent. If it looks good and smells good, I'll probably try it. But I am a texture person so that could derail me.
Did very little today- a bit of work at the church, took the daughter and her ensemble to Hobby Lobby...where I found a small metal truck that looked like Rusty, so it came home with me along with some Christmas present decorations and a small (8 inch or so) Christmas tree that will go in the bed of it,,...oh, and a exactly the right size Grinch doll to sit looking out the window. All this will go on top of the mailbox, as if ol' Grinchee is haulin' them off.  It made my inner Grinch laugh. I'm "decorating" AND showing my grinchiness...
Back to work tomorrow...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 14, 2023, 04:51:52 AM
Quote from: Lynx on November 14, 2023, 12:18:02 AMI'll have you know, I brought chocolate chip cookies to church ONCE and the pastor asked multiple times if I was bringing cookies for the fall festival. So there!  :nono:

But at home, at a family dinner... Yeah, probably better ask what's in it.
Now, chocolate chip cookies sound good. :fork:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 14, 2023, 01:26:17 PM
Work. Bah. So over being poor.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 14, 2023, 02:48:22 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on November 14, 2023, 01:26:17 PM:hi:
Work. Bah. So over being poor.  :laughhard:

Samesssss... sigh
Read a meme that said "what's your dream job. What? No, I don't dream of working." LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 14, 2023, 03:55:55 PM
I ended my vacation a day early. Just got bored.

If that's all the peace and quiet I can stand, retirement might really stink...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 14, 2023, 08:30:05 PM
Vacation is about doing things you enjoy. Sometimes that is just resting, other times it is DOING something.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 14, 2023, 10:13:21 PM
Oh I did enjoy it for about six days. Then I started getting antsy.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 15, 2023, 01:06:53 PM
Good morning. Work. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. Let's see how it goes...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 15, 2023, 03:04:41 PM
I'm just not a morning person. That is all.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on November 15, 2023, 04:01:15 PM

I went to bed early last night and managed to not sleep well, haha. The air has been SO dry. Hopefully the humidifier running today and tonight will help me out. At least Monday evening I could get my ear situation handled. I can hear again! lol

Church tonight.

I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 15, 2023, 04:56:51 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on November 15, 2023, 01:06:53 PMGood morning. Work. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. Let's see how it goes...
We can fix that.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 15, 2023, 05:23:00 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on November 15, 2023, 03:04:41 PMI'm just not a morning person. That is all.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 15, 2023, 09:27:46 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on November 15, 2023, 03:04:41 PMI'm just not a morning person. That is all.

I'm not a morning person either, but I seem to have a bad habit of signing up for things that make me get out of bed early. I have the 7AM shift now at my job. I'm also on the church media team which means getting to church around 8:30AM, even though church doesn't start till 10AM.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 15, 2023, 09:32:27 PM
Quote from: Nelle on November 15, 2023, 04:01:15 PMI can't believe next week is Thanksgiving.
I know. It's crazy. I have so much to do before the kids get here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 16, 2023, 04:35:36 AM
The past few months at church we've been talking about restoration and prodigals coming home. Sunday we had an amazing service focused on breaking the chains of addiction.  Tonight Pastor introduced a new text message devotional series talking about living in the freedom God has given us.

https://www.instagram.com/p/CzsKv52sYHR/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ== (https://www.instagram.com/p/CzsKv52sYHR/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 16, 2023, 04:01:15 PM
BSR, that looks like a tremendous idea...
Been putting out fires figuratively and trusting God. Ready for Thanksgiving vacation.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 16, 2023, 04:44:47 PM
We've got a brisket cooking. Trying to get a head start since company will be here early next week.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 17, 2023, 01:06:23 PM
Morning. I'm dragging, as usual. It is Friday, thank the lord.  Off to do home visits today..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 17, 2023, 02:41:17 PM
Dragging here also. I don't want to be out of bed. And I'm afraid I might be getting sick.  :smirk2:

So glad it's Friday.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 19, 2023, 02:37:52 AM
Well. Saturday was enjoyable. Did flea market crawls with the wife after a nice breakfast at the Waffle House. While at the "Awful Waffle" I enjoyed talking to the staff who over 50% of have came/ been coming to church. My spirit was encouraged, especially when one informed me that not only would she be back hopefully tomorrow, her son, who doesn't really believe in ANYTHING to do with religion, had watch our service online, and now had questions. I made sure she had my number to give the young man, and I'll roll out to talk to him one on one anytime!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 19, 2023, 11:54:32 PM
Cooking, cooking, cooking...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 20, 2023, 03:20:30 AM
It's been an interesting day here. Bro Joseph, the media team leader at my church, preached the 10AM service this morning. Before reading his first scripture, he had tease me from the pulpit by telling the church...

"Sis Celestia's back there by herself this morning and she's a little worried about following me with the cameras. I told her not to worry about it because I'm not as energetic as Pastor is so I think she'll be ok"

The camera didn't give me any trouble while he was preaching, but the slider camera gave him payback during the 11AM service by dying on him several times.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 20, 2023, 05:44:11 PM
I don't wanna work today. I don't wanna work any day.

I have an interview tomorrow for a position on the Caremark side. Also, still waiting on Aetna. Sigh.

Turkey day is just me and the hubbs. Just making a few favorites. Tators, corn, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, ham, macaroni. lol bought a walmart punkin pie. gonna make lemon crinkle cookies.

Boss is off Friday so I'll "work" bahaha.

My parents are coming for Christmas so...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 20, 2023, 09:33:55 PM
Shew. Day off. Rainy. Cold-ish. Spent the vast majority of the day cleaning out my shop and moving the Model A into it in preparation for an alternator swap. Tinkered a bit with Sam's grill. It's giving me heartburn- no holes line up. It keeps messing with me, I'll break out the drill bit set and MAKE it fit.
Cleaning on the house and about to make a meatloaf..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 21, 2023, 10:52:49 AM
When no holes fit for me, either I'm putting it on upside down or I'm using the wrong part.

Considering what you know about cars, neither of these causes seems probable. But why would the holes not fit?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 21, 2023, 11:19:51 AM
I have jury duty today
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 21, 2023, 05:13:43 PM
Quote from: Lynx on November 21, 2023, 10:52:49 AMWhen no holes fit for me, either I'm putting it on upside down or I'm using the wrong part.

Considering what you know about cars, neither of these causes seems probable. But why would the holes not fit?
The old trucks were assembled to a loose tolerance. While all parts look the same, there were variations- it wasn't computer controlled like now. Thus, parts can have holes a 1/4 " off- and that's before 70 years of abuse and grandpa ramming the barn by mistake. So basically, since I'm doing a 50 foot job, I have to make it look right, more so than focusing on exact to factory specs. While theoretically, the holes should be in the same places...they often aren't. Like Johnny cash said "when we put in the bolts all the holes were gone. But with a little help from an A-Dapter kit..."  :biglaugh:
It's much different redoing a 70-year-old truck and redoing a 25-year-old car....
I'm back at work. I've seen 4 of my scheduled 17 people today...the rest of the day should go by quick.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 21, 2023, 05:50:19 PM
Made deer chili and waiting for the first batch of kiddos to arrive.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 21, 2023, 06:42:37 PM
Yay for deer chili!

Even picky people love it... If you forget to tell them it has deer.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 22, 2023, 05:56:43 PM
I got eliminated in the first round of questions for potential jurors yesterday so I'm working the Black Friday setup at Walmart today
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 22, 2023, 07:44:55 PM
Shew. So over today. Ready to go home. I'm probably going to be totally antisocial and plead feeling poorly instead of going to family Thanksgiving with Lou tomorrow. I'm simply peopled out....

I AM going to throw a turkey on tonight and let it slow smoke over night.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 22, 2023, 08:11:27 PM
I'm about to clock out early.

I was supposed to go back to my ceramics class today at 430 cus the bowls I made Monday cracked  :'(
but since i'm off early i asked her if i could come sooner. waiting on a response.

hubbs is at work until probs midnight or one getting ready for black friday.

Might pull out the christmas trees.

hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 24, 2023, 01:47:22 AM
Decent day. Good turkey. Just got back from Little rock- had an elderly saint have an amputation and I had to go check on her..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 24, 2023, 11:20:00 AM
Due to schedules of different family members, we are having Thanksgiving tonight.

I have to w*rk today, so I boiled the eggs last night and will mix up the deviled egg filling this morning. Cream cheese, a touch of blue cheese, a dash of vinegar and a sprinkle of basil... That will make a good deviled egg this time, I think.

Best part about deviled eggs - making a sandwich with the leftover filling.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 24, 2023, 02:38:43 PM
I did my deviled eggs like Mom does: the yolk all smashed, dash of mustard, mayo, salt/pepper, splash of Worcestershire, and a splash of pickle juice. Delicious.  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 24, 2023, 03:06:05 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on November 24, 2023, 02:38:43 PMI did my deviled eggs like Mom does: the yolk all smashed, dash of mustard, mayo, salt/pepper, splash of Worcestershire, and a splash of pickle juice. Delicious.  :clap:
That would also be good.

I do mine a different way each time.

I found pickled pepper juice is pretty good to use in deviled eggs. Only problem now is, what to do with the pickled peppers. I don't like them.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 25, 2023, 01:20:32 AM
Deviled eggs sound good. My kiddos left this morning. I still have a little chocolate pie and sweet potato pie left. Everything else went with the kiddos.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 25, 2023, 03:29:07 AM
Still got alot of turkey and dressing left. All else is pretty much history. Did alot of nothing today. Enjoyable..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 26, 2023, 05:26:50 PM
Everyone disappear? Or just too full to speak?
Yesterday Lou and I enjoyed some Black Friday shopping. It may be black friday for retailers as they are finally making a profit, but for my bank account it's black friday for a different reason. Lawd. It's turned into a depression...

Got home, did some decorating- fancied up the window boxes with greenery, poinsettias and bows; put up the "M&M" cutouts that are our family tradition; and made a delicious banana pudding.
Today- taught Sunday school to a record crowd, since Bro Clayton was sick. Unfortunately, it was NOT the record crowd I wanted- it was a record low. Sixteen. From a church that usually has 35 to 40, and recently has been closer to the 50s.
I hope they come tonight.
I'm at the office, studying.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 26, 2023, 07:12:17 PM
Just spent yesterday recuperating and today I'm trying to get things back in order. I've already washed 3 loads of bedding/towels.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 27, 2023, 06:08:25 PM
Got all of my indoor Christmas decor up. It's been too cold to do the outside stuff. And I need payday cus I think I'm gonna need another extension cord.

Thanksgiving was quiet over here. Just me and the hubbs. And he went to work at midnight Thanksgiving night. They did 350k on black friday. With the normal average of other stores in his district doing 150k. lol The store here is always sooo busy.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 28, 2023, 11:42:28 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on November 26, 2023, 05:26:50 PMEveryone disappear? Or just too full to speak?
Grandma dislocated her shoulder.
I have gone to w*rk and come home.
I have gone to church and come home.
Grandma averages 30 times per 10 minutes asking the same question over and over.
That's about it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 28, 2023, 02:46:58 PM
Ouch Lynx that sounds fun.

Taking a 1/2 day today to drive back to Dallas. I need to see a dr and earliest I could see one in new town was Jan 30th and I'm having pain/issues. So hubbs made me make an appointment with old dr to see her sooner. Bleh.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 28, 2023, 04:39:15 PM
At work. Got one saint in the hospital semi-serious; not a peep, sweet, God's will be done lady. Got one in for a gallbladder surgery, sweetly requested everyone remember her in prayer; Got one lady in the hospital for a laparoscopic surgery for a ladies issue, quite vocal, and about to die apparently. Funny how different people react...

Got a call this morning referring to a son of a saint who is about to take a wrong turn. I'm praying for him...majorly...but the report of what his daddy, who has not been in church in a few years, told them with a good spirit made me want to shout.

And I received a text from a new member yesterday that made me light up. in short- "I thank God for you and for my church. My wife and I held each other crying thanking God for leading us there. I LOVE yall." This from a man who once said he'd never step in a Pentecostal church.
 We may have to hew out our revival from solid stone. But stone will last! I see God's Blessings being poured out...
Not so spiritual- I'm having to repeat my most used scripture in prayer  today "Create in me a clean heart oh God, a renew a right spirit within me"
Cause one of the ole biddies working here trying to destroy my right spirit and dirtying up my heart. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 28, 2023, 04:44:56 PM
Quote from: Lynx on November 28, 2023, 11:42:28 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on November 26, 2023, 05:26:50 PMEveryone disappear? Or just too full to speak?
Grandma dislocated her shoulder.
Ouch! Were they able to reset her shoulder?
Hubby had that happen and was in so much pain. They had a hard time resetting his. It still bothers him sometimes.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on November 28, 2023, 06:24:37 PM

Eating leftovers from last night for lunch.

Is it Christmas yet?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on November 28, 2023, 06:50:55 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on November 28, 2023, 04:44:56 PM
Quote from: Lynx on November 28, 2023, 11:42:28 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on November 26, 2023, 05:26:50 PMEveryone disappear? Or just too full to speak?
Grandma dislocated her shoulder.
Ouch! Were they able to reset her shoulder?
Hubby had that happen and was in so much pain. They had a hard time resetting his. It still bothers him sometimes.
Yeah they popped it right back in.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on November 29, 2023, 02:20:55 PM
Good morning everyone.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 29, 2023, 03:19:22 PM
Good morning  :hi:

I survived the Black Friday sale and the worst of the post sale cleanup. Felt like all I got done Monday was cleaning up after the sale.

Went to a Mennonite service with a friend Sunday morning. The mennonite service seemed way too quiet and empty and that's coming from someone that's used to the super quiet services of the non instrumental church of Christ. Guess a little over a year back in an Apostolic church is enough to change what you're expecting in a worship service.

I didn't tell my church family I was going to a different church that morning since I knew they'd try to talk me out of it. I expected my media team leader would be checking on me when I didn't show up. Wasn't expecting my pastor to be texting me shortly after service started wanting to know if I was ok.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 29, 2023, 04:36:23 PM
Good Morning.
Tia, looks like you have a real pastor- someone who cares about his sheep. That's a good thing in this busy day..
I'm working through the day. Had a good time with God this morning. Got a Bible study for tonight I need to finish my powerpoints on. Ready for the weekend..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on November 29, 2023, 05:39:17 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on November 29, 2023, 04:36:23 PMGood Morning.
Tia, looks like you have a real pastor- someone who cares about his sheep. That's a good thing in this busy day..
I'm working through the day. Had a good time with God this morning. Got a Bible study for tonight I need to finish my powerpoints on. Ready for the weekend..

When I hadn't messaged pastor back by the end of service he was calling me pretty quick. Apparently this sheep isn't allowed to eat lunch before answering her pastor.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 29, 2023, 09:17:02 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on November 30, 2023, 02:25:03 PM
Well I for sure won't be region admin next year. Got the decline for that yesterday. (This is the job I currently have that we had to reapply for, for 2024). So if the Aetna job doesn't come thru I will be severed at the end of the year. 22 years with the company down the drain. I'm not handling it well. I didn't want to be region admin again because I cannot handle another year with my current boss, but it also stings to hear "we selected another candidate".
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on November 30, 2023, 02:43:38 PM
I'm so sorry, Jenn. That stinks. Hopefully the other job will work out
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on November 30, 2023, 07:59:52 PM
I'm sorry MJJ. That does stink AND sting.. I can feel it for you over here. Praying that God opens the right door for you to be able to run happily into!

@ Work. Went to the doctor today right after I posted payroll. Don't have covid or strep, but I did get a script for a zpack (can't get until tomorrow - ugh) and some cough meds. Not really sure what's wrong, but hoping this clears it up! I was SO thankful not to be sick. Too much going on this weekend church-wise.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on November 30, 2023, 11:28:33 PM
Sorry, Jenn. I pray that the ultimate outcome is a blessing for you.
Been busy today. And it's raining and nasty out. Woulda been a good day to sleep all day..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 01, 2023, 10:19:57 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on November 30, 2023, 11:28:33 PMBeen busy today. And it's raining and nasty out. Woulda been a good day to sleep all day..
We just now got your rain and nasty. Why you gotta be dumping all your bad weather on us? Take it back!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 01, 2023, 03:23:40 PM
Thanks ya'll - appreciate and welcome the prayers.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 03, 2023, 05:52:02 AM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 04, 2023, 03:41:52 AM
 Been a busy weekend. Enjoyed having a new couple in our church over for dinner. Today, church. Phenomenal move of God tonight, even though I felt as wrung out as a dishrag afterwards. Tomorrow, a trip to Little Rock to check on a saint, then hopefully some time to put the new radiator hoses on the Model A and button up the alternator swap, and maybe work on Sam's grill..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 04, 2023, 11:00:59 AM
Something I woke up thinking about:

So if I prefer reece's pieces, and talk bad about m&m's and skittles... Does that make me a reecist?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 05, 2023, 01:36:45 AM
Quote from: Lynx on December 04, 2023, 11:00:59 AMSomething I woke up thinking about:

So if I prefer reece's pieces, and talk bad about m&m's and skittles... Does that make me a reecist?

Hi all. On the road most of the day. Need a week off.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 05, 2023, 02:25:30 PM
Purple Skittles > Reeces. lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 05, 2023, 02:50:28 PM
ALL Skittle > Reeces.
 Reeces is like the bottom of the barrel, re: candy, while Skittles and M&Ms are surely God's chosen candies. :hypocrite:
As long as they aren't freeze-dried.  I was surprised- freeze-drying has become the current fad around here. Loving Skittles, I figured they'd be amazing. That's when I realized I am 1) a texture person and 2) THAT AIN'T A GOOD TEXTURE.

I'm stuck at work. Praying "Create in Me a clean heart and renew a right spirit."
 I'm kinda like my Daisy Dog today- not a total grump but close enough a slight nudge might send me over the edge into a snapping, biting frenzy.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on December 05, 2023, 05:17:55 PM
I like Reese's cup, but I don't like the pieces. Having said that... I'd grab that Tropical/Wild Berry Skittle duo package over a Reese's cup anyday.

@Work. Bit of a headache coming on. Hoping I can grab lunch soon. Everyone else went so I have to wait. :)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 05, 2023, 07:34:42 PM
I love Reese's eggs, trees, pumpkins etc.
I'm not into the fruity candy.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 05, 2023, 07:42:07 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on December 05, 2023, 02:50:28 PMI'm stuck at work. Praying "Create in Me a clean heart and renew a right spirit."
 I'm kinda like my Daisy Dog today- not a total grump but close enough a slight nudge might send me over the edge into a snapping, biting frenzy.


Quote from: Nelle on December 05, 2023, 05:17:55 PMI like Reese's cup, but I don't like the pieces. Having said that... I'd grab that Tropical/Wild Berry Skittle duo package over a Reese's cup anyday.

@Work. Bit of a headache coming on. Hoping I can grab lunch soon. Everyone else went so I have to wait. :)

Also mostly sames with Nelle too. Have a headache nudging. Except I prefer the pieces over the regular reeses cups.
But will grab the purple skittles first any day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on December 06, 2023, 12:10:54 AM
Lunch and some non-decaf tea seemed to have mostly cancelled that bit of a headache I had starting. I had the cold cut combo from Subway. I've started craving that sandwich combo occasionally. I got the footlong so I could have the other half tomorrow for lunch.

Jeremy picked up the chicken pot pie from Sams for dinner tonight. I'm still at work for now, but I assume I'll have a bit of that when I get home.

Lots to do.. not lots of time for it all, haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 06, 2023, 02:57:33 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on December 05, 2023, 02:50:28 PMALL Skittle > Reeces.
 Reeces is like the bottom of the barrel, re: candy, while Skittles and M&Ms are surely God's chosen candies. :hypocrite:
No argument here. I don't like reese's pieces at all. It was just a theoretical question.

I don't even like it enough to spell it correctly, and now I got all y'all spelling it the same way. Oops.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 06, 2023, 02:14:14 PM
Man...I like Reeses in all shapes and flavors.  And whoever is behind the marketing on Reeses is a genius.  It's in everything!

One of my surprise favorites is the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups with Potato Chips.  Tastes like a butterfinger.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 06, 2023, 02:34:48 PM
Quote from: mini on December 06, 2023, 02:14:14 PMMan...I like Reeses in all shapes and flavors.  And whoever is behind the marketing on Reeses is a genius.  It's in everything!

One of my surprise favorites is the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups with Potato Chips.  Tastes like a butterfinger.
Reeses peanut butter cups are different. Those are not bad.

Reese's pieces are very bland. They don't even have the chocolate that the peanut butter cups rely on. They should trade out the candy shell for a chocolate coating.

Also... You're a reecist! :P
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 06, 2023, 02:57:16 PM
I'm just not a huge fan of peanut butter in general. I think that's why I'm meh about Reese's.
My favorite candy bar is a Zero!

And Lynx I never can remember if reeses has an s or a c LOL so i just went with how you spelled it initially.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on December 06, 2023, 04:18:04 PM

So very sleepy. snacks are keeping me awake, but just barely.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 06, 2023, 05:40:09 PM
Finally. Lunch. Ribs from Church Street. A tad disappointed, he overcooked them a bit for my tastes which is rare..he's usually dead on.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 07, 2023, 02:26:34 PM
And again I find myself at odds with my desires. I do desire to be at home. I am, instead, earning my bread...
Hope everyone is having a good day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 07, 2023, 05:48:44 PM
Is it gluten-free?

It had better be gluten-free, peanut free, tree nut free and every other kind of allergy free, or somebody gonna get triggered.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 07, 2023, 08:20:02 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 08, 2023, 02:33:11 PM
Urgh. Coffee....Must.Have. Coffee.....

Morning is NOT my friend. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 10, 2023, 02:14:34 PM
Good Sunday morning to everyone!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 10, 2023, 03:54:32 PM
So far it does seem to be, yes.

Earlier this week I did a pigs in a blanket test. I got beef Vienna sausages, Pillsbury crescent rolls and store brand crescent rolls. I tried half of each crescent roll brand with butter, garlic and basil, and the other half dry.

Turns out name brand does matter a lot with crescent rolls, and the butter made them soggy. So now I will know what I am doing when I make them for Christmas parties.

I refrigerated the leftovers from the tests and inadvertently found out they taste much better chilled. So this morning I made up a batch and they are cooling for the church Christmas party tonight.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 11, 2023, 04:32:37 AM
Busy weekend. Got the A's alternator, fan belt and new hoses installed...it should be good to go. Installed my early Christmas present, a new to me ham radio in the Ford F150. Church Christmas party. Preached tonight. Gonna head to Memphis tomorrow for my monthly meet-up with fellow ministers...and this time I'll enjoy my ham radio on the way.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 11, 2023, 07:30:08 AM
Quote from: Lynx on December 10, 2023, 03:54:32 PMSo far it does seem to be, yes.

Earlier this week I did a pigs in a blanket test. I got beef Vienna sausages, Pillsbury crescent rolls and store brand crescent rolls. I tried half of each crescent roll brand with butter, garlic and basil, and the other half dry.

Turns out name brand does matter a lot with crescent rolls, and the butter made them soggy. So now I will know what I am doing when I make them for Christmas parties.

I refrigerated the leftovers from the tests and inadvertently found out they taste much better chilled. So this morning I made up a batch and they are cooling for the church Christmas party tonight.
Oh no! Vienna sausage will ruin them. 
Use little smokies.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 11, 2023, 02:43:35 PM
I concur with Sandra. Don't use vienna sausages. Gross  :pound:
Lil smokies are ten times better.

Praying so hard I hear from Aetna this week. Have to drive back to DFW for last work meeting/holiday party. Not at all looking forward to seeing my boss. It's just gonna be weird. Oh hi, you chose to not pick me so now after 22 years I'm being termed. Let's exchange pleasantries. Sorry no I dont wanna.  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 11, 2023, 06:26:09 PM
Lil Smokies, aka coctail weenies, are bleh.

On the other hand, I don't know what brand of Vienna sausages you were thinking about. Almost all of them are disgusting. There's only two or three brands that are actually good.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 12, 2023, 04:31:53 PM
I'm usually adventuresome with food. And I grew up with Vienna sauages...they have their place. In the glovebox of an old pickup with a tube of saltines for a snack while on back road excursions, for instance. But never in pigs in a blanket in my opinion. Lol. I love Lil' Smokies. I'll sit down with a bowl of them in bbq sauce and make myself happy. 
Back at work, hurting this morning.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 12, 2023, 05:21:59 PM
GETTING MY AETNA OFFERRRRR. The recruiter just emailed me she got the info to go ahead!!!

And my offer letter start date will be 12/24 (sunday start of new pay period) so I won't be termed or have disruption to my pay or benefits!!! OR LOSE MY TENURE!!! AHHHHHHHHH

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Thanks everyone for all of the prayers!!!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on December 12, 2023, 06:23:42 PM
Tomorrow starts Event 4 at Walmart. Mostly Electronics and toys this time.  Event 1 and Event 2 was the November Black Fridays. No clue what the missing Event 3 was supposed to be since we never got info about an Event 3.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 12, 2023, 06:49:13 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on December 12, 2023, 05:21:59 PMGETTING MY AETNA OFFERRRRR. The recruiter just emailed me she got the info to go ahead!!!

And my offer letter start date will be 12/24 (sunday start of new pay period) so I won't be termed or have disruption to my pay or benefits!!! OR LOSE MY TENURE!!! AHHHHHHHHH

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Thanks everyone for all of the prayers!!!
See God go. :lol:  Goodbye old boss, hello new beginnings!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 12, 2023, 08:19:39 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on December 12, 2023, 06:49:13 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on December 12, 2023, 05:21:59 PMGETTING MY AETNA OFFERRRRR. The recruiter just emailed me she got the info to go ahead!!!

And my offer letter start date will be 12/24 (sunday start of new pay period) so I won't be termed or have disruption to my pay or benefits!!! OR LOSE MY TENURE!!! AHHHHHHHHH

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Thanks everyone for all of the prayers!!!
See God go. :lol:  Goodbye old boss, hello new beginnings!

So sooooo thankful!!!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 12, 2023, 09:11:04 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on December 12, 2023, 05:21:59 PMGETTING MY AETNA OFFERRRRR. The recruiter just emailed me she got the info to go ahead!!!

And my offer letter start date will be 12/24 (sunday start of new pay period) so I won't be termed or have disruption to my pay or benefits!!! OR LOSE MY TENURE!!! AHHHHHHHHH

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Thanks everyone for all of the prayers!!!

I am excited for you!  Congratulations JennJenn!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on December 12, 2023, 11:23:36 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on December 12, 2023, 05:21:59 PMGETTING MY AETNA OFFERRRRR. The recruiter just emailed me she got the info to go ahead!!!

And my offer letter start date will be 12/24 (sunday start of new pay period) so I won't be termed or have disruption to my pay or benefits!!! OR LOSE MY TENURE!!! AHHHHHHHHH

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Thanks everyone for all of the prayers!!!

 :hyper:   Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: Backseat Radio on December 12, 2023, 06:23:42 PMTomorrow starts Event 4 at Walmart. Mostly Electronics and toys this time.  Event 1 and Event 2 was the November Black Fridays. No clue what the missing Event 3 was supposed to be since we never got info about an Event 3.

Another yay! I'm needing some toy presents for some of our cousins' kiddos. I'm so not prepared. I did NOT do a good job of keeping up this year! LOL.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 12, 2023, 11:50:07 PM
Awesome, Jenn! :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 13, 2023, 12:53:30 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on December 12, 2023, 06:23:42 PMTomorrow starts Event 4 at Walmart. Mostly Electronics and toys this time.  Event 1 and Event 2 was the November Black Fridays. No clue what the missing Event 3 was supposed to be since we never got info about an Event 3.
Comedian quote:

I realized just this year, when Black Friday came and went, that I finally have a thing that I can look at a kid and say, "You kids have it so easy. Back in my day, on Black Friday, you would get WRECKED! We used to fight like savages in the aisles, over a toaster. All you kids gotta do is go click, click, click, and the deals come to you."

Black Friday used to be the closest we as a society came to The Purge.

 - Josh Johnson
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 13, 2023, 03:27:26 PM
Thanks you guys!! I am feeling so blessed. I've been so stressed for 6 months about my job!
This one is fully remote too. And it is getting me out of a toxic work environment that's really brought a lot of mental and even physical issues this year!!

Saw a meme yesterday that said "Your Christmas gift will be a new job. Keep going!" and I rejoiced!!  :sing:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 14, 2023, 04:50:31 PM
Today- is so slow.........
I've no one scheduled...and I don't want to do anything.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 15, 2023, 02:00:37 PM

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 15, 2023, 02:51:55 PM
We had family come in from Kansas this week. So, I've been busy "hosting".
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 15, 2023, 05:12:15 PM
Got my official job offer yesterday morning. Got an 82 cent raise! woohoo! LOL

Drove to and from Dallas for work for the last time. Got to expense a hotel, dinner, mileage, and drive-time! Woohoo.

Mom and Dad come from Indiana tomorrow. SO EXCITED!!!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 15, 2023, 10:18:10 PM
Run, run, run. My day so far....
And now, I'm ready to go home, thank God it is Friday!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 19, 2023, 12:38:00 AM
Man. Everyone deserted us.
So- Fridy finally ended. Saturday was a Lou day, a bit of flea market and eating out. Sunday was church, and Bro Clayton preached a great message which gave me a nice break. Today- mounted tires on Chey's C5, finished installation of a special ham radio antenna on the F150, along with wrapping up the two weeklong hf radio install.
Not planning on doing much work tomorrow, I promise that.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 19, 2023, 02:27:11 AM
Nothing interesting happening here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 19, 2023, 09:43:25 AM
 Nor here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 19, 2023, 02:00:05 PM
Nor here.

I have to take my inlaws to the airport tonight, then I have nothing planned for the rest of the week, except Thursday night.  That night, my wife's Christmas gift will be delivered, and I have to set it in place and wrap it...

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 19, 2023, 02:21:36 PM
Well. Back at work. Today would've been Dad's 79th birthday...Hard to believe he's been gone 14 years. I've moderately scheduled myself today, but after today I've only got two people scheduled all week. Got some welcome news- a close friend who has been living in Kentucky/Tennessee the past several years are moving back. They will be coming to church, which is a boost in the arm. Oh, and they have a young man, a son, Chey's age who has already lit off "talks". Seems he's tall and scrawny just like she likes 'em, "handsome"; "is so polite" *swoon* and "DAD, HIS GRANDPA GAVE HIM A '91 CORVETTE"!
It's like God checked every box on her personal want list...LOL
He didn't seem too awful dismayed about spending time with her either. :eyebrow:
In fact they are making plans to bring his 'vette over for a bit of work, and hanging out in her corvette.
If I didn't genuinely like the kid, and the fact that I know how he was raised and greatly approve- I'd be concerned. He's got his head on straight and a career plan in place, and he WORKS. Total opposite of the last little, er, feller, she was enamored with.. :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on December 19, 2023, 03:02:13 PM
Work. At least I have a half-day on Friday!

We had our Christmas "party" last night at Red Lobster. I ate too much but it was tasty. Biscuits, brussels sprouts, steak, fries, potatoes, strawberry lemonade!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 19, 2023, 06:05:02 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on December 19, 2023, 02:21:36 PMWell. Back at work. Today would've been Dad's 79th birthday...Hard to believe he's been gone 14 years. I've moderately scheduled myself today, but after today I've only got two people scheduled all week. Got some welcome news- a close friend who has been living in Kentucky/Tennessee the past several years are moving back. They will be coming to church, which is a boost in the arm. Oh, and they have a young man, a son, Chey's age who has already lit off "talks". Seems he's tall and scrawny just like she likes 'em, "handsome"; "is so polite" *swoon* and "DAD, HIS GRANDPA GAVE HIM A '91 CORVETTE"!
It's like God checked every box on her personal want list...LOL
He didn't seem too awful dismayed about spending time with her either. :eyebrow:
In fact they are making plans to bring his 'vette over for a bit of work, and hanging out in her corvette.
If I didn't genuinely like the kid, and the fact that I know how he was raised and greatly approve- I'd be concerned. He's got his head on straight and a career plan in place, and he WORKS. Total opposite of the last little, er, feller, she was enamored with.. :laughhard:
I'm behind on the gossip. I didn't know the "dad, he's not my boyfriend!" guy was out of the picture.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 19, 2023, 08:14:11 PM
Quote from: Lynx on December 19, 2023, 06:05:02 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on December 19, 2023, 02:21:36 PMWell. Back at work. Today would've been Dad's 79th birthday...Hard to believe he's been gone 14 years. I've moderately scheduled myself today, but after today I've only got two people scheduled all week. Got some welcome news- a close friend who has been living in Kentucky/Tennessee the past several years are moving back. They will be coming to church, which is a boost in the arm. Oh, and they have a young man, a son, Chey's age who has already lit off "talks". Seems he's tall and scrawny just like she likes 'em, "handsome"; "is so polite" *swoon* and "DAD, HIS GRANDPA GAVE HIM A '91 CORVETTE"!
It's like God checked every box on her personal want list...LOL
He didn't seem too awful dismayed about spending time with her either. :eyebrow:
In fact they are making plans to bring his 'vette over for a bit of work, and hanging out in her corvette.
If I didn't genuinely like the kid, and the fact that I know how he was raised and greatly approve- I'd be concerned. He's got his head on straight and a career plan in place, and he WORKS. Total opposite of the last little, er, feller, she was enamored with.. :laughhard:
I'm behind on the gossip. I didn't know the "dad, he's not my boyfriend!" guy was out of the picture.
Oh yeah, Several months ago. She can't stand his name now....apparently he had another little girl he was seeing when he wasn't around her. If she saw him now, I think she'd punch him. She does not have a calm, sweet temperament when provoked or believing she has been done wrong.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 19, 2023, 08:43:16 PM
Good for her. Knock that goofy boy out if he's a cheater. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 20, 2023, 11:06:06 AM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 20, 2023, 11:10:04 AM
In local news I was at the store buying some basics - bananas, eggs, etc. - and noticed some deli sliced ham and chicken on sale 99 cents for 9 ounces. Right next door on the shelf Hillshire Farm was 5.99 for 9 ounces. I bought one of each and took them home to try out. Then I went back to the store and bought all they had.

This will come in handy because Grandma has got to the point she won't eat anything unless it's in small bites that she can pick up with her hand (can't handle utensiles so well) so ham sandwiches cut into little squares is in season right now. So this good sale comes at a great time.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 20, 2023, 02:42:13 PM
Good morning. Myself and a certain tall, goofy Galoot from Oklahoma are having quite the discussion.
I put it to you: Little Debbie's White Christmas tree cakes.
Is they is, or is they ain't, NASTY?
Ole stale grease covered things.... :laughhard:

Now the CHOCOLATE version that I got to taste before my stores ran them out of town- everything the white cakes WANT to be. :lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 20, 2023, 02:43:19 PM
Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes are the best you tasteless buffoon.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 20, 2023, 02:46:02 PM
Quote from: mini on December 20, 2023, 02:43:19 PMLittle Debbie CHOCOLATE Christmas Tree Cakes are the best you tasteless buffoon. The originals are trash.
There. Fixed it for ya. :hypocrite:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 20, 2023, 02:52:10 PM
I'm not impressed with Little Debbie products. About the only thing they made that I liked were those apple flips and they stopped making those.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on December 20, 2023, 03:26:47 PM
Little Debbie cakes are just gross. I can't even stand their zebra cakes.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 20, 2023, 04:53:27 PM
Buncha heathens...lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on December 20, 2023, 04:54:48 PM
Quote from: mini on December 20, 2023, 04:53:27 PMBuncha heathens...lol

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 20, 2023, 04:59:04 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 20, 2023, 07:23:34 PM
All the Little Debbie products are nothing but sugar and vegetable shortening. That's all I can figure. Even the chocolate isn't really chocolate.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 20, 2023, 08:12:22 PM
Some of us like sugar and vegetable shortening.

Roscoe apparently is offended by anything that has short in it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on December 20, 2023, 09:01:20 PM
If I'm going to have sugar and shortening I'd prefer it in the form of home made snickerdoodles
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 21, 2023, 12:00:27 PM
Yeah yeah yeah yeah! That's the best use I know of for those.

Got any on hand that you could send me?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on December 21, 2023, 03:34:51 PM
@Work. Just today and tomorrow is a half day!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 21, 2023, 05:26:10 PM
Me at work too. :sadbounce: I'm at my lunch time, didn't bring a lunch, and a coworker has taken my car. :pound:
Ready to no people for a while. Last night was bible study. Felt like a failure. LOL. Saturday night we will have a service, then the three days following, I am doing nothing..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 22, 2023, 08:55:42 PM
Friday.... Went and bought Lou's Christmas present, which I shamelessly admit I will benefit from. Earlier this year, we replaced our old faithful 16-year-old memory foam mattress. It was simply remembering too much. :lol:  Being budget conscious- okay,I admit it, I was cheap- we bought what seemed to be a good value and paid around $700 for it.
I've gotten better sleep on the old wood pews in church.  :laughhard:  And since we bought it at a reduced price- no returns.
Today I broke down and we bought an Ashley hybrid memory foam mattress that Lou picked out. It hurt the pocketbook. But if it means a good night's sleep it's worth it. I was just about to head for Sleep number and spend a mint...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 22, 2023, 11:18:46 PM
A good mattress makes all the difference when you get a few years on you. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on December 23, 2023, 12:02:49 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on December 22, 2023, 11:18:46 PMA good mattress makes all the difference when you get a few years on you. ;)

Also makes a big difference when you got lot of extra weight on you and some manmade body parts.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 23, 2023, 06:11:46 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on December 23, 2023, 12:02:49 AMAlso makes a big difference when you got lot of extra weight on you and some manmade body parts.
We call those aftermarket mods.  :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 24, 2023, 03:42:27 AM
New mattress wins the approval of my aftermarket mods. :)
 Got in from church a few ago. Was supposed to be Christmas service, and God showed up and showed out. Tomorrow I have nothing I have to do. I may not get out of my lounge around the house flannel pjs. LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 26, 2023, 01:15:47 AM
Merry Christmas to all!!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on December 26, 2023, 01:41:54 AM
Merry Christmas
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 26, 2023, 04:25:12 AM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 26, 2023, 11:11:37 AM
Christmas 2023:

We came.
We saw.
We ate.
We talked.
We talked.
We talked.
We talked.
We talked...

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. The conversation is my favorite part of our family dinner.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 26, 2023, 11:25:31 PM
Man, I didn't feel great and lounged around the house instead of going to family's. Today I felt a bit better and went to Conway, worked on Sam and drove the A about 10 miles round trip.. Totally not wanting to work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 27, 2023, 01:13:43 AM
We've had some family pop in and out at random times. Good to see them.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 27, 2023, 01:45:26 PM
Morning. Surviving on the mercies of the Lord and His gift of caffeine in the form of a Dr Pepper.
I've seen no one outside of my house, and the Mcdonald's window yet, and I'm already primed to choke someone. Is that bad? :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 27, 2023, 04:33:47 PM
Quote from: mini on December 20, 2023, 04:53:27 PMBuncha heathens...lol

Mega heathens. I LOVEEEE little debbie cakes. lol zebra cakes, fancy cakes, oatmeal creme pies, starcrunch, the little devil rolls, swiss cake rolls, YUM!!! Love them all!!

Sorry I haven't been on. Was on PTO while Mom and Dad were here. WAS SO FUN. Miss my parents living close to me real bad.  :'(

Then we went Christmas eve to Adams Dad's. He lives 15 mins from us now. First time hubbs and his 2 sisters have been with their Dad all at once for Christmas in probably 10 years. Wild. I can't even imagine.

Now I'm back to work yesterday - but in transition between the two jobs so not doing much haha. Not that I'm complaining.  :hypocrite:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 27, 2023, 05:08:26 PM
I'm so glad your new job came through for you. :)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on December 27, 2023, 05:10:58 PM
We had Christmas at our house.  The family all came over.  Grilled steaks, and had a great time.  Probably one of the best Christmases I have had in many years.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 27, 2023, 05:19:44 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on December 27, 2023, 05:08:26 PMI'm so glad your new job came through for you. :)

MEEEE too!!! Holy moly I'm so glad.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on December 27, 2023, 06:02:56 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on December 27, 2023, 04:33:47 PM
Quote from: mini on December 20, 2023, 04:53:27 PMBuncha heathens...lol

Mega heathens. I LOVEEEE little debbie cakes. lol zebra cakes, fancy cakes, oatmeal creme pies, starcrunch, the little devil rolls, swiss cake rolls, YUM!!! Love them all!!

I'll happily remain a heathen if that means I don't have to eat zebra cakes. Unfortunately my Grandma and Aunt got me a box of Zebra Cakes for Christmas.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 27, 2023, 06:49:47 PM
Tia that's funny lol but sad for you. Send em to me and mini we'll eat em LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 28, 2023, 11:04:52 AM
Even my dog won't eat those things. I think he knows something humans don't know.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 28, 2023, 02:10:48 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 28, 2023, 03:56:38 PM
Another set of kids/grandkids have stopped by. :)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on December 28, 2023, 04:04:50 PM
Trying to get through the rest of these four days of work so I can go back to my parents' house Friday evening.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 28, 2023, 06:34:47 PM
Cold, nasty and unpleasant.
In all honesty, I describe the weather AND myself with that description.  :lol:
But mine is due to the weather and trying to not eat everything in sight. :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on December 28, 2023, 09:13:52 PM
I feel that Bobby lol. The munchies are coming at me hard.

Enjoying my last week of chilling before I officially start the new job!!  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on December 29, 2023, 02:12:39 PM
Hi, I'm Grumpy.

Last day of work before 3 days off.. trying to turn that attitude around.

Also - It's snowing here. Not sticking, but it's snowing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 29, 2023, 02:54:08 PM
Hi Grumpy. Me too.
And they say there are snow flurries here too, but since it's above freezing, no sticking. I HATE snow.
Dragging as usual...and pricing plane fare for a brief business trip I might be taking....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 29, 2023, 03:30:36 PM
Thankfully, there's no snow here but still colder than I like. It's up to about 36* now.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on December 29, 2023, 05:09:57 PM
Its 37° in my part of Indiana which is light jacket weather to us.

3 of my 4 photo lab printers were throwing fits when I got in to work this morning. One needed a new roll of paper and a nozzle clean. One needed the new replacement printer installed. And one needed the fusing unit replaced.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 29, 2023, 08:59:33 PM
Just walked out of the funeral of a friend of over 20 years. Lots of good memories...lots of laughter. Probably 500 people there. Sadly- not one mention of God. Not one mention of anything to do with the hereafter. My heart hurts, knowing my friend didn't feel God was that important. I treasure the memories of someone who was truly a good man...tempered by the knowledge that there is more than just being good, and  wondering did my life as a Christian ever speak to him?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 29, 2023, 11:25:42 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on December 31, 2023, 01:08:32 AM
Saturday night. Wife and kids gone. So quiet. I'm so tired. Me and the recliner...I'll probably be asleep within the hour..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 31, 2023, 01:22:17 AM
Saturday nights ain't what they used to be. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 31, 2023, 12:12:54 PM
Another Saturday night
And I ain't got nobody
I got some money
Cause I just got paid
But how I wish
I had someone to talk to
I'm in an awful way
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on December 31, 2023, 12:15:29 PM
This year is particularly convenient for me because both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve fall on a Sunday. My days off are Sunday and Wednesday.  :teeth:

I will not deal with the madhouse that my job will be today, but I will be there tomorrow for the single most peaceful day of the entire year - everybody gonna be in bed with hangovers.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on December 31, 2023, 04:13:20 PM
Quote from: Lynx on December 31, 2023, 12:12:54 PMAnother Saturday night
And I ain't got nobody
I got some money
Cause I just got paid
But how I wish
I had someone to talk to
I'm in an awful way
I just mentioned this song to hubby yesterday. Lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 01, 2024, 02:17:53 AM
Never did hear that song. Lived it though for a few years... :biglaugh:
So, at church all day today. Now, here it is 8:15 pm, and I'm in the recliner. Odds are good I'll be snoozing when 2024 rolls in...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 01, 2024, 03:59:03 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on January 01, 2024, 02:17:53 AMNever did hear that song. Lived it though for a few years... :biglaugh:
So, at church all day today. Now, here it is 8:15 pm, and I'm in the recliner. Odds are good I'll be snoozing when 2024 rolls in...

Since I live in town, be rudely awakened by midnight fireworks if I go to bed before midnight.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 02, 2024, 01:06:35 AM
I'm the first to post this year... :biglaugh:
I do NOT wish to go to work tomorrow.  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 02, 2024, 02:27:03 AM
Isn't that always the case? ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 02, 2024, 02:17:33 PM
Well...yes. Kinda. Last night though, it was stronger. LOL
 Down five lbs.  Started day after Christmas... I may be a grump but I will lose some of this weight again.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 02, 2024, 03:24:31 PM
Back to the grind of work...

Eating mom's peanut butter treats tho. So I'm finding all those pounds you're losing around here, haha.

I have GOT to start the deep cleanse of our home this week(end).

Came home last night from Arkansas. Thankful the smell of skunk is gone from my husband, the dog, and our home, hahaha. They got sprayed on Friday evening after I left for AR. I was SO glad I kept with the plan to leave Friday. I almost had decided to wait until Sat morning. Whew.. lol.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 03, 2024, 01:30:35 PM
Morning, all.
Plugging along towards the weekend.... fretting about tax season. The first year of being Senior pastor is concluded as of yesterday. It was one year ago yesterday that I got the worse news of my life, when Bro Wilson slipped away. Made it through the day without breaking down, kinda. I had a couple of moments. Lord, I miss that man, his laugh and his wisdom. In retrospect, the church pulled together and has thrived, even registering a small amount of growth, although definitely not as much as I'd like.
And now I have to navigate the tax code- as a bi-vocational pastor, there are many snares awaiting. Thankfully, I have a friend that is an accountant.
I bet I can do what the music may be unable to tonight- get them to shout amen. We've spent the last several weeks going through one of Bro. Raymond Woodward's bible studies, slightly modified as I see fit, called "I will build my church". Really good stuff... Tonight we will conclude it- It's been a couple month series. I've really enjoyed it, and it's given a lot to think about. It's also turned to preaching a couple of times instead of me staying in teaching mode.  :lol:
But first- I gotta get through the day at the job that earns my bread. Bread that I can't eat, 'cause it is so carb-laden. :pound:
But maybe some Church Street ribs and a small salad today.......
Ya'll have a fantastic day!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 03, 2024, 06:49:46 PM
I'm trying to figure out what to eat for lunch. Sometimes it's hard to find anything that sounds good and isn't horrible for you.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 04, 2024, 10:22:36 AM
I think I have developed a two-pack-a-day habit...

I found tins of smoked mussels at the salvage grocery for 49 cents. I bought 40... Then three days later they reloaded so I bought 30 more.

Two tins of smoked mussels is a lot of cottonseed oil in one day, even if you let it drain a bit. But it's delicious!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 04, 2024, 02:27:10 PM
@work. little grouchy. I almost fell back asleep 10 times at least while trying to wake up this morning.

I miss the holiday season spirit some, but routine is going to be nice again.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 04, 2024, 07:17:58 PM
Me, I'm glad that mess is over. Now if I could get this cold weather gone too, it'd be great! They are talking nasty white stuff in the forecast for the northern area of the state, and we might see some of it. Not a fan. Bring me my summer!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 05, 2024, 06:35:10 PM
Cold. Snowed. Then melted, rained and sleeted. Totally not a fan..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 05, 2024, 06:49:58 PM
I'm at work.

It's cloudy, cold... and no snow or ice yet like these ungrateful Southerners are getting..  LOL

Tomorrow is FINALLY my day off without plans. I really am hoping to be a little productive with laundry, dishes, general cleaning.. BUT not being presentable and not goin anywhere! Plus I think I'll take a nap. LOL.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 05, 2024, 07:16:06 PM
I'm ready for Spring.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 06, 2024, 02:07:52 PM
Indiana is finally getting snow that is sticking around. :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 06, 2024, 03:29:25 PM
Pease keep the snow up there.  :hypocrite:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 06, 2024, 05:41:49 PM
Yeah. What she said.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 06, 2024, 10:04:00 PM
All of our beautiful snow melted before I got off work.  :sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 07, 2024, 12:43:25 AM
They are forecasting extremely cold temperatures this next week, with possible winter weather a couple of days, including this coming weekend. It may cancel my planned week off...I can't drive long distances in winter weather, risking getting stuck somewhere, and won't waste my vacation time.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 07, 2024, 04:37:39 AM
Not looking forward to extreme cold.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 07, 2024, 12:01:36 PM
My area is expecting low temperatures in the teens and single digits the end of next week.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 08, 2024, 03:24:43 AM
They are saying single digits here too....

Went to church. Spent all day there. I'm freezing to death. Thermostat shows 75.... feels more like 35 to me. Maybe I'm getting sick?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 08, 2024, 01:24:15 PM
If the thermostat says 75 and it feels cold, and assuming you are not getting sick, you need more moisture in the air.

Mom keeps a humidifier going and the thermostat at 60 and it feels nice and warm. Her windows are always wet though...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 08, 2024, 09:12:41 PM
Hi . Still cold here. Got propane, took care of church business, ran Ethan to work, grocery shopped- the smell of weed and body odor is an atrocious combination- and now I have chili in the crockpot. I'm chillin;
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 08, 2024, 10:47:28 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on January 08, 2024, 09:12:41 PMHi . Still cold here. Got propane, took care of church business, ran Ethan to work, grocery shopped- the smell of weed and body odor is an atrocious combination- and now I have chili in the crockpot. I'm chillin;

Cigarette smoke ranks up there on the list of atrocious smells in my book.  Had a customer today that stunk horribly of smoke.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 09, 2024, 04:56:10 AM
I've had two folks that I know pass away in the last couple weeks.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 09, 2024, 04:18:57 PM
Well, that's not good.
Morning all. I felt 2023 manhandled me until I talked to one of my offenders. HE is one of my good ones, comes in once a year, has been completely rehabilitated...
Since I saw him last year, he 1) lost an adult son to a drug overdose. Had to go through untold amount of red tape to get his body transported 2) had a motorcycle wreck that nearly killed him. 3) after recuperating from the wreck, a few months later began having headaches. Gave up and went to the doctor only to get immediately put in the hospital for brain surgery due to a brain bleed.
Lord. I thought he had his own little thundercloud over him when he came in, and I tried to avoid getting any on me.  :laughhard:
In spite of it all, he was in a good mood and upbeat...
And in other news- I'm grumpy as usual. Hungry, but determined to abide by the diet. And unfortunately, I'm seeing a 90% chance of my trip being cancelled due to weather. They are holding strong on the conviction that we will see single digits and winter weather this weekend...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 10, 2024, 02:08:06 PM
Morning all. A brisk 25 degrees here this morning. Only 50 degrees off from my preferred temperature. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 10, 2024, 02:29:02 PM
33 degrees here in Indiana. We go into the deep freeze this weekend and next week with temperatures below zero.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 10, 2024, 03:18:47 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on January 10, 2024, 02:29:02 PM33 degrees here in Indiana. We go into the deep freeze this weekend and next week with temperatures below zero.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on January 10, 2024, 03:56:59 PM
Hi all - haven't been around work computer much, and then I forgot to transfer the Godplace link to the new computer lol....

Starting to doing lots of shadowing on new job this week. The shadowing is def. going to set me up for success I think when the official training class comes. I'm excited.

Weather app keeps saying snow/sleet  here but it's Texas so who knows. :roll:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 10, 2024, 08:05:36 PM
The church media team leader is sick today so I got asked to run ProPresenter for the service tonight since he's stuck at home.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 11, 2024, 03:36:16 AM
Our Walmart is very keto friendly. As in, they have no bread to sell. :laughhard:  What is it about the south? People hear snow and rush to buy milk, bread and eggs. And I've never heard one person look at snow and say, "man that makes me want french toast!" :lol:
Taught bible study tonight. At home...dreading tomorrow.. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 11, 2024, 11:48:21 AM
Makes me curious if snow storm forecasts clean out the bread in the freezer department too. I'll have to check next time major snow is forecasted for here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 11, 2024, 04:19:08 PM
If the power goes out, the milk will stay cold since it's already so cold. Bread can be made into sandwiches even if there is no power. Eggs... lots of foods to make if the power stays on but the kids stay home, hahaha. Those three ingredients make the world go 'round with several mouths to feed.

French toast sounds tasty right now.. with hashbrowns or just fried potatoes. yum.

I'm at work though so no days off for me. I don't really expect we'll get much in the way of wintry accumulation, but MAN it's going to be cold. I need to hunt up my hats and earmuffs and gloves and boots and winter socks for sure before the weekend hits.

Today though I have an appointment at 3:30 to get my sleep study equipment so that I can do my sleep study at home tonight. I'm probably going to be wrong, but I really hope I don't have apnea, hahaha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on January 11, 2024, 04:55:46 PM
Supposed to be 70 here today. And then drop to like 9 degrees by Sunday night. :roll:
Bipolar Texas weather. If it's gonna be 9 degrees I need snow please.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 11, 2024, 05:46:42 PM
I'll believe snow when I see it.

They have accurately predicted eight out of the last two snowfalls I have seen. They just keep hollering snow every time it looks like even close to the right conditions, and eventually they are right.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 12, 2024, 04:17:43 PM
Did my sleep study last night. Thank goodness for in-home options, because that "bedroom" they have setup at the clinic is scary, haha. I wouldn't be able to sleep for sure. It was unfortunate that it was hard for me to fall asleep even at home with wires and hoses attached to me, plus it stormed which upset the pup. For once, I was excited to see 6am on Friday, hahahaha.

I had to go drop off the monitor in the monsoon. My umbrella broke somehow this week and didn't realize until this AM. Then I went to the clinic and had my labs done. She got them first stick today - yay! I'll be headed to see my doc on Wednesday mornin to go over my labs and my blood pressure readings.

Grabbed some sustenance from Sonic, then hightailed it to work since the pup was waiting on me there. Jeremy didn't want her out in the downpour with it being chilly as well. We are trying to prepare best we can for the deep freeze coming.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on January 12, 2024, 07:11:22 PM
I honestly don't know how they think anyone can sleep in their clinic for those studies. I wouldn't be able to do it either.

It was in fact 71 yesterday, and now it's a lovely 37.  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 12, 2024, 08:27:13 PM
37 sounds like a heat wave. 27 and very windy here. Cuts like a knife. I'm starving. Ate 4 sticks of cheese (total 320 calories) and one 140 calorie snack cake.
Fighting the urge to throw in the towel and go buy a double stack at Wendy's.
Prayer meeting tonight. Trip cancelled. Probably a weekend of doing nothing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 13, 2024, 12:24:40 AM
 :shudder:  It's too cold.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 13, 2024, 12:02:07 PM
Hang onto your fuzzy blanket. It's about to get worse.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 13, 2024, 02:51:09 PM
Texans are supposed to be dramatic when it's cold, I'm just upholding my part of the bargain.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 14, 2024, 11:22:46 AM
One thing about sub-freezing weather: There sure is a lot less barking out there.  :cool:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 14, 2024, 07:07:00 PM
Hi. Twelve flippin' degrees when I left going to church. According to my truck, 14 degrees now..
Taught Sunday school. Did every precaution I know to keep the water from freezing at church. Backslid and ate a double cheeseburger from Wendys- the first in three weeks. It looked so good...and I savored every bite. Now I regret it, cause I feel over stuffed. :pound:
The forecasters are now saying, "Eh, maybe not much snow after all". I'd rather have a FOOT of the stuff and 27 degrees than none and single digits. :pound:
And in other sharing- I could not resist. I had to see if the 94-year-old car would start in 14-degree weather. It turned over three times and started. Without using the choke. I've had newer cars that were more difficult to start. :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 14, 2024, 07:48:46 PM
I bet I would start too if you promised to not choke me...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 15, 2024, 12:23:52 AM
Church got canceled for today because of temps and windchill being below zero.  Temps got down to -4 degrees.  About 9:30AM my coworker started blowing up my phone for help with the main photo lab printer not starting up. Bundled up and went to the store to help her get it working again. Then spent the afternoon at my Dad's house.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 15, 2024, 05:53:16 PM
We delayed our service yesterday to 11am worship only instead of starting at 9:45 with Sunday School and then Worship at 10:45. It was nice. Went to Red Lobster for lunch and then to Rural King to get Jeremy some more thermal socks before he delivers mail in this insane cold air this week. I didn't realize the pair I bought him on Friday evening were that great, so I only had bought him the one set, haha.

I'm at work today, but he and Athena (and of course the cat) are all at home enjoying the holiday inside the warm home. I'm semi-warm but I have a heater at my desk, so I'll be toasty in no time. Actually got to work early today and the IT people have already brought my computer back. I only had to be inconvenienced for about 2.5 hours. NICE!

I think we're having a soup or something for dinner. Jeremy mentioned a crockpot.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 15, 2024, 09:15:35 PM
Its a balmy 9 degrees in Indiana today. The cold killed the battery in my brother's car. Dad helped him get a new battery in.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 15, 2024, 10:55:18 PM
It's been 20 pretty much all day here. The bantam chicken water froze solid.
I have a birdbath heater in the other waterers that seems to be working.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 16, 2024, 02:26:24 AM
 I'm not sure the temp broke 20 here today. 12 right now. Laid around today. Get to work from home tomorrow, aka do nothing.  I'll probably drive Lou to work tomorrow morning and check on the church. Roads pretty bad around here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 16, 2024, 02:30:12 PM
At work again.. this time with Athena beside me. I don't have as productive of a day with her thanks to all of her potty breaks, hahaha. She has the window in front of her today so hopefully a squirrel will entertain her.

We have an auditor coming today at 11:30 with our workers compensation insurance. They typically physically in-person audit every two years, but due to COVID, they missed a year, so it's actually been 3 years since they were here last.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 16, 2024, 03:25:46 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on January 15, 2024, 10:55:18 PMIt's been 20 pretty much all day here. The bantam chicken water froze solid.
I have a birdbath heater in the other waterers that seems to be working.
Bird bath heater is a thing?

This might be what I'm going to use for my dog's water bucket from now on. Thanks.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 16, 2024, 10:49:50 PM
Athena's been pressing her luck with me all day. She hates going potty outside on a leash, but she's not trustworthy enough in my book to be let off one with me. Jeremy's the only one brave enough for that chaos.

In other news, my friend's mom was taken by ambulance today with a suspected heart attack. They had to shock her twice to bring her back. They're thinking it's not a heart attack now, but are awaiting test results. She had been sedated and intubated, but they've had to resuscitate her again if I'm understanding correctly. My mom is friends with the mom as well, and their other friend is tryin to update the best they can, so I'm hearing things 3rd hand. Since Paige is in the middle of all of this happening to her momma, I didn't want to bother her myself.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on January 17, 2024, 02:01:48 PM
Good morning everyone.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on January 17, 2024, 02:14:01 PM
On an unrelated note...I'm sure many of you remember Newsman.  I was near his resting place a few weeks ago and went by to visit. 


I sure miss that joker.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 17, 2024, 04:09:59 PM
He (would've) loved that visit I know. I think of him often!

@Work. Doc visit went fine. Sugar was high, but I told her.. I've been having a snack binge lately. It's almost over. lol. Grabbed some breakfast and some fruit for snacking.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 17, 2024, 10:40:04 PM
Was pulling into McDonalds to get food before church and felt my phone buzz. Checked the messages to find this...

ACW Family,

Due to recent severe weather, our church has sustained damage, including frozen pipes that have affected our furnace system, impacting walls and ceilings. We were hoping to be able to continue with service, but unfortunately, we must suspend tonight's service.

We anticipate, Lord willing, to resume services this weekend!

In the meantime, we invite you to revisit past services on our Facebook or YouTube channels, especially the latest from our Firm Foundations series, "Sin & Conviction," or our ongoing 2024 Grow/Vision series.

Your prayers and understanding are deeply appreciated. We love our ACW family!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 18, 2024, 03:34:41 AM
So, I had another day off. Cancelled church since we had several back roads that were still yucky. Kinda feel guilty about cancelling but I didn't want the most faithful, my older folks, trying to get here and breaking a hip. Some of them will come no matter what if that door is open. I love their faithfulness, but I worry myself to death over them.
 Got word tomorrow is back to work, albeit two hours late. I've been reasonably good diet wise- may splurge and drink a ton of calories in the form of a  coffee or frappe tomorrow...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 18, 2024, 04:33:00 PM
Ugrah. At work. The coffee was 1) expensive and 2) ineffective. :pound: How can I laze around all week and get tons of rest, and still drag on the first day back?!?!
 May slip out and drive a couple of drive by home visits- basically make sure the house is still there for a couple of my better offenders.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on January 18, 2024, 04:36:38 PM
I've never come back recharged and ready to work my hind end off at work after days off work... I don't know if that's only for people who are just crazy passionate about their jobs or what, haha. It gives me a taste of what it's like to NOT have to go to work... and it usually feels nice, hahaha. But I have bills and whatnot, so I still go back..

@Work. It's finally getting warm enough out that Athena could go with her dad today to work. WOO.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 18, 2024, 05:54:59 PM
Up to 58 here today. Thankful it's out of the teens.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 20, 2024, 11:02:25 PM

it was, once gain, cold here this morning. 14 degrees. So tired of it. I need my heat!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 21, 2024, 04:36:12 AM
Back down to 32 atm. About ready for Spring.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on January 22, 2024, 09:23:56 PM
Soooo ready for spring too. I was on PTO last week. It was nice. Getting up today wasn't as nice. lol
Cold and raining  here today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on January 22, 2024, 09:34:59 PM
One more day of work then I'm off for a long weekend Wednesday through Sunday. Using some of my PTO time while I can still get it as paid days  off. After February 1 any accumulated PTO time over 80 hours I'd get paid for but not get to take as time off.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 22, 2024, 10:05:27 PM
It's been raining all day here. Thankfully not quite as cold.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 23, 2024, 02:58:54 AM
Been rainy and cold all day. Supposed to warm up this week though. Next weekend, a planned dash to Pickard's anniversary service in Boswell, Ok will be a quick getaway for Lou and I.But lord, I gotta get through the week.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 23, 2024, 09:10:19 AM
 I'm still here. Still nothing worth reporting, unless you want to hear about my latest exciting find at the salvage grocery. (It's delicious though.)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 23, 2024, 04:55:07 PM
Zero sleep last night. I've now been awake 24 hours and it is catching up with me. I will sleep like the dead tonight...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on January 23, 2024, 10:11:33 PM
This gloom and doom got to go. I need some sunshine.  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 24, 2024, 05:42:57 AM
Still raining. We may need an ark soon.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 24, 2024, 12:42:10 PM
IKR! Or at least a rowboat.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 24, 2024, 03:27:10 PM
My back yard is literally under two inches of water. The ditch that provides drainage away from our field line (over a foot deep) is full, over flowing and can't get rid of the water fast enough.
It is a mess. Fortunately, although over cast, it is not raining today. I went to bed around 8 last night. Slept very soundly and did not wish to get up today...
Have a ton of things to do, not the least of which includes putting the power point for tonight's bible study together. I should've done that last night, but sleep did not allow.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on January 25, 2024, 07:03:52 PM
Well I almost thought the sun was gonna come out, but it's still trying. No more rain here today not that I've seen.
I didn't sleep well last night cus Adam had to go to Ardmore OK for work yesterday and today. He comes home tonight thank goodness!!! I don't sleep well when he's not here. Which is quite humorous cus I often don't sleep when he is here cus of the snoring LOL  :updown:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 25, 2024, 08:18:30 PM
I, too, am thankful it's not raining today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 26, 2024, 12:38:13 AM
It misted here today, but wound up sunny.
In sharing- I've learned not to put video in my powerpoints. Taught lesson on Oneness last night and numerous in the church were new to the faith and to the concept. I apparently presented it well and they responded. There was one section thought I had a 4 minute video by Bro Johnny James that really spoke to me so I put it in the slide presentation, tested it before church- all good. Got to that point and it wouldn't play. Instead of going on, I figured it would be just a quick button push. Nope. Gave up, but the whole incident rattled me and DESTROYED the flow. I left feeling defeated.
Fortunately, one of the new folks texted me saying "Pastor that was an amazing message. It really cleared up some questions I had".
Thankful. And determined to NOT make that mistake again.
Ready for tomorrow to be over. Looking forward to slipping away with my sweetie, even if it is to a church service. Any time with her is good time. :)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on January 26, 2024, 08:16:03 PM
Welllpp I spoke too soon. Woke up to it pouring rain today. And still going at 2pm. Sigh.  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 26, 2024, 09:55:33 PM
Just cloudy all day here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 29, 2024, 03:06:35 AM
Hi. Been busy...youd never have guessed I am sure.
Went to Texas friday night. Stayed the night, went to a ham radio store and was greatly tempted, then went to oklahoma and enjoyed the company of a brother i had not seen in several yeara. Good time.  Drove back got in the wee hours of the mornong and since I'd already made arrangements, played hooky and slept until 11.
Good friend preached tonight, had 40 plus there, tremendous move of God.
So thankful.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 29, 2024, 09:39:19 AM
I thought you didn't do ham radio stuff any more...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 29, 2024, 09:57:03 AM
My brain suddenly asked me "why can't green beans go in pasta?" I didn't have a good answer.

So yesterday I cut up half a pound of bacon into bits, fried it in the bottom of a big soup pot, then (left the grease IN) added milk, angel hair spaghetti, green beans, a bit of onion powder and basil and cooked the whole mess until the noodles sucked up most of the milk.

I don't know if I should call it bacon spaghetti or genetically modified green bean casserole. But it's good!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 29, 2024, 03:11:02 PM
Where in Texas did you go, Bobby?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on January 30, 2024, 03:42:07 PM
Isaac, I still play with ham radio, just not as active in the hobby as I have been in the past. Life and all that keeps getting in the way. Trying to get Jerm to get active in it again which will cause me to increase my activity...
Fuzz, went to Paris. Then over to Pickard's at Boswell, Oklahoma- he was celebrating 22 years as pastor there.
Twas a good time- it's been somewhere around 14 years since I've been to Boswell.
And yesterday I ran. Had to take a brother in the church to run some errands, check on a commercial ice machine for the church, and did a bit of work on Sam. Decided to run the Model A to town to pick up a headlight- halfway there the old biddy blew a fuse and caused me grief before I got her going again and went home.
Currently fussing about the IRS, calling my tax professional, and praying for miracles. I hate the IRS.... blood sucking leaches.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 30, 2024, 04:42:00 PM
Paris is barely in Texas. ;)
Doesn't seem like the Pickard's could have already been there that long.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on January 30, 2024, 11:06:33 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on January 30, 2024, 04:42:00 PMParis is barely in Texas. ;)
Doesn't seem like the Pickard's could have already been there that long.
Ugh! I don't like to think about that.

The pastor's son used to be the little brat I had to dodge as he ran through the church halls. Now he's a preacher and going to college. I'm proud of the man, but I don't like to think about what that means for my age.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on January 31, 2024, 09:52:43 PM
It's pretty today and 76*. Someone said we would be in the teens again on the second week of February. :o
That is not what I want
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 01, 2024, 02:18:32 PM
Well. Did not feel great yesterday so I took off and spent all day in my recliner. Taught bible study last night on salvation. Good response, a couple of folks saying they understood now and wanted to be baptized. I was overjoyed.
Back at work today, where the IT division has proven to not be my friend. They installed a new secure print system recently that made us put our employee number into the printer for every print job. Exasperating and time consuming. However, they mistakenly left a back door opened and I found a way to access the printer without going through their system, so for the last few months I've been gleefully continuing my work without their stupidity.
They caught me apparently. They removed the driver for my printer and as they have the system locked where we can't download programs without their clearance, I'm stuck using their system. Pains.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 01, 2024, 07:05:21 PM
Don't worry.. I'm at work. Been here all week. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. :)

Finally got the contribution statements ready and started distributing last night. So NOW I'll finally be able to either... work at work on Saturday or work on our cluttered home. I'm really preferring the second option.

So much going on drama-wise. Jeremy's work is frustrating in many ways, haha. I went from only having iron issues (which seem to be corrected by taking an iron pill daily), to now having low potassium and high glucose. I'm not diabetic, but I have to really get things in check or I could be. You know how that is.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 02, 2024, 12:08:21 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on February 01, 2024, 02:18:32 PMWell. Did not feel great yesterday so I took off and spent all day in my recliner. Taught bible study last night on salvation. Good response, a couple of folks saying they understood now and wanted to be baptized. I was overjoyed.
Back at work today, where the IT division has proven to not be my friend. They installed a new secure print system recently that made us put our employee number into the printer for every print job. Exasperating and time consuming. However, they mistakenly left a back door opened and I found a way to access the printer without going through their system, so for the last few months I've been gleefully continuing my work without their stupidity.
They caught me apparently. They removed the driver for my printer and as they have the system locked where we can't download programs without their clearance, I'm stuck using their system. Pains.  :laughhard:
They have a lot of problems with illicit printing?

Sorry, I'm trying to figure out why they would go to so much trouble to keep people from using up (gasp!) ink and paper. It's not as though either is expensive or in short supply.

It's like storing pencils in Fort Knox. Sure they're safe, but why THIS much effort to safeguard something so cheap?

I'm guessing they put a measure in to prevent you carrying the driver in on a USB flash drive, but if I was there I'd still try it just to see.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 02, 2024, 12:11:25 AM
I would also try bringing my own laptop with printer driver for print jobs. Just because I hate inane restrictions.

Sensible restrictions I can tolerate. Inane ones chafe my spirit something terrible.

As cheap as printers are, I might be tempted to bring in my own, just so I could thumb my nose at their keypad.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 02, 2024, 06:51:54 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 02, 2024, 07:23:43 PM
:hi: Beautiful day. Still not 100%. Hiding in my office. Eating two pieces of pizza which is doubtless more calories than my diet allows. I don't care.
Ready for the weekend- why I don't know. Work-ish day at church tomorrow, church Sunday, Monday meet with CPA re: the bloodsucking leeches with three initials ending in "RS" and I NEED to go to Little Rock for church business- that may or may not happen.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on February 05, 2024, 02:08:19 PM
Good morning everyone!

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 05, 2024, 02:39:47 PM
On the irritability struggle bus this morning. Sweet tea would probably help, but I'm not allowed to have that now, haha.

Trying with a string cheese and a Crystal Light (Wild Strawberry). It's pretty tasty, but it's no breakfast sandwich. I need to get research done asap and then prep, so I can be happy with my snacks.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on February 05, 2024, 11:02:57 PM
I'm in the ER. Started having chest pains and numbness in my arm last night.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 06, 2024, 12:02:11 AM
Praying for you, Tia.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on February 06, 2024, 02:07:20 AM
I'm back home now. ER did bloodwork, chest X-rays, and ekg. Results came back saying  the pain is not caused by a heart attack. Apparently I've got a pulled muscle or high anxiety. Knowing me it's probably both.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 06, 2024, 02:48:04 AM
That's much better than heart problems. Thank you, Jesus.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 06, 2024, 03:43:32 AM
Went to the CPA. She worked miracles. I still have to repent for the thoughts I am having towards the IRS.
Church last night went well. Had about 40. Several out, and several of our newer folks told me unsolicited how much they loved our church and how happy they are there. Guess God knew I needed to hear that.
Did NOT go to Little Rock. Had lunch with an elder who used to pastor our church and who actually dedicated me as a baby. It was nice to hear some stories about our church from then. Came home, did some tinkering with Rusty and took hm for a drive, then ventured out with the Model A. Wound up having adventures and driving 75 miles....adventure being when the old biddy QUIT ON TOP OF THE ARKANSAS RIVER BRIDGE.
Fortunately, it wasn't my day to meet the Lord in person, and I managed to jury rig a fix with a piece of wire and fishing line and got it home. Try that with your fancy new computerized gizmo whiz bang car.
Now, I am in pre-dread stage for work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on February 06, 2024, 02:17:19 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 06, 2024, 02:21:50 PM
Doesn't seem like that car really wants to be taken out for long drives... lol.

@Work. Snotty nose and light headache. Hoping I'm not sick with something communicable.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 06, 2024, 03:34:46 PM
Training class for new job starts next week. My month of leisure is soon to be gone.

And I don't want teen weather anymore either Sandra. Make it go away.  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 06, 2024, 06:17:54 PM
Quote from: Nelle on February 06, 2024, 02:21:50 PM@Work. Snotty nose and light headache. Hoping I'm not sick with something communicable.
Nelle is being snotty! Nelle is being snotty!



I'd better hush. The same thing is going around here, and I don't want karma to hit me upside the head with it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 06, 2024, 07:15:27 PM
Mini- you are a nut. I was checking "Lord, did I pocket dial him?"
I didn't cuss, but lord the thoughts...
And the old girl is 94 years old and I have awoken her over the last few months from a decade long sleep pretty much. I understand her being cantankerous. LOL
Today- is busy as what. I am over it already...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 07, 2024, 04:07:51 PM
Quote from: mini on February 06, 2024, 02:17:19 PM(https://i.ibb.co/d76F6vL/breaking-news.jpg)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 07, 2024, 06:42:14 PM
Hi. Lord, today. :pound: Busy as what. At lunch I went and renewed the church bus tags, and Chey's cars. Teach Bible study tonight.
And in Bible reading, I've discovered Nehemiah may be my new favorite "minor" bible character.
In Nehemiah 13:21, he says in part-" if ye do that again, I will lay hands on you".
I've said that a time or two. And felt guilty. Now I have bible and shall feel guilt no longer. :biglaugh:

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 07, 2024, 08:45:26 PM
My five pound wheel of port du salut just arrived!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

If you have ever eaten brie and thought the texture was good, but you wished it didn't have such a strong flavor, you need port du salut. Maybe not five pounds of it, but you definitely need to try it.

I can only eat a very small nibble right now to test quality. If I ate what I wanted, my sinuses would NEVER let me sleep tonight.

But breakfast tomorrow gonna be epic...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 08, 2024, 04:09:12 PM
Urgh. Morning, all. wandering through the day over here. Dreading the liklihood of more rain. I was worried my mud was gonna dry. :smirk:
Woke up today hungry as what. Could smooth eat the south end of a northbound cow.  Doing everything in my power to not give in and feed the craving with a double stack. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 09, 2024, 09:52:36 AM
I was right. Breakfast yesterday was epic. And my sinuses made me pay for it all morning and half the afternoon. And it was worth it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 09, 2024, 02:38:08 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on February 09, 2024, 02:40:55 PM
It warmed up into the 50's and 60's for a few days so I got to ride my bike to praise team practice last night.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 09, 2024, 10:07:49 PM
It is 73 here today. Absolutely beautiful. Tonight I have prayer meeting, tomorrow I have to work for an hour and hopefully at some point I get a little "me" time...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 09, 2024, 10:47:19 PM
It's 73* here, also. So lovely.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 11, 2024, 12:47:14 AM
Raining most of the day here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 11, 2024, 02:51:39 PM
It was hailing the worst I've seen since we moved here over 30 years ago. I almost dread going out to look for damage.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 12, 2024, 04:28:59 PM
Hi. Lawd dont know where to start.
Prayer meeting was awesome...as in one of our ladies walked in grabbed my wife and said pray for me. I aint leaving until I have God. Dear lord...needless to say prayer meeting turnt up as the kids say.
And last night, after a total holy ghost explosion, I got to baptize her in Jesus name
 Today..half the church is calling with various ailments, but all are praising God and saying the devil is mad.

And in less spiritual sharing..I gotta take ethan to take his drivers license test today. Its a cold rainy overcast day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 12, 2024, 06:24:00 PM
Once upon a time, long long ago, I got a 7 lb wheel of gorgonzola. That was an experience.

This port du salut, I think this is gonna become a lifestyle.

Bobby we had one of them explosion thingies yesterday at church too. Which was interesting timing because Saturday night grandma was more fractious than usual so Sunday morning I was kind of low on sleep. I told the pastor if I dozed off during his sermon, don't take it personal.

After the service I told the pastor, "Well... I didn't fall asleep in the middle of your sermon."  =^.^=
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 12, 2024, 07:02:15 PM
We dipped strawberries most of the weekend. I only have one more meet-up this evening after work and I'm chocolate covered strawberry free!

I'm having to leave work early today to take Athena to her vet appointment. She's getting a medicine for heartworm prevention, plus her Bravecto.. and getting her eye examined to make sure if she does or doesn't need an eyedrop. Easier for me to take off than Jeremy, so.. me it is!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 13, 2024, 03:00:51 PM
Morning y'all. Coffee is assisting Jesus this morning in keeping my heart clean. If not, at least my hands...as in I haven't strangled anyone- YET.
If I can make it through today, bible study. I hope to have fun with this one. Gonna take a break from the several church building/ evangelistic series we've done the last year and slip over to a few studies on heroes of the faith. I've been working up a Bible study on Peter I think my people will identify with. Titled it: "God's Redneck; a study on an unlikely bible hero".
It may get away from me- I thought just a couple weeks...the first two verses mentioning him gave me tonight's study. Nearly thirty slides and two pages of notes, and I ain't got past "...and followed Him."  :laughhard:

Uh- Oops. Someone reminded me that today is Tuesday. I have NO idea how I got off.  Now I'm borderline ill that I spent until 11 last night working on the bible study when I had today. :laughhard:
Now to go change the date on the church posts.... *slinks away sheepishly*
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 13, 2024, 03:59:57 PM
My pastor always says "If it's good, it's worth spending time on" when it comes to our series!

Tomorrow night we are doing a valentines party for the sunday school kids. Gotta make my checklist at lunch.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 14, 2024, 01:10:45 PM
Urgh. NOW it is Wednesday. :pound:  How I wish it were Friday. I am majorly dragging. I need something to get me going.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 14, 2024, 04:12:35 PM
Starting training today.  The 3 days this week are just "tech" days. For all of the external hires they're all setting up their laptops, getting logged-in etc. I'm already way ahead of them so I don't have to do any of that lol. So my cat is keeping everyone entertained on camera lol.

SO excited to be starting today though. Excited to jump into it!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 14, 2024, 05:06:50 PM
Happy Relationship Tax Day.

I'm exempt.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 14, 2024, 05:08:30 PM
I know you must be so relieved that job worked out, Jenn.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 14, 2024, 06:30:31 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on February 14, 2024, 04:12:35 PMStarting training today.  The 3 days this week are just "tech" days. For all of the external hires they're all setting up their laptops, getting logged-in etc. I'm already way ahead of them so I don't have to do any of that lol. So my cat is keeping everyone entertained on camera lol.

SO excited to be starting today though. Excited to jump into it!


I also feel like we deserve to see said kitty ... (cue all the hearts)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 14, 2024, 07:06:50 PM
Nelle I don't remember how to upload one here. lol
I tried attaching one too but it's too big.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 14, 2024, 08:40:56 PM
lol. I feel ya.. I don't think I know how to anymore either.

Kids sunday school valentines party tonight at church. I have the pizza scheduled for 630 pickup and then I have to go to walmart and grab the rest of the stuff (in a pickup - thank you whoever decided to do these). Gotta stop on my way home from work at Dollar Tree for a few balloons and some knick-knacks.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 15, 2024, 09:29:18 AM
I am NOT having cheese in my breakfast this morning. This is a big departure from what has become my daily routine for about a week.

For me to be like "Maybe you should scale back on the cheese a bit there big boy," do you have any idea how overloaded on dairy I have to feel?  :o

Maybe my coworkers were right. They have commented that my voice has been sounding different for about a week now. I told them port du salut is worth every sniffle. I regret nothing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 15, 2024, 03:40:30 PM
Party went well last night. Kids seemed to enjoy themselves.

I've been eating a turkey meat stick and a mozzarella string cheese every morning for breakfast instead of spending money at McDs or Wendys for their breakfast foods. I made some hard boiled eggs just now though, so I'll probably add that in the morning, plus have them for snacks today and tomorrow.

I'm excited for the weekend. Ready to sleep in Saturday. Last weekend was SO busy. Ready to NOT be THAT busy this one.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 15, 2024, 07:46:01 PM
Hi. Last night went well...a bit over 50 in attendance which was amazing for us. Enjoyed teaching, got a few laughs and a few "hmmmm" which generally means they are thinking about it.
Today I've ran a bit. And tomorrow, I'm playing hooking and burning my employee birthday holiday from last year.
I may not tell Lou, just so she doesn't give me chores to do.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 16, 2024, 02:48:24 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on February 14, 2024, 05:08:30 PMI know you must be so relieved that job worked out, Jenn.

Realized I skipped this. lol sorry Sandra. and YES I am soooooooooo happy. Gosh I can't even begin to describe how happy I am. The girl who took my place in the old job is a friend who I've known forever. She always helped ME. She's struggling and I feel so awful for her. But I am sooo thankful it's not me LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 19, 2024, 03:19:08 AM
Urgh. Glad I am off tomorrow....and don't have anything I HAVE to do
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 19, 2024, 04:41:38 PM
Wishing I was off today, but I'm not. Which is good I guess considering the plethora of pay requests that need to be submitted today and tomorrow! :)

Arkansas this weekend for me.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on February 19, 2024, 04:52:15 PM
Working today and tomorrow then I'm off for 2 days.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 19, 2024, 06:03:25 PM
Today is our 41st anniversary, time sure flies.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 19, 2024, 07:42:05 PM
Wow Happy Anniversary Sandra!

Day 1 of official training. I've been bored mostly cus it's stuff I already know for most part. lol week 2 (next week) is when it gets tough supposedly. We'll see!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on February 19, 2024, 08:20:57 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on February 19, 2024, 06:03:25 PMToday is our 41st anniversary, time sure flies.

Happy Anniversary

My parents would have been married 45 years this Saturday.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 20, 2024, 04:03:17 AM
Happy anniversary Fuzz.
Here it is ten pm and I've just now gotten the chance to get here. Slept in, worked on Sam, went to the church and worked on Wednesday nights bible study, prayed, came home and worked on the power point for said bible study. Back to the salt mine tomorrow...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 20, 2024, 02:01:31 PM
Urgh. Salt Mine. Bah. Unexpected court at 9am. I may request for the defendant's execution.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 20, 2024, 02:59:08 PM
Day 2 of training. Getting back to having to be awake before 9 is hard lol. Mornings are hard.
I'm happy for the routine, but it's hard.

I slept the entire night smelling weed and I swear I still smell it now. It's very odd. And no I promise Bobby there is not an ounce of weed in my house. Thankfully hubbs hates the smell just as much as I do! LOL But why does my house smell like pot?!! It's a mystery!!!! And one I am quite perturbed at!!  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 20, 2024, 03:05:39 PM
Jenn, is your hubby liking his new job?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on February 20, 2024, 03:24:53 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on February 20, 2024, 02:59:08 PMDay 2 of training. Getting back to having to be awake before 9 is hard lol. Mornings are hard.
I'm happy for the routine, but it's hard.

I slept the entire night smelling weed and I swear I still smell it now. It's very odd. And no I promise Bobby there is not an ounce of weed in my house. Thankfully hubbs hates the smell just as much as I do! LOL But why does my house smell like pot?!! It's a mystery!!!! And one I am quite perturbed at!!  :noo:

Right now the skunks are out in full force here.  Sunday, we were headed to church and we were talking about how bad they smelled.  As we pulled up in the middle of town, we got yet another whiff of skunk.  I stepped out and said (loudly) "Man, it stinks out here...wait...that's someone smoking weed!"  I then looked over at the car next to us, I realized someone was sitting in there smoking a joint.  I was embarrassed...lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 20, 2024, 03:27:45 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on February 20, 2024, 03:05:39 PMJenn, is your hubby liking his new job?

haha no not really. he feels like he's already gotten the store to a better place.
I think he feels stuck and he's just restless cus he wants his own store.

And Mini - ewwww. But often you can tell the difference. I usually can. lol key word usually.
i know the guy next door smokes, i've smelled it late at night before. but for it to invade my house is new. so idk.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 20, 2024, 05:38:42 PM
Honest confession- I've never understood how someone doesn't differentiate between weed and skunk. To me, there's a big difference. And weird confession- I LIKE the smell of a skunk,. Hate the smell of weed.
This morning, I had the torture of being around approximately 200 people. Unwashed hindquarters and weed seemed to be their choice of cologne. I was VERY glad to get out of that place...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 20, 2024, 06:27:38 PM
Our neighbor smokes it on the nicer evenings. I'm thankful she hasn't found any of these evenings nice lately. It drifts RIGHT over into our bedroom window (which is closed) and fills our house shortly thereafter. We still aren't sure if my sickness in Colorado was solely altitude-based or also somethin to do with the weed in my SIL's house. They shut off their growing operation while we were there bc I was so ill that first day, haha. I still think it was mostly the altitude since we are so low here in Southern IL and they were situated near Pike's Peak's base.

Ate lunch. I also ate three donuts. Tell no one. LOL. I'm regretting the sugar intake, but they tasted SOOO OOOOOOOO good. Hopefully I can make penance the remainder of the week. I didn't even have strawberries with my lunch as part of a small token of atonement for such greed.

I did break a small barrier for myself over the weekend. I hadn't had any tea at all for like 2-3 weeks now. I drank a small bottle of Gold Peak on Saturday and i was so nervous I would have a hard time going back to water if I tasted tea, but I didn't. I'm still enjoying my water. I'm even purchasing some new flavor packs to try. I've only not liked the starburst all pink (too sweet) and the Propel black cherry (saltiness). I only buy the zero sugar options, and I try to steer clear of Red 40 ingredient so the husband can also use them.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 21, 2024, 02:09:24 PM
Hi. Hope all have a great day...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 21, 2024, 03:26:45 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 21, 2024, 07:40:59 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 22, 2024, 12:28:37 AM
I just had a maaaaaaahvelous day!

My tax return dropped last Wednesday. I promptly bought new tires, a used gaming laptop with a VERY sweet video card, a ThinkPhone, a video adapter to use the ThinkPhone's desktop mode with an old screen, a fan cooling pad for the laptop... and a little three dollar blade sharpener, the partridge in the pear tree.

A lot of stuff came in the mail today. I've been covering the whole kitchen with boxes, cables, adapters and etc. to make sure everything works the way I want, then setting up my computer table in the corner of the living room.

Right now one laptop is running Fallout 4 on ultra graphics settings with no lag at all, while the phone is acting like a desktop computer on the bigscreen monitor. The phone itself is pretending to be a trackpad so I can move a mouse pointer around.

Story time in the next post.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 22, 2024, 12:31:45 AM
So Wednesday I placed a lot of orders online. Thursday I went to w*rk and told a cow*rker "Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and I had the day off, so I found the love of my life online! I decided what I wanted, then I used a few filters to screen out what I didn't want..."

She interrupted me: "What kind of cheese is it?"


I tried again with somebody else. She also interrupted me: "It's cheese?"


I tried again with a third person. She also interrupted me with: "Was it chocolate?"


I tried with a fourth person. She also interrupted with: "A computer, right?"

I mean... Well... She DID guess right. But really, FOUR WOMEN IN A ROW had to interrupt me? I w*rk with some doggone cynical people.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 22, 2024, 12:33:50 AM
This new computer is actually not the love of my life. (The port du salut wheel comes closer to that.) I think this might be the last gaming computer I will ever buy. Grandma can't last much longer, and then I won't have loads of time to kill here in the corner of the living room.

But it really was a pretty sweet deal. GTX 1070 graphics card, 8 gig video ram, for $450... in a LAPTOP! Even used, that usually costs way, way more.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 22, 2024, 01:08:54 PM
Sounds like you work with people who know you. :biglaugh:
Morning all. Apparently there is an AT&T outage nationwide. I have FirstNet, a special system for first responders (Police and what not) that switches automatically to other modes and works even when AT&T can't most of the time, so I've not been impacted.
Taught last night. Crowd was down, we had several out sick, including my Chey girl. I've got to try to get her a doctor appointment.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 22, 2024, 02:58:12 PM
Yep. No service here for hubbs and I either. I wouldn't of probably noticed except hubbs came home from work (his store is around the corner like literally lol) and told me cus he tried to call me. Wanted to make sure everything was okay.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on February 22, 2024, 05:38:21 PM
I have cell service but apparently some in my city don't because the city mentioned it on their Facebook page
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 22, 2024, 05:57:06 PM
Welp, it's official- Chey has the flu. Unfortunately, the doctor said that all she could do is let it run its course and treat the symptoms as we have been. She should be good by Monday...
Now I'm hoping the rest of us don't get it.  :sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 23, 2024, 08:58:03 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on February 22, 2024, 01:08:54 PMMorning all. Apparently there is an AT&T outage nationwide. I have FirstNet, a special system for first responders (Police and what not) that switches automatically to other modes and works even when AT&T can't most of the time, so I've not been impacted.
Yeah, about that...

I have Mint Mobile (T-Mobile mvno, one of the little guys that buys bandwidth from the big guys and sells it to you) and I had service all day. Apparently almost everybody at w*rk has AT&T because they were all complaining.

Every service will go down now and then - like, EVERY service. It's unavoidable. Not just practically unavoidable, it literally cannot be avoided.

I like to use one service as my daily driver and get the lowest cheap yearly plan on another service for a backup. Like, Mint Mobile (T-Mobile) for my main service and a cheap Boost Mobile (AT&T) yearly plan for a hundred bucks. The backup is only one gigabyte a month, but I only need it if my main provider goes down.

Put the backup plan in an old phone I never use anymore and only turn that phone on if my main phone doesn't have service for some reason. And for $100 a YEAR, it's worth it to still be able to connect.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 23, 2024, 01:46:39 PM
Morning. Friday, Thank de Lawd.  The scale is mean. Lack of coffee is mean. And I'm a grump.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 23, 2024, 02:47:35 PM
Yes thank the LORD it's Friday finally. My tummy isn't too happy this morning.
I'm eating some toast. Hopefully it will calm. We have to be on camera for our training classes. So like every day. Ugh. lol that's the only bad part about virtual. But at least I get to be at home. Thank the LORRDTTT!  :sing:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on February 23, 2024, 03:32:51 PM
At work, but I got here super late. Didn't feel super great this morning. Going to eat some toast in a few minutes.

Work today, then right after work to church to spot clean sanctuary, then home to pack the car and get the cat ready for the weekend away from me being home to care for her, haha. THEN Arkansas. Not really sure how the plans are working now that they're having a funeral tomorrow, but it'll workout someway. Hopefully I get to rest at some point, haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 25, 2024, 01:52:27 AM
Shew. Got up early, had the oil changed in the Ford...then trip to Russellville and bought gutters for the house. Then ANOTHER trip to Russellville to pick up parts I meant to pick up originally. Then I came home and got most of the gutter job done. Still have a couple drain and down spots to mount but it got dark on me. Waiting rather impatiently for Sam's headlight harness and rings to get here so I can get his headlights installed and move to the final phase..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 25, 2024, 07:57:46 PM
Lord. Headache. Feel not good. And I have to preach tonight. May God move....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 25, 2024, 08:15:26 PM
It's windy here today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 26, 2024, 02:59:42 PM
Monday again. Sigh. Weekends go by too fast.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 26, 2024, 06:14:02 PM
Garfield got you covered.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 27, 2024, 02:46:04 PM
Fun fact. When we moved to W. Falls, our new house is currently on Garfield Street. lol
It's why I wanted this house, besides that we liked it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 27, 2024, 06:07:06 PM
I read that it hit 100* yesterday in Killeen, TX. :o
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 27, 2024, 06:59:54 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on February 27, 2024, 06:07:06 PMI read that it hit 100* yesterday in Killeen, TX. :o
I heard a rumor that a certain feline is keeping his short tail in Tennessee.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 27, 2024, 07:01:40 PM
It seems like a Monday here again. I feel like crud.....not sick enough to take off, but definitely "blah".
Stuck in a "teams" meeting. Wanting to go home.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 27, 2024, 09:52:48 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on February 27, 2024, 06:07:06 PMI read that it hit 100* yesterday in Killeen, TX. :o

It was 92 here in W. Falls. What was your temp Sandra?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 27, 2024, 11:53:22 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on February 27, 2024, 09:52:48 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on February 27, 2024, 06:07:06 PMI read that it hit 100* yesterday in Killeen, TX. :o

It was 92 here in W. Falls. What was your temp Sandra?
I think ours was 87*
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 28, 2024, 01:09:51 PM
I'm liking warmer temps. This morning, however, is NOT warm. Cold front pushing through. Oh, it's not terrible- low 40s- but it's definitely not the 70s and 80s I love. :pound:
I backslid this morning from the way of the diet. Got a Oreo Mocha frappe from a local coffee shop. Conviction has yet to wrench my soul- and when it does, I'll take another swig to calm it. :lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 28, 2024, 02:30:31 PM
Right, it's 49 this morning. Crazy bipolar weather.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 28, 2024, 02:57:37 PM
It said 35 here. Or "real feel" is 27.  :noo:  :nono:

I ONNNNTT LIKE IT. make it go away.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on February 29, 2024, 03:57:42 PM
Anyone alive  :o

Cold and gloomy here. I just wanna crawl back in bed.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on February 29, 2024, 04:01:42 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on February 29, 2024, 11:01:09 PM
Shew. Been busy as the proverbial one armed paperhanger today...One arrested on new drug trafficking charges, another turned himself in after being awol for 6 months, and one got arrested and thrown in the slammer- and in my name- after he felt it was a good idea to send his young female parole officer videos of himself and all that God blessed him with. Ick. It didn't go the way he apparently felt it would.

I, personally, am OVER this whole being an adult thing for the week.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on February 29, 2024, 11:46:01 PM
That has to happen a lot to female parole officers. I'm not about to look it up though.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 01, 2024, 02:32:59 PM
Quote from: Lynx on February 29, 2024, 11:46:01 PMThat has to happen a lot to female parole officers. I'm not about to look it up though.
Surprisingly, around here it doesn't. I think this is the first time I remember it happening in the 8 years or so I've been here.
Morning all. Went to sleep at a normal time, had an incredibly vivid dream/vision pertaining to church that woke me up. Wound up being awake half the night but when I went to sleep it was with an immense feeling of peace.
Now, I'm back at work- thankful it is Friday. This weekend is full.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 01, 2024, 03:01:51 PM
So glad it's Friday.

Hubbs job is opening a store in Searcy, AR. After our vac to AR, we're more inclined to live there lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 01, 2024, 03:11:09 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on March 01, 2024, 03:01:51 PMSo glad it's Friday.

Hubbs job is opening a store in Searcy, AR. After our vac to AR, we're more inclined to live there lol
That would be awesome! Searcy is just about an hour and a half from us. And Arkansas is beautiful if you get out of the flat eastern part.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 01, 2024, 07:01:53 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on March 01, 2024, 03:11:09 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on March 01, 2024, 03:01:51 PMSo glad it's Friday.

Hubbs job is opening a store in Searcy, AR. After our vac to AR, we're more inclined to live there lol
That would be awesome! Searcy is just about an hour and a half from us. And Arkansas is beautiful if you get out of the flat eastern part.  :laughhard:

Hey now! Eastern half is beautiful too. We lived (parents still do) on Crowleys Ridge. I loved Arkansas! Lots of natural beauty.. and SOME good people.  :lol:  LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 01, 2024, 07:41:16 PM
I'll stay as far away from Arkansas as I can. Their poor job of fixing the interstate is why I have hardware in my back.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 01, 2024, 08:01:52 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on March 01, 2024, 03:11:09 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on March 01, 2024, 03:01:51 PMSo glad it's Friday.

Hubbs job is opening a store in Searcy, AR. After our vac to AR, we're more inclined to live there lol
That would be awesome! Searcy is just about an hour and a half from us. And Arkansas is beautiful if you get out of the flat eastern part.  :laughhard:

Mom has a close friend whose parents live in Jonesboro. So she was all for that one. I mean besides it being 7 hours closer to her LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 01, 2024, 08:13:19 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on March 01, 2024, 07:41:16 PMI'll stay as far away from Arkansas as I can. Their poor job of fixing the interstate is why I have hardware in my back.
I cannot deny their interstate repairs have not always been the best.
And Nelle, North east is different from east..kinda. I was throwing shade on Brinkley/West Memphis/Delta area... :biglaugh:
But there is nothing like the Boston Mountains in the fall...or Hwy 7 trip to Hot Springs....and of course, the First State Part, my beloved Petit Jean.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 01, 2024, 09:26:40 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on March 01, 2024, 08:13:19 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on March 01, 2024, 07:41:16 PMI'll stay as far away from Arkansas as I can. Their poor job of fixing the interstate is why I have hardware in my back.
I cannot deny their interstate repairs have not always been the best.
And Nelle, North east is different from east..kinda. I was throwing shade on Brinkley/West Memphis/Delta area... :biglaugh:
But there is nothing like the Boston Mountains in the fall...or Hwy 7 trip to Hot Springs....and of course, the First State Part, my beloved Petit Jean.

West Memphis deserves it. Was on I-55 south around West Memphis that I smacked the interstate divider.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 02, 2024, 09:06:25 PM
We are back up to 79* today. This weather will give you whiplash.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 04, 2024, 02:38:30 AM
I've enjoyed the pretty weather. Did a bit more work on Sam Saturday, then had some church kids over, which Chey enjoyed, at least one of them anyway. :lol:
Preached today. Small list to do tomorrow...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 04, 2024, 02:59:10 PM
Good ol Texas weather. I love the warmth and sunshine though so no complaints from me.

I don't want to adult and work today. Sigh.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 04, 2024, 03:06:23 PM
Its nice 60 degree day here in Indiana today. Tomorrow its supposed to be rainy all day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 04, 2024, 08:37:04 PM
I think we get rain this week too. Or should. Who knows with Texas.

My hubbs boss was out with covid last week/week prior. And so he was down 2-3 days last week.
I think he passed it to me cus I feel awful today. I cannot stop sneezing.  :'(
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 04, 2024, 10:58:47 PM
It's looking like Spring around here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 04, 2024, 11:20:24 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on March 04, 2024, 10:58:47 PMIt's looking like Spring around here.
I'm trying to not think about it. Grass will need mowing all too soon... And after I got home from w*rk today, I killed the first wasp of the season.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on March 05, 2024, 03:01:52 PM
This time of year, I have to repent a lot about Bradford Pear trees.  I hate those things when they bloom...lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 05, 2024, 04:22:53 PM
They're pretty but they sure could use a better scent.


Congested. Slight headache and slight sore throat. I think I might have the throat ache at bay, but this congestion and sinus junk can kick rocks!

Car is in the shop today for brakes. I'm not getting my Uber until 5:10 (my husband) though.. glad I got snacks last night!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 05, 2024, 04:51:38 PM
Hello. Hard at work- seriously. Been too busy to say "Boo". Why I'd WANT to say "Boo" I don't know- but I've heard that saying for years.
I don't have any Bradford pears here. My peach trees that have never made a peach are beautiful though.
It's been in the 70s here. My weather...

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 05, 2024, 08:06:06 PM
The trees here have yet to get the memo that its spring
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 06, 2024, 02:45:27 PM
Morning. REALLY praying the whole "Create in me a clean heart Oh Lord, Renew a right spirit within me" thing today.
I'm glad we are approaching vacation. I can tell when I'm getting stressed and need some time off- and that time has arrived.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 06, 2024, 03:04:11 PM
Quote from: Lynx on March 04, 2024, 11:20:24 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on March 04, 2024, 10:58:47 PMIt's looking like Spring around here.
I'm trying to not think about it. Grass will need mowing all too soon... And after I got home from w*rk today, I killed the first wasp of the season.

We've already forked out money to get the grass cut. The yard in this house is literally 4x the size of our previous house lol. I also paid the guy to clean out a ton of branches, leaves, trash, hauled a bunch of stuff away. Cleaned out our fire pit. Was well worth the money.

About to end my foundational training. Only got one more week of advanced training. wooo.

T-minus 6 days until our new king bed delivers.  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 07, 2024, 12:57:39 PM
Wake up sleepy heads. It be morning.
Back at work, where today and tomorrow will give me three days off. Cool and overcast today.
Speaking of lawn care- I need to mow our lawn. The little purple flowers/weeds has it looking like a longhaired hippy version already. And I have to get some caulk this weekend and seal some joints on my gutter job.The rain last night showed a couple of them to be leaking.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 07, 2024, 02:54:48 PM
I don't wanna be doing morning.  :noo:

I have the little purple weed flowers everywhere too. I like them but then I remember they're weeds and hate that I have so many weeds lol

Final assessment today in foundation training. EEK
I made an 87 on the practice one so hoping it goes well.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 07, 2024, 04:00:36 PM
Just think of those flowers as bee food. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 07, 2024, 05:18:51 PM
TRUE Sandra. Did you know you can order bees now for your garden? lol
I was so close to doing it last spring for mine. Cus my garden was growing well, but it wasn't producing. So I was considering bees to help pollinate it. Still might do it this year.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 07, 2024, 08:49:53 PM
Made a 97 on my final assessment!! WOOOO  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 07, 2024, 10:57:02 PM
A weed is a plant that some human decided he did not want where it was. The difference between weeds and not weeds is only the difference between what we decided we wanted and what we decided we didn't want.

Besides, they are pretty.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 08, 2024, 04:54:04 PM
So glad it's Friday. It's gloomy and rainy though. IONNN LIKE IT.  :'(
I've got a slight headache too due to the weather.

Final task in training today. We have to do a mock client call. EEK. So nervous. Mine is at 11:15. Just sitting here rolling in anxiousness lol  :noo:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 08, 2024, 05:39:31 PM
Welpp def. bombed that lol.  :roll:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 08, 2024, 11:09:30 PM
I regularly bomb client phone calls. Had one get indignant with me recently telling me I wasn't very kind or patient on the phone. I pointed out that when they were in the office, they expected my full attention and I attempted to give that to them- and it wasn't fair for them to take up SOMEONE else's time with me when they could simply discuss it at their next office visit for the most part.
They agreed that was so.

Lord, I'm glad I am an hour away from the day being over. I'm wanting to choke folk.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 08, 2024, 11:43:40 PM
It rained like crazy this morning. Water going over the road in quite a few places, then it turned into a pretty day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 11, 2024, 02:42:14 PM
Well I did better then I thought haha. One person said 15/20, the other 19/20 and "Is Jennifer ready for client calls" they both said yes. Whew!!!

Monday again. Time change messed me up hard for bed. I was up till after 3. Weeeeeeee  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 11, 2024, 03:31:52 PM
My white vehicle looks kinda yellow from pollen.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 11, 2024, 06:22:34 PM
Yup. T'is the season to be sneezin.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 11, 2024, 06:29:17 PM
I bought double extra strength Benadryl for bedtime. (normal is 25mg, extra is 50mg lol), I bought EYE LID WIPES.... labeled for allergies...cus apparently allergens can sit ON (or around) your eyes and not always IN them. I bought new nasal spray. And a new allergy med maybe for daytime. I am trying all routes. lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 11, 2024, 07:10:07 PM
Got a message last night from my church media team leader asking me if I'd be available to run the ProPresenter for the rally our church is hosting in April. Was able to get that day off work so I'm in for my first real challenge as the media team rookie.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 11, 2024, 07:50:30 PM
I feel and sound under the weather, haha. I feel the worst in the AM when I wake up, but with warm liquids and water, I do better during the day. Hopefully this is the week it goes away! lol.. Everyone would enjoy too much if my voice goes away completely.

This month is going so fast! Still working on decluttering my home of any and all extra possessions. It's exciting.

Making a meat/cheese tray tonight for tomorrow's funeral. Our church lost a precious saint this past week(end). She had dementia and her husband was being SUCH a great husband. I cannot imagine how rough the past several years have been on him watching his wife slowly slip away. Very sweet, sad, and humbling to watch. They were married 64 years and they fulfilled those vows.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 12, 2024, 03:37:52 AM
Been busy as what. Worked in the shop this weekend, the Sunday was as usual church. Had upper 40s sunday night,low 40s sunday morning. Different people missing at each. If they could just get in ONE ACCORD AND BE AT CHURCH.... :lol:
Today I went to finish up Sam, then got called in the middle of the day that I was needed in court. Immediately. I told them I'd head that way buuuut -they'd have to excuse my attire. They said to come on, no time to waste. So that's how I wound up entertaining the judge, prosecutor and public defender by showing up and taking the witness stand- in overalls. They were lucky I had a new pair on.
My probationer was less than happy... they had been talking about dismissing his revocation if I was not there to testify. Since I showed up- we had a hearing and he was found guilty and sentenced to 11 years prison.
Now I've got two more hours comp time to burn.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 12, 2024, 09:19:09 AM
Well... If they call you in with no notice, they gotta take what they get. I wouldn't be embarrassed at all. They oughta be grateful.  :cool:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 12, 2024, 12:13:46 PM
Morning. Started nicely- flat on the work car. Bah.  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 12, 2024, 01:38:53 PM
Husband is making me go to the doctor tonight. Well, he isn't making me, but he's peer pressuring me into it, haha. "Are you going to wait until you've completely lost your voice to go to the doctor?" I can't tell if I've had any improvement or not, but my throat hurts when I cough so I'm not enjoying that, haha.

My doctor left their clinic at the end of February, so I'm currently trying to get accepted by another doctor in that clinic. If I don't hear back today, I'll have to do something else because unfortunately, I have medicines that I'm going to need doctor approval on to be reissued to me fairly soon.

Time change hasn't been horrible, but it hasn't been a ball either. I'm also already ready for lunch. I guess I need to find something healthy and filling enough to tide me over until lunch haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 12, 2024, 02:39:38 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on March 12, 2024, 12:13:46 PMMorning. Started nicely- flat on the work car. Bah.  :pound:

Omg we just had this problem. Went to Target Sunday night and came out and saw left driver side tire was 1/2 flat. Sigh.
Funny part is hubsters gets his bonus Friday and we had planned to get 2 tires for the car and 2 for the truck with that bonus. lol Just had to get the car tires 4 days early!! Sigh  :noo:

But in other news our KING BED delivers today and I am STOKED.  :sing:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 12, 2024, 02:40:17 PM
Quote from: Nelle on March 12, 2024, 01:38:53 PMHusband is making me go to the doctor tonight. Well, he isn't making me, but he's peer pressuring me into it, haha. "Are you going to wait until you've completely lost your voice to go to the doctor?" I can't tell if I've had any improvement or not, but my throat hurts when I cough so I'm not enjoying that, haha.

My hubsters does this. But when HE needs to go....he doesn't.... lol  :roll:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 12, 2024, 04:07:01 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 12, 2024, 05:23:23 PM
My big photo lab printer decided to break down for a 2nd time in a week. Over the weekend the portion that prints the order numbers and dates on the back of the pictures quit acknowledging that it was in the correct position. Fuji came and fixed that.

Then today pictures kept getting caught on the plate that pushes prints to the back info printer. After 2 phone cals with Fuji, I'm now waiting for another tech to come fix the machine.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 13, 2024, 01:39:03 PM
Gosh I remember the days of working in the actual cvs retail store and working in photo lab... lol those fuji's were a pain. Def. don't miss that LOL

King bed is supreme. But also will take some getting used to for a bit. lol
I do wish I was back in bed and not having to work.  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 13, 2024, 02:06:19 PM
It's all cloudy and dreary looking today. Maybe it'll wash some of this pollen down.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 13, 2024, 05:20:49 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on March 13, 2024, 01:39:03 PMGosh I remember the days of working in the actual cvs retail store and working in photo lab... lol those fuji's were a pain. Def. don't miss that LOL

We have the DL650 model and it breaks down regularly. I'm the one that does regular maintenance on the machine, which also means I'm the one having to try to fix problems and call Fuji when its beyond my ability to fix. Currently have a Fuji tech working on the machine.

My morning coworker called off so I spent the morning by myself.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 13, 2024, 05:40:17 PM
Doctor said just allergies last night, which I had already figured.

I ate lunch about 20 minutes or so ago... now I'm still hungry, but for sweets.. haven't been able to quite curve that yet. I have some sugar free items, but alternative sugars tend to affect your system, so you have to be careful with those, haha.

Wishing for a nap..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 13, 2024, 06:48:00 PM
Morning all.
Back at work. And, I just realized while I've talked about Sam, I haven't shown folks here his current look and some don't have fb... So, here is the result of much labor and an expensive lesson to me that I can't do bodywork or paint. But at least it looks decent in pictures and is an improvement over his former rusting self..
(https://i.ibb.co/rZYYT9d/sam-at-church-street.jpg) (https://ibb.co/sFnnk7W)
(https://i.ibb.co/QmVTV5m/sam-outside.jpg) (https://ibb.co/VBGzGKB)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 13, 2024, 07:14:37 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on March 13, 2024, 02:06:19 PMIt's all cloudy and dreary looking today. Maybe it'll wash some of this pollen down.

We have rain on the schedule for like the rest of the week it says... but you know how that goes. lol
It's a nice and balmy warm 82 today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 13, 2024, 08:54:20 PM
I love that color Roscoe.

@Work. Wishing I wasn't. LOL.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 13, 2024, 11:40:45 PM
Looks swanky.

I still miss the clear coated rust though. I thought it was an interesting idea.

I know, that was a different truck. I still miss it though. We never hear anything about Rusty.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 14, 2024, 03:13:20 AM
Quote from: Lynx on March 13, 2024, 11:40:45 PMLooks swanky.

I still miss the clear coated rust though. I thought it was an interesting idea.

I know, that was a different truck. I still miss it though. We never hear anything about Rusty.
Rusty is still around. Doing some work on him now.... I had him out last week in fact. He's not been driven near as much since I bought the modern F150...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 14, 2024, 09:06:28 AM
Ever have a visitor mistake your place for a used car lot, and ask how much you want for one of your vehicles?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 14, 2024, 04:05:41 PM
Quote from: Lynx on March 14, 2024, 09:06:28 AMEver have a visitor mistake your place for a used car lot, and ask how much you want for one of your vehicles?
Well..... maybe. :laughhard:
But since most of my toys are antique and/or specialty cars like the Corvettes, most folk have me pegged for the idiot that I am and know they won't be going anywhere. LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 15, 2024, 12:15:04 PM
I'm trying to not be cranky. I'm so sleepy and at work.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 15, 2024, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: Nelle on March 15, 2024, 12:15:04 PMI'm trying to not be cranky. I'm so sleepy and at work.

Sames... and I cannot stop sneezing. I hate it when the temp drops. It's 50's outside. I know it's not a thing, but I promise you I am allergic to winter. Every time the temp drops I start sneezing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 15, 2024, 07:02:47 PM
Got blood work done yesterday for an upcoming doctor's appointment. My A1C  is in the diabetic level now.  Guess my snacks on break will now be nuts, fruit, and cheese with bit of whine.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 15, 2024, 08:53:02 PM
Lord, today will never end.
Last night- much storms.
Today overcast. Next week- off of work.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 15, 2024, 10:20:35 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on March 15, 2024, 07:02:47 PMGot blood work done yesterday for an upcoming doctor's appointment. My A1C  is in the diabetic level now.  Guess my snacks on break will now be nuts, fruit, and cheese with bit of whine.
That's nuts! That's also fruit and cheese...

What are your favorite nuts, fruits and cheeses?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 15, 2024, 11:55:07 PM
I have trouble with peanut so the only nuts I've been able to do so far is Blue Diamond brand almonds and Wonderful brand pistachios. Everything else my store carries is done in peanut oil. :sadbounce:

Cheese its cheddar or cojack usually. Sometimes I'll try the other block cheeses I find at Walmart. Can't stand string cheese.

Fruit I like most things found in Walmart produce department ...blueberries, strawberries, cherries, pears, peaches, cantaloupe, honeydew, pinapple, tomatoes. I don't like apples or grapes unless I can find really sweet black grapes.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 16, 2024, 09:32:02 AM
HAH! You're singing my song! Don't know what it is about apples and grapes. Maybe because it was all we got when I was a kid. But I like any fruit besides apples and grapes.

I can flat kill a jar of apple juice though...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 18, 2024, 04:59:54 PM
Beautiful but cool day here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 18, 2024, 05:56:36 PM
If I see that groundhog I'm gonna shoot him. He done lied! Early spring, my frost covered clover.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 18, 2024, 11:29:13 PM
Quote from: Lynx on March 18, 2024, 05:56:36 PMIf I see that groundhog I'm gonna shoot him. He done lied! Early spring, my frost covered clover.

I'm all for making stew out of that groundhog.  My part of Indiana had snow this afternoon.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 19, 2024, 11:21:19 AM
Did it stick, or just fall and melt on contact?

I guess it might not matter. Around here if some people see it falling they call in to w*rk and say they can't get out of their driveway.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 19, 2024, 01:24:37 PM
Quote from: Lynx on March 19, 2024, 11:21:19 AMDid it stick, or just fall and melt on contact?

I guess it might not matter. Around here if some people see it falling they call in to w*rk and say they can't get out of their driveway.

It did not stick but was still annoying to get snow in March.  We're used to snow here so unless we get freezing rain then snow or quite a bit of snow we still get out.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 19, 2024, 01:30:54 PM
I had some delicious watermelon yesterday from a fruit bowl from Kroger. I could've eaten the entire watermelon if I'd had it.. lol. I left the honeydew and cantaloupe for husband. I still don't care much for those two (the fruit - not the husband LOL). I also had some strawberries yesterday, but I had to eat them with zero sugar cool whip b/c they weren't ripe enough for me yet.

@Work. Yesterday we had a Clearwave outage so our phones and internet both did not work. Thankfully (or unfortunately?) our accounting system doesn't need either to work, so I still had things to do.. which meant (the unfortunate part) that I still had to stay at work. LOL.

It's been COLD here the past two days, but I'm enjoying getting to wear my sweatshirts a bit longer. I get SO attached to warmer clothes or shoes during fall/winter, and then when spring/summer comes... I have no clue what to wear again, haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 19, 2024, 01:55:45 PM
Morning, all. Thought of you yesterday, Isaac when I found myself near you- Jackson. Would have stopped and tried to torment you had your county's most famous son's museum been open- Ethan wanted to see it- but it's closed until Wednesday.
Enjoyed dinner with a pastor Friend in Parker's Crossroads, and am currently in Bowling Green Kentucky. If the kids get moving we will have fun today...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 19, 2024, 10:33:47 PM
Just as well. I was at w*rk anyway.

I couldn't even get you a discount on quarter pounders.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 20, 2024, 10:06:42 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 20, 2024, 10:19:05 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 21, 2024, 03:19:52 AM
Tomorrow is moving day for my church's media team. We'll be getting together at the church to paint walls, set up new desks, move our media equipment over, and get everything set up and hooked up in our new media room.  :clap:

We'll have 3 separate stations now. 1 for ProPresenter, 1 for the livestream, and 1 for the camera vision switcher. That effectively means when our livestream is having technical trouble like it did last Sunday the person running the stream won't have to interrupt to person running ProPresenter to jump on the computer to try to fix the problem. They'll have their own computer and equipment to adjust and fix things on the stream.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 21, 2024, 04:00:20 AM
Home since the wee hours of the morning. Lou not feeling well. Picked up tax returns and paid fed taxes. Bah. The IRS is an infernal pain in the rear.  I snuck into church late and sat on the back pew, while Bro Clayton preached. Felt nice to sit in the congregation and be fed... Tons to do tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 21, 2024, 09:58:41 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on March 21, 2024, 03:19:52 AMTomorrow is moving day for my church's media team. We'll be getting together at the church to paint walls, set up new desks, move our media equipment over, and get everything set up and hooked up in our new media room.  :clap:

We'll have 3 separate stations now. 1 for ProPresenter, 1 for the livestream, and 1 for the camera vision switcher. That effectively means when our livestream is having technical trouble like it did last Sunday the person running the stream won't have to interrupt to person running ProPresenter to jump on the computer to try to fix the problem. They'll have their own computer and equipment to adjust and fix things on the stream.
How big is your church again? I feel like I've asked before, but have no memory of the answer.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 21, 2024, 12:18:56 PM
Quote from: Lynx on March 21, 2024, 09:58:41 AMHow big is your church again? I feel like I've asked before, but have no memory of the answer.

We're a smallish church. Probably run 70-80 people on a regular basis. We've been growing the last year or so because our Pastor and leadership team has put a lot of focus on being a place of healing and restoration.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 21, 2024, 01:01:17 PM
Shoot, that's only how big MY church is, and we don't have a separate room with three computers just for media. Now I'm jealous... Well, maybe just envious.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 21, 2024, 03:47:58 PM
Quote from: Lynx on March 21, 2024, 01:01:17 PMShoot, that's only how big MY church is, and we don't have a separate room with three computers just for media. Now I'm jealous... Well, maybe just envious.

We've got a nice media setup mainly because our Pastor is passionate about media and the impression we make with in service lighting/graphics and our online presence. Plus he has the ability to sell his vision to the church members and get them on board.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 21, 2024, 04:11:25 PM
Currently we have 3 video camera setups, one on a camera slider, one on a gimble with tracking equipment hooked up to it, and one that's just on a tripod. In the next few weeks one of our photographers will start walking around with gimble camera so we can get shots not possible from stationary points. We also have a 6 camera vision switcher with a nice monitor.

For the move Pastor got us some sweet equipment upgrades... 2 stream decks, a 64x64 AioP expansion card, a separate sound board for the  livestream. We'll have a 2nd computer setup up too specifically for the livestream operator.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 21, 2024, 06:30:30 PM
 :wah:  :wah:  :wah:  :wah:  :wah:

That's not green with envy.... Uh... Green is just my natural color. I'm 2/3 Vulcan. Right. That's it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 21, 2024, 06:56:45 PM
I just got a new recliner. My old one was so worn, cushion wise, that it was making my right leg ache like crazy. I'm thankful, even though I didn't want to spend the money.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 22, 2024, 06:02:41 AM
Been busy today doing clean up. Had dinner with my assistant pastor and his wife, very enjoyable. Looking forward to the ministry of Jerm and wife this weekend....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 22, 2024, 01:25:21 PM
Jealouuuuuuuuus. of you seeing Kim.. let's be real here. LOL... I kid Jeremy! I've never had the pleasure of meeting you yet!


Feeling a bit off this AM, but hoping the day gets better!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on March 22, 2024, 04:52:59 PM
I was at the church last night from 4:30 PM till 2:30 AM helping with the media room move. Pastor was there well past 2:30 AM working on programming the new setup. Our new desks got stuck in shipping so we're still waiting on them. We set the equipment up on 2 6ft folding tables in the meantime.

I'm running on caffeine today to stay alert at work.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 23, 2024, 08:37:08 PM
Shew lawd. Drove some poles in the ground, strung some rope posted some signs. All to try to keep the eclipse viewers from demolishing our little church property. 
Its nearly 4 pm and ive gotten nothing I needed to get done, done.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 24, 2024, 04:14:43 PM
Urgh. Up this morning, meat on the smoker. Looking forward to Church at 2...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 24, 2024, 05:15:30 PM
I had leftover pizza.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 25, 2024, 01:28:50 AM
Lawd. Jerm forevermore preached. Absolutely awesome presence of God. Very much enjoyed it. Good food too...and Jerm got to drive Clara the A afterwards...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 25, 2024, 01:32:14 PM
Back @work.

Didn't get much done this weekend. Friday I woke up with a sore right shoulder.. which unfortunately is my dominant arm. Couldn't lift my arm to do anything much. Praying it gets better asap because i have things to do!!! lol.. also really is messing up my sleeping since I can't sleep on that side either.

Gotta do store pickups tonight so we can have groceries. We technically "meal planned" a couple of meals this week, so we are ahead of the game for a day or so there.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 25, 2024, 03:29:46 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 26, 2024, 02:04:56 AM
It has came a veritable Noah's flood here today. :pound: And tomorrow- I return to work. Bah.
I was just starting to get a hang of this "time off" thing, even though in actuality there's been very little time off. Today was a prime example..."off" day- saint needed a ride to Carti doctor. This took up from 11 until 430 before I got home.  I DID get a bit of wiring done on Rusty though....closer to him being back on the road.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 26, 2024, 09:25:21 AM
Hey Bobby, I want to run something by you. 

Grandma's TV channel had an advertisement for some kind of health insurance add-on "for people in Arkansas" and the woman doing the talking didn't pronounce it ARkanSAW. She pronounced it arKANsas, like you just stuck an "ar" on the word Kansas.

Are y'all doing a makeover on how you talk, trying your hands at rebranding, or is she wrong?

But one would think they would at least learn how to say the state name for an advertisement ostensibly targeted at that state. I wouldn't try to sell something in "MassaTUEsettes" without CHEWing on it first.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 26, 2024, 01:53:25 PM
I don't live there anymore, but I feel like I can soundly say no.. no one in Arkansas pronounces it like ar-Kansas except people who don't live there..

@Work. Murdered two raw eggs on accident, so I only have three hard boiled ones now, haha.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 26, 2024, 04:53:51 PM
Not a great day.  :pound:
But I shall survive...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 26, 2024, 05:28:42 PM
Quote from: Nelle on March 26, 2024, 01:53:25 PM@Work. Murdered two raw eggs on accident, so I only have three hard boiled ones now, haha.

Murdered as in ate them? Orr??  ???

Did anyone catch the groundhog? Cus I wanna string him up too. It was like in the 30's last night!!!! I rebuke it. I demand my spring. :demand:

Soooo uh we rescued a very young, very pregnant, black cat in the STREET last night while door dashing. Omg she is the literal sweetest thing. I am very worried she's too young for kittens though. I don't know how far along she is though, I'm trying to get her a vet appointment but so far earliest I've been able to snag is Thursday. First place told me mid-June.... LIKE REALLY.... :roll:

My Binxy is a black cat and he's not even two years old yet and her face looks younger then his!!! Sooo ahhhh
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 26, 2024, 08:17:57 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on March 26, 2024, 05:28:42 PM
Quote from: Nelle on March 26, 2024, 01:53:25 PM@Work. Murdered two raw eggs on accident, so I only have three hard boiled ones now, haha.

Murdered as in ate them? Orr??  ???

First one broke on the way to work (inside the ziploc) and the second one broke when I tried to poke the hole in it to get it hard boiled.

Soooooooooooooo tired. The thought of having to make meatloaf tonight.. ugh.. I know it doesn't take long to make but it just sounds so tiring hahaha.

I went to bed at 9pm last night. Hopefully this isn't a pattern.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 27, 2024, 01:48:40 PM
Urgh. Tired. On the plus side, Mcdonald's has finally done something right. They brought back my beloved and much-missed steak bagel. It's been four years or better. I felt like the old lady in Titanic "It's been Eighty-Four years"...
Now Lord help me through this day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 27, 2024, 05:08:33 PM
Quote from: Nelle on March 26, 2024, 08:17:57 PMFirst one broke on the way to work (inside the ziploc) and the second one broke when I tried to poke the hole in it to get it hard boiled.

Soooooooooooooo tired. The thought of having to make meatloaf tonight.. ugh.. I know it doesn't take long to make but it just sounds so tiring hahaha.

I went to bed at 9pm last night. Hopefully this isn't a pattern.
What's this about poking eggs? I hardboil eggs a lot, but I've never had to poke them. Crack them, a lot, after boiling, but never poke them.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on March 27, 2024, 06:31:46 PM
Quote from: Lynx on March 27, 2024, 05:08:33 PM
Quote from: Nelle on March 26, 2024, 08:17:57 PMFirst one broke on the way to work (inside the ziploc) and the second one broke when I tried to poke the hole in it to get it hard boiled.

Soooooooooooooo tired. The thought of having to make meatloaf tonight.. ugh.. I know it doesn't take long to make but it just sounds so tiring hahaha.

I went to bed at 9pm last night. Hopefully this isn't a pattern.
What's this about poking eggs? I hardboil eggs a lot, but I've never had to poke them. Crack them, a lot, after boiling, but never poke them.

I use one of those egg cookers, so you poke 1 hole on top for those. I assume it's to make it a speedier process.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on March 27, 2024, 09:05:12 PM
Ohh I wondered what she meant by poking a hole too LOL

I finally got some work today after not having anything since last Thursday LOL
These rotations are very uneventful.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 27, 2024, 09:32:40 PM
I've been using a vegetable steamer for my "boiled" eggs. Fresh eggs are sometimes hard to peel and that seems to work well.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 28, 2024, 12:07:13 PM
Morning. Back at work. I've got two folks scheduled today. Ready for beautiful weather.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 29, 2024, 09:29:38 PM
Done got ghostlike here. :sadbounce:
Been busy on my side. Thank the lawd it is the weekend now...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 29, 2024, 11:39:55 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on March 29, 2024, 09:29:38 PMDone got ghostlike here. :sadbounce:
Been busy on my side. Thank the lawd it is the weekend now...
If you want the exciting highlights from my day...

I found jars of powdered seiyo wasabi for a dollar a piece and cans of skinless, boneless sardines for $0.59 a piece. So I'm happy.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 30, 2024, 12:55:55 AM
We saw Chel briefly today.
Just been busy.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 31, 2024, 12:32:32 AM
Lord. 400 miles today. And one of the heaviest china cabinets ever. A church member needed me to take him to Paragould to get his grandmother's china cabinet. While I enjoyed the visit...that devil weighed 9,000 lbs. I didn't think we would ever get it in his house. Now tomorrow's brief sermon prepared may God help me...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on March 31, 2024, 01:56:14 AM
We were just chilling at home today and Chel called. Robbie was broken down in Tyler and she had been called in to work, so, off we went to Tyler.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 31, 2024, 09:57:25 AM
Happy "Don't Even Go NEAR A Restaurant" day!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: sunlight on March 31, 2024, 12:47:35 PM
Happy birthday Ike!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on March 31, 2024, 02:42:54 PM
I had a peaceful birthday yesterday. Nobody at w#rk realized it was my birthday. Everybody who would have remembered was off the schedule on a Saturday.

Thus I did not have to deal with any "you didn't ask off on your birthday!?" junk.  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on March 31, 2024, 10:36:55 PM
Well. I did not know...but Happy Birthday!

One service today. Preached to around 70 people. Good day overall. Too lazy to do anything else today and I'm laying down.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on April 01, 2024, 01:46:03 PM
Happy Belated Birthday!!

@Work. very busy day yesterday as always and as everyone's was. :)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 02, 2024, 12:34:42 AM
Today has been annoying. Just been in a general funk, nothing I touch working out. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on April 02, 2024, 02:42:17 AM
Service Sunday was amazing. Had a full house and lots of visitors including one that had been watching online for a while and told God if a certain sister invited her she'd attend the Easter service... That sister called and invited her.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on April 02, 2024, 02:46:35 AM
Here's the pictures our photography team got Sunday during service.

https://www.facebook.com/100064532839153/posts/pfbid02KDcUXLnVPuxDPj3DkDLtXZqQ2Di1yPj1CRMaBdZferHhPi12JZYbQY7uqHJgrE2gl/?app=fbl (https://www.facebook.com/100064532839153/posts/pfbid02KDcUXLnVPuxDPj3DkDLtXZqQ2Di1yPj1CRMaBdZferHhPi12JZYbQY7uqHJgrE2gl/?app=fbl)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 02, 2024, 03:21:25 AM
Hope you had a good birthday, Isaac.

It's been kinda cloudy and bluesome today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 02, 2024, 10:53:54 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on April 02, 2024, 02:46:35 AMHere's the pictures our photography team got Sunday during service.

https://www.facebook.com/100064532839153/posts/pfbid02KDcUXLnVPuxDPj3DkDLtXZqQ2Di1yPj1CRMaBdZferHhPi12JZYbQY7uqHJgrE2gl/?app=fbl (https://www.facebook.com/100064532839153/posts/pfbid02KDcUXLnVPuxDPj3DkDLtXZqQ2Di1yPj1CRMaBdZferHhPi12JZYbQY7uqHJgrE2gl/?app=fbl)
I'll take your word for it. Facebook won't let me see it unless I'm assimilated into the collecti... er, unless I have an account.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 02, 2024, 10:55:54 AM
Yesterday we were busier than midget mountain climbers. We're usually running more than usual on the first of the month, with all the guv'mint check money floating around in the neighborhood, but yesterday it was like every single check recipient had to spend ALL the money RIGHT NOW!

It was kinda fun. Hope we're busy again today. Keeps the dust off ya.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 02, 2024, 01:11:12 PM
Morning. Today is not a mess with me day, and a coworker has already started. This may not end well.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on April 03, 2024, 01:13:46 AM
I put in a long day today working 7AM to 7:20PM. Both of the 2nd shift guys intentionally called off today because the department manager made them mad, leaving the manager by herself on a 2 truck night. I volunteered to stay over to help get the freight done.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on April 03, 2024, 02:20:19 PM
Cat we rescued last week had her babies Saturday night. Four healthy kittens. They're sooooooooooo cute.

Otherwise not a lot going on around here lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 03, 2024, 02:23:21 PM
I am sooo tired. Slept fitfully.

May get 7 brew in violation of the diet...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on April 03, 2024, 02:58:59 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on April 03, 2024, 02:20:19 PMCat we rescued last week had her babies Saturday night. Four healthy kittens. They're sooooooooooo cute.

Otherwise not a lot going on around here lol

Thou shall not envy... Thou shall not envy.. LOL. HOW CUTE! I don't even need to know what they look like.. I'm trying to not be envious, hahahaha. I miss kittens tho I love my old girl. One day I won't be scared anymore and I'll sign up to foster kitties.

Wild night here Monday evening/Tuesday morning with the storms. There is some damage but everyone I know is fine. Thankfully our neighbor's tree missed OUR garage and vehicles. Only half the tree fell, so that saved our property. Hoping they take the rest of that one down as well as their one in the front yard that has nearly taken out my car dropping massive limbs in the last year or so.

@Work. I am participating today in our state entity (capital development board) training for projects. It's 8:30am-4:30pm. Literally my whole work day minus half an hour. I'm HOPING they do a lunch break tho I have no clue when it is. LOL.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 03, 2024, 05:47:07 PM
They just opened a 7 Brew here on Monday. I am not a fan of coffee.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 03, 2024, 07:43:04 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on April 03, 2024, 02:23:21 PMI am sooo tired. Slept fitfully.

May get 7 brew in violation of the diet...
*Lynx runs off yelling something about a pastor drinking a brew.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 03, 2024, 07:44:21 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on April 03, 2024, 01:13:46 AMI put in a long day today working 7AM to 7:20PM. Both of the 2nd shift guys intentionally called off today because the department manager made them mad, leaving the manager by herself on a 2 truck night. I volunteered to stay over to help get the freight done.
That's how you do it. A friend of mine has a father who started as a checkout bagger and ended up part owner of the grocery store.

"How do you climb that high?"

"I just kept coming back, and doing the jobs nobody else wanted to do, and I wound up here."
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on April 03, 2024, 08:22:24 PM
LOL Nelle - there is one black, one all gray, and two that are black and white. One of the black and white has grey stripes on his/her tail though.... they are so precious.

I have just gotten into iced coffee at home and I am OBSESSEDDD. lol
I get the international something iced coffee in mocha or vanilla - then i add Dunkin creamer.... *drool*
I have to limit myself to one cup so I don't tear my stomach up LOL
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 03, 2024, 09:18:47 PM
I often fall into sin, if 7brew coffee is considered a sin. :laughhard:  I hate black coffee- but the froufrou drinks with names like "German Chocolate Blended"...well, I am weak.  :laughhard:
Church tonight. I've only lost my temper twice today, so there's that. Man, that whole "I die daily" thing...sheesh. I am an embodiment of Lazarus lately.  :laughhard:
Part of getting old I guess. My tolerence for stupidity is at an all time low.
On the bright side- the insurance company for the church called, and he and I had a good chat. Hopefully his company will insure us..:pray:
Our old insurance company quit insuring churches and it has been a trial to find insurance...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 04, 2024, 10:30:40 AM

What has been happening at churches, that they stopped insuring them?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 04, 2024, 11:59:12 AM
Quote from: Lynx on April 04, 2024, 10:30:40 AMo.O

What has been happening at churches, that they stopped insuring them?
Man, I don't know. All I know is after years of the same policy and coverage, we were suddenly told that they were no longer insuring churches. And our ONE claim two, almost three years ago- ONE IN OVER 50 YEARS- disqualified us from some of the major insurers. And getting insurance agents to actually communicate has been the equal of walking on water. They just don't respond. When the guy yesterday called back- I'd finally pressed enough buttons to get a voicemail and resorted to groveling- I couldn't move fast enough. He says he sees no issue and will get some paperwork worked up for us by this weekend. I will breath easier when that's done.
Church last night good move of God.  I needed it. Had my morning talk with Him and now to get through the day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 04, 2024, 05:59:34 PM
It may be a reaction to national social trends, not anything to do with one church in Arkansas. With all the woke anti-church sentiment these days, they may expect a lot of church arson in the near future.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on April 04, 2024, 08:10:17 PM
Yea Isaac that's what I wondered was the case too. So much violence in churches now too unfortunately.
Another thing I could think of would be weather stuff, but Arkansas doesn't get much LOL

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 05, 2024, 01:51:37 PM
Morning all. Gearing up for the mighty eclipse weekend. All the hullabaloo over four minutes of darkness. Tourists are beginning to infilterate my community. Lou couldn't get in to the local coffee shop this morning. :pound:
Me- I pickup up my half a cow yesterday, have stacks of meat. I'm gonna fire up the smoker and find a good book. Or work on projects at home.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 05, 2024, 05:39:06 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 05, 2024, 07:41:38 PM
It's supposed to be just barely west and north of us. Barely barely.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 05, 2024, 08:41:52 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on April 05, 2024, 07:41:38 PMIt's supposed to be just barely west and north of us. Barely barely.
We are dead center of totality. Like over 4 minutes of the full on darkness, which is said to be phenomenally long.
Just got back from touring several counties in interest of making sure offenders are where they should be.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 08, 2024, 09:38:28 AM
Just a few more hours Bobby. Hang on just a few more hours and all the foreigners will leave your peaceful town alone.

My dad is in Paducah and is currently disgusted with all the yokels flooding his town. He ain't going nowhere today for nothing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on April 08, 2024, 03:30:15 PM
Good morning everyone.  We are planning on going outside and watching the eclipse, but we are not in the path of totality.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 08, 2024, 06:21:25 PM
It's all cloudy here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 08, 2024, 10:38:24 PM
Yeah... My phone claimed we got 98% eclipse, but you couldn't prove it by us. Clouds for days here.

Well... They wanted to see something blocking the sun. That's what we got. The sun was pretty well blocked.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 09, 2024, 01:56:27 AM
We had absolutely perfect weather. Clear, sunny, totality.. the complete package. Unfortunately for local businesses, folks got spooked as there was a chance we would not have clear skies, and they mostly went elsewhere. Oh, Russellville got a taste and I40 westbound between me and Mini was a bit of a parking lot for a couple hours, but it was NOTHING like we were told it would be and built up for over the past two years.
I stayed at home and actually checked it out- it was cooler than I thought it would be I must say. Glad it is over though. Went to Conway to take care of some business after it, and then home. Conway wasn't busy either. Back to work tomorrow. :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 09, 2024, 10:24:02 AM
So... You're disappointed that you didn't have to deal with the crowds you thought you'd have to deal with?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on April 09, 2024, 03:09:11 PM
Not in totality here - but it got soooooooo dark. And then it was gone. lol

Threats of rain/storms/hail today but I think it's gonna go around me like it did last night. Super gloomy though.
Making me wanna sleep.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 09, 2024, 03:36:30 PM
I was not disappointed. In fact, it was good. Our church did a yard sale this weekend that brought in $1,000. I didn't have to deal with MUCH mass stupidity. And it was beautiful, and I got some much needed work done on Rusty. The thing I was disappointed at was waking up to still need to be gainfully employed. Kinda thing just s.ucks the life outta ya.
Thankful for the job, of course, and even occasionally enjoy it. But I enjoy not having to do things so much more. I was designed to be a rich man of leisure. Someone stole my life, and is doubtless enjoying it in the Bahamas!  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on April 09, 2024, 04:34:24 PM
I too, am upset someone stole my life of leisure. Working is for the birds. I want to garden and frolic in flower fields with my pets all day. :demand:

It did in fact rain, thunder, AND hail just now. Thankfully hail only lasted 3-5 minutes. Hubbsters was grumbling cus he's at work and his truck got the hail lol. Oopsie.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 10, 2024, 12:18:28 PM
It is Wednesday. Every one rejoices, because it means the week is half over. Me? My heaviest work day. Ten hours secular job, then teaching bible Study. From this point- Lord give me strength 'cause I am SO tired.  :lol:
Wanted a steak bagel. Scale did not want me to have it. Debating on whether to disappoint myself or the scale.  :lol:

Got infuriated yesterday at lunch. Local restaurant posts on facebook that they are having a half price salad day, and bemoaning the fact that they had stocked up too much for the expected visitors. Almost a guilt trip into helping support a local business who had through no fault of their own wound up in a painful situation. I was like, ok, they make decent salads, I need a salad as opposed to a burger, and half price? Sure, I'm in. I ordered a house salad with extra ranch. Nothing special. It took, no lie, an HOUR for me to get my salad to go. I was really having to pray. :pound: I woulda left around the half hour mark but I was trying to be understanding- and at that point, with over half lunch break gone I was committed. Wait or don't eat. And the salad wasn't all that.  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 11, 2024, 01:16:23 AM
Did you know that avocados have dropped to 74 cents a piece? At least around here they have.

Did you know Walmart will let you just walk in and BUY 11 avocados at a time?

Did you know if there are avocados sitting around you can eat 11 in 45 hours and not really notice?

They were good though.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 11, 2024, 01:33:46 PM
It's been raining so much here that the river was nearly touching the bridge yesterday... and it was still raining.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on April 11, 2024, 03:40:41 PM
I've just started being able to eat guacamole. Glad they're getting cheaper.. LOL. Hopefully soon I can graduate to eating avocado toast, and then.. just avocado! I'm GROWING UP!! lol

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on April 11, 2024, 04:34:36 PM
I don't see what the facination is with avocados. They're not appealing to me.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 11, 2024, 04:51:03 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on April 11, 2024, 04:34:36 PMI don't see what the facination is with avocados. They're not appealing to me.
Good. If everybody liked them as much as I do, the price would be much higher and I would be supremely upset.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 12, 2024, 01:09:30 AM
You may have my share. If you ever see me eating an avocado, or guacamole, know that I am starving and haver mercy on me, because at that point I will have begged for Vienna Weenies. Been busy today. Ready for tomorrow...I need the weekend...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 12, 2024, 05:44:09 PM
Morning. Been juggling knives this morning- or so it seemed. Took church member to dr appointment, on to work (with a detour by Mcd's for a bagel), pick up church member and take home, wake Chey up, pick up work car, back to work...and now I have to go try to grab two or three home visits if I can rustle up someone to tour with me...my work sistah is back after three days out and has to catch up and thus can't go. Ready to blow this popsicle stand for the weekend....
Oh and we have prayer meeting tonight- which the pastor forgot about, not once, but twice. Hopefully he will remember it and show up... :sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 12, 2024, 06:39:09 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on April 12, 2024, 05:44:09 PMOh and we have prayer meeting tonight- which the pastor forgot about, not once, but twice. Hopefully he will remember it and show up... :sadbounce:
Tell your phone's calendar app about it.

I finally had to break down and start using my calendar to remind me of stuff. Hated to admit I'm getting old, but it's better than missing stuff I forgot about.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 14, 2024, 11:57:12 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 15, 2024, 10:10:00 AM
I ate 21 avocados in one week.

Even I gotta admit, that may be a bit much...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 15, 2024, 05:54:20 PM
Quote from: Lynx on April 15, 2024, 10:10:00 AMI ate 21 avocados in one week.

Even I gotta admit, that may be a bit much...

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 16, 2024, 12:25:56 PM
Morning. Been eventful weekend. Had one pray back through Sunday night, good church. Enjoyed company of a friend yesterday, got an encouraging telephone call, and now I'm back at work. Would prefer to be home, but it'll be ok.
Got a call last evening while I was headed to town- my assistant pastor informed me matter of factly, that he had been in a head on collision, and couldn't reach his wife to tell her. I sailed to the scene, then to the hospital.
He's okay but banged up. His new car, less than 5k miles, is a total. Dude was driving too fast, lost control on a curve and sideswiped the car ahead of Bro Clayton, then ricocheted into him head on. I fear that if the guy had not hit the first car, which took some of the energy out of the incident, it could have been very different. Thankful for God's hand.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on April 16, 2024, 07:28:17 PM
Was a good weekend here.  My church hosted the ALJC Indiana Section 2 Youth Rally Saturday afternoon.  I was supposed to be the one running the ProPresenter. A friend that I invited showed up and wanted to be able to sit with me, so my Pastor booted me out of the media room and took over running the ProPresenter so I could be with my friend since it was his first time at my church.  I ended up getting quite a sunburn during the afterburner food and fellowship after the rally.

Sunday service were good. Had a lady get the Holy Ghost. I've been working with wearing headphones during church for the past few weeks to better tolerate the noise levels. Discovered during altar service that they help me tune out the distraction of folks wanting to pray with me so I can focus on praying.

I get my bikes back tonight.   :clap:
I'd sent my teen years bike to the shop to be resurrected from the dead. It had sat behind dad's house for over 10 years getting dirty, rusty. The seat was half eaten by some critter, the tires were tore up from the mud, and the shifter cables were wore out. The bike shop made it look new.  My newer bike I had cleaned and safety checked.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 17, 2024, 10:55:28 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on April 16, 2024, 07:28:17 PMSunday service were good. Had a lady get the Holy Ghost. I've been working with wearing headphones during church for the past few weeks to better tolerate the noise levels. Discovered during altar service that they help me tune out the distraction of folks wanting to pray with me so I can focus on praying.

You too? Some churches just have it TOO LOUD!

I got a pair of earplugs, cut them in half and colored the cut end with a black marker. Good sound protection, no questions from other church people. Nobody can see them.

Just in case you get tired of people looking at you funny for wearing headphones in church.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on April 17, 2024, 01:14:46 PM
Quote from: Lynx on April 17, 2024, 10:55:28 AMYou too? Some churches just have it TOO LOUD!

I got a pair of earplugs, cut them in half and colored the cut end with a black marker. Good sound protection, no questions from other church people. Nobody can see them.

Just in case you get tired of people looking at you funny for wearing headphones in church.

Not been able to find any in ear options that won't bother the pressure in my ears. Got any suggestions on ear plugs minus eardrum pressure?  Thankfully my church family and pastor is well aware of autism and sound sensitivity so they're not phased  by me wearing headphones in church. My Pastor's middle daughter wears them too sometimes.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 17, 2024, 05:13:50 PM
Urgh. Work. Bible Study tonight. Feel sorta like a used battery. No zip to me at all.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 18, 2024, 12:31:31 PM
Urgh. Morning. Made it through yesterday....Bible study went well. About 40 there, with several out with health issues. Announced a planned Baptism for Sunday night and had a lady that just started attending about a month ago raise her hand. "Would you mind baptizing me that night as well?"  No ma'am, indeed I would NOT mind. Without offense- I'll treat folks like cattle in that regard- I'll run them through and baptize in Jesus' name until I'm outta water or people. :laughhard:
So glad to see God moving in our area and I just want to be a part of it.
In much less spiritual news, I am cranky and sore this morning- aka a normal day. Hope y'all have a great one!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 18, 2024, 02:45:05 PM
My mom wrecked her car the other day. I'm glad she wasn't hurt. But now I have to take her to her doctor appointment today. Hope she gets another car soon. Cars are so expensive nowadays. She lives in the next town over, so it's not like it's just around the corner.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on April 18, 2024, 02:56:35 PM
@Work. I have had the equivalent of two breakfasts in a plan to try to avoid snacking before lunch.

so very sleepy. I've been sleeping hard the past few nights and waking up like I worked all night. lol. Hoping I can quit this trend soon. :)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 18, 2024, 03:18:45 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on April 18, 2024, 02:45:05 PMMy mom wrecked her car the other day. I'm glad she wasn't hurt. But now I have to take her to her doctor appointment today. Hope she gets another car soon. Cars are so expensive nowadays. She lives in the next town over, so it's not like it's just around the corner.
They are indeed way expensive. Especially for anything with less than a quarter million miles on it and decent.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 18, 2024, 05:05:13 PM
I know that when this economic bubble pops it's going to hurt. But I keep hoping it pops soon.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on April 19, 2024, 05:15:03 PM
Something needs to give for sure. People are struggggggling.

We had to make an emergency trip to Dallas Tuesday. Husband is blind in one eye (due to VHL - von-hippal lindau - a rare genetic disease). And he was/is having some fuzzy in his only good eye. SOOO stressful  :noo:

But... dr says he is okay. Says the fuzzy is old debris in his eye from prior issues but should hopefully go away? IDK. Husband doesnt know why it happened and dr didnt say anything. *I think* - its cus he came from sleeping 4 hours to working a SIXTEEN hour shift overnight. I think he was/is just tired and stressed but IDK. That's just my thoughts.

I'm just thankful it's nothing serious and he doesn't have to have surgery on the good eye. He DOES have angiomas (tumors) on the good eye as it is. We already knew that. So the fear was something related to those but it's not. They leave these tumors because it's more detrimental to his eyesight to remove them vs. leaving them until/if they ever cause issues.

It's been a week. So glad it's Friday.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 22, 2024, 02:46:12 PM
It's sunny but cool outside today.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 22, 2024, 04:25:56 PM
I'm still looking for that groundhog, if anybody has seen it. Soon as I find it, it's dead!

"Early spring" my frost covered car bumper.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 23, 2024, 05:11:59 PM
Hi, all. Been busy and shamefully did not post this weekend. Lots going on- typical home stuff; baptized three Sunday, more home stuff, did hospital visits and home visits on church members, texted/called/communicated with it seems like everyone in three counties regarding church...back at work.
Just in time to prepare bible study tonight for tomorrow night. Oy Vey.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 24, 2024, 09:30:10 AM
That's more than I've been accomplishing. All I do is go to w*rk, come home, get grandma up to pee, put her back to bed. If I'm fast enough and get her up and on the pee pot in time I don't have to clean the floor.

Oh, and I'm currently building a very efficient ship in Genesis Alpha One. It's a video game.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 24, 2024, 11:58:46 AM
Morning all.  :hi: Yesterday was Lou's birthday. She wanted Pizza so we went and got pizza. Otherwise, pretty dull suburban life. Just like I like it.  Now, to get through the day and earn these crumbs I call daily bread..
Hope everyone has a great day!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 24, 2024, 01:07:49 PM
Pizza for a birthday meal?

Keep her! You got off light. I hear tales from some guys of lobster, sushi and steak.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 25, 2024, 01:03:53 PM
Morning. Back at work.  Enjoyed Bible study last night and the ladies surprised Lou with a small birthday party afterwards..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on April 25, 2024, 06:01:56 PM
Isaac Newton is really fighting me today. You know his second law? Something about the heavier something is, the more it doesn't like to get up and move.

Well... I had a big lunch and now I don't want to move no more.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 25, 2024, 07:50:33 PM
It's a really pleasant day today. Nice temperatures.
You never know whether you'll need air or heat around here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on April 26, 2024, 06:28:59 PM
Today we are under a tornado watch.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 26, 2024, 08:45:59 PM
Yeah, I think we are too. I'm over storms/rain/nastiness. I want summer...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on April 29, 2024, 12:55:59 PM
Man, what a weekend.

Busy Friday and Saturday.  1 am Sunday, my dad calls and says "We are ok!"  The small town where they live and where I grew up got hit with a tornado.  I'm thankful God protected them.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on April 29, 2024, 04:45:45 PM
That was a scary night!! Seeing Okemah on national radars was weird. Thankfully my family was safe as well.

Friday evening late, we got a call that my husband's mom was having a stroke. We rushed over to the Cape hospital and while driving had alerted some of my family and his to start praying. When we got there, they had no idea what happened, but couldn't find anything new wrong in her brain. She even felt perfectly fine, so we took her home to her house (she had been camping over in Marble Hill area in MO) so she could rest since it was such a long drive back to her campground. We got home about 2:30am, then went back at 11am to pick her up and take her back to her truck and friends.

Our pup got to swim in the Castor River for the first time swimming ever. She LOVED the water. I wish I could show you guys the video of her swimming, because she's not an Olympic dog swimmer, but she had a blast! LOL. Her paddle is hilarious.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on April 30, 2024, 02:35:24 PM
Morning all. :waving:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 01, 2024, 05:10:11 AM
I had to take my mom to the hospital Monday morning, way too early, so that she could have a procedure done. It took all day today for me to "sort of" recover.

Today was hubby's birthday. I didn't even make him a cake since we don't need to be eating it. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 01, 2024, 05:28:01 PM
Morning. Man Not a lot to say lately. Slightly overwhelmed by this season of life- between the normal job, church "job" and ministry, and Chey graduating in just 13 days I feel like a deer in headlights. On a busy freeway. In New York City. :laughhard:

Times like this I reach down and remember a dream I had as a child when I was overwhelmed by circumstances out of my control. In the dream, a giant man in a glowing white robe brushed my brown and simply said "This too shall pass". It was so vivid...and my mama swore I'd seen an angel when I told her. Maybe it was. His words were true- it passed. And so shall this season. It may pass like a dog passing a peach seed- but it'll pass.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 02, 2024, 01:54:58 AM
I ended up making hubby a pound cake today, after all. ;)
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 02, 2024, 09:18:00 AM
Yay for cake!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 03, 2024, 12:54:57 PM
Good morning. It is raining again here. Got to do some home visits, then a list of things to do this weekend. Hope all is well for everyone here.. :waving:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 03, 2024, 06:19:15 PM
Went to a couple garage sales today. Didn't find much.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 03, 2024, 10:00:21 PM
 In the words of my noble and illustrious ancestors - YEEEEEEHAW!

Tuesday I went by the salvage grocery to see if there was anything interesting lying around. They had pint jars of tomato hummus for a buck a piece. I got all eleven.

Today I popped 'round to see if they had anything neat. They had 17 more jars of hummus. They don't got 'em no more.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 06, 2024, 04:32:50 AM
Two days. I guess GP is truly dead not. :sadbounce: Everyone is so busy now....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 06, 2024, 05:21:09 AM
We've had tons of rain. The rivers out of its banks. My yard is soggy. I have nothing much interesting going on.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on May 06, 2024, 01:14:31 PM

I'm taking off Friday this week, so only four days of captivity. I'm considering taking Monday off as well. Trying to get some things done at the house before the husband & pup go on their trip and my mom comes into town. Got LOTS to do.

It's supposed to rain here pretty much all week it feels like. I know spring rain is necessary, but goodness..

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 06, 2024, 02:33:45 PM
Was on PTO last week. That's why I haven't been here. lol
Went to Indiana Sat-Wed to meet my new nephew. Came home and have been sick ever since. Sigh. I'm so tired of coughing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 07, 2024, 07:14:43 PM
Hi. Yes, everything here is soaked too. :pound:
Lord, what a busy week. I may have a brief respite this Saturday- then it's off to the races again. Next week will be killer- Sunday services, Monday to Fort Smith to take a church member to a dr appointment, then Tuesday Chey's graduation, then Friday is something, then Saturday graduation party... then back to Sunday services.
And in there somewhere I have a ton to do at the house on Chey's apartment and nursing home/ rehab visits I NEED to make. To say nothing about planting my poor window boxes, and my yard maintenance...

Apparently, God's view is, "Oh, he can rest when I call him home" :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 07, 2024, 11:30:35 PM
So, you're making Chet an apartment at your house? Or elsewhere?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 08, 2024, 11:59:13 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on May 07, 2024, 11:30:35 PMSo, you're making Chet an apartment at your house? Or elsewhere?
Yeah, behind our house- about ten feet from the back door- was a screened in patio of around 450 square feet. Dad converted it when he was alive to an apartment, but when he passed, I "de-converted it" back to a garage. Now I have it closed back in and am redoing it for Chey. It'll have a small living room area probably 9x12, a bedroom, a kitchenette- fridge, sink microwave and stove with a few cabinets- and a bath. Actually, a three-quarter bath I guess- shower, toilet, and sink.
It'll be a bit more than the tiny house living craze but not much. Since most of the work was already done, I just need time to frame up two interior walls, sheetrock, paint and freshen up everything.
It'll give her some independence while she is in college and still be under Daddy's wing.

 Morning, all. Back at work. It's cloudy, I tried new technology and ordered breakfast by McDonald's app. Picked up my order, the first window didn't give me my receipt- strike one. The second window, the woman gave me the food but no drink, then stared at me like I was a problem, until I finally tapped on the glass and asked if I could have my drink. No apology, no nothing but still seemed to think I was the issue.. Strike 2. And I take a sip- it's diet coke, not diet Dr Pepper, my most unfavorite. Strike Three.
 But the  steak bagel was delicious as always,
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on May 08, 2024, 04:10:35 PM
I guess I'm going to spend the whole day repeating 2 Timothy 1:7. Storms with tornado potential make me SO nervous. Today we are expecting some violent storms. Praying they are as meek as the lions in the den with David.

I am at work until 430 unless something crazy happens. Then I'll be driving home in it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 08, 2024, 05:39:17 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on May 08, 2024, 11:59:13 AMMorning, all. Back at work. It's cloudy, I tried new technology and ordered breakfast by McDonald's app. Picked up my order, the first window didn't give me my receipt- strike one. The second window, the woman gave me the food but no drink, then stared at me like I was a problem, until I finally tapped on the glass and asked if I could have my drink. No apology, no nothing but still seemed to think I was the issue.. Strike 2. And I take a sip- it's diet coke, not diet Dr Pepper, my most unfavorite. Strike Three.
 But the  steak bagel was delicious as always,
As a McD's employee... Don't even get me started on that stupid app.

I think word has done got out about steak and bagels being back. We've been getting a LOT of requests for a side of bagel sauce, the best part of a steak bagel and delicious to dunk a hash brown in.

Yeah. You can just get a side of bagel sauce. You oughta try it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 08, 2024, 06:44:21 PM
I was about to say since when can you get a steak bagel at Mcd LOL

I use apps on my phone for a LOT. Pretty much any bill I have I pay via an app.... But I get the frustration on them too. Some of them are so awful to navigate.

Well.... hubbs' DM told him to apply into the Ardmore OK open store director position. So hopefully this means he's FINALLY getting his promotion. We'll just have to move to Ardmore LOL. Sigh. Having to move again in under a year sounds absolutely awful. I have too many plants.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 09, 2024, 11:46:56 AM
Texas....Oklahoma.... so close to the promised land.  :lol:
 Morning all. Plugging through another day.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on May 09, 2024, 01:54:03 PM
I know Ardmore!  Good place, with lots of beautiful old homes.  We have offices there, and I'm down there a couple of times a year.

A couple of good churches in the area too.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on May 09, 2024, 02:03:13 PM
We survived the marathon storm day! I'm tired BUT I'm off tomorrow still... so, I'll just try to sleep in tomorrow for a minute.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 09, 2024, 02:32:21 PM
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 09, 2024, 02:36:05 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on May 09, 2024, 11:46:56 AMTexas....Oklahoma.... so close to the promised land.  :lol:
 Morning all. Plugging through another day.

Hey after our summer trip to Arkansas last summer the hubbs and I are all for it. lol
Just gotta find him a store there.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on May 10, 2024, 10:58:51 PM
My day off from work is already over. It stops feeling extra nice when everyone else who is at work goes home for the day, haha.  It's been semi productive. Hopefully I can continue in my night-owl-era and get more done before bed and hit it back hard again tomorrow. It's going to be NICE to have a decluttered home and have gotten rid of things as well instead of just storing them out of sight. We have a TON to go on that journey still, but at least the house will look nicer for Mom's visit this month! She should be arriving end of next week!

I also managed to get a craft together for sunday school class that isn't super involved and includes ZERO scissors. Even if I'm the only one cutting with them, I'll set them down for a second, turn around, and someone's halfway through a sheet of paper. I'm like "Why are you even using them? You had nothing to cut..?" It's amazing! How you people kept any children alive, blessings to you. I only have them an hour once a week and I'm like WHAT! lol..

We are having BBQ for supper. We had the stuffed salmon from Sams last night. It was DEEElicious as always. We pop it in the air fryer for 20 minutes. I like that texture on salmon better than the baked. My mind already knew the oven-baked salmon was done, but now my mouth and eyes know too. LOL.

I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday AM with my new doctor since my "old" one left the practice and moved. She had me do lab work, but I haven't heard back yet. I've downloaded my health records twice today hoping they were uploaded but hadn't been reviewed yet. Driving me nuts waiting to see if my sugar level went down or not. I'd like to not just get on medicine if I am making any positive progress on my own with diet (and adding regular exercise now).
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 13, 2024, 02:25:25 PM
 Well, it finally stopped raining for now and it's a nice cool 67* this morning. That is wonderful temperatures for May.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 13, 2024, 04:26:21 PM
My garden is overjoyed for the rain. The gardener not so much lol.
I need some sunshine. It's been such a rainy season here in W. Falls. But my zucchini, squash, and cucumbers all have flowers!!!!  :clap:

Hubbs finally made me call doctor on Saturday after coughing all night Friday night.
So she set me up with an antibiotic, cough meds, and two types of nasal sprays. Sigh. I'm finally in a better place today with the coughing thank goodness.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 14, 2024, 04:06:04 AM
Been a busy day. Trip to Fort Smith.... then a repair on a leaky sink. Tomorrow....Chey graduates high school :shocked:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 14, 2024, 05:30:29 AM
That just doesn't seem possible. Y'all weren't even married yet when we were at that camp with Lou...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 14, 2024, 06:06:50 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on May 14, 2024, 04:06:04 AMBeen a busy day. Trip to Fort Smith.... then a repair on a leaky sink. Tomorrow....Chey graduates high school :shocked:

We should learn to treasure
Each day of their lives
They grow up so quickly
Before we realize

Do they have to grow up
Do they have to grow up
Do they have to grow up so soon?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on May 14, 2024, 09:23:00 PM
Awww.. Roscoe.. such a new part of her journey, as well as for you guys as her parents. Glad she's staying close to home for your sake! lol..

@Home working today on the house. I'm glad my mom is super non-judgmental about housekeeping. LOL. Our house has been a wreck lately. I've been slowly trying to declutter. It's been achingly slow. Hoping we can get it less cluttered feeling before Friday and then we can slowly go through things without feeling like there's a mess all over the place.

I feel like a traitor for not being at work. I don't think I even took all of my vacation days last year. It feels nice being off work during the week though and not being sick. Usually that's the only time I'm home during the week.. if I'm ill. I have access on my phone to my Outlook, so I have been answering a few emails here and there. It's nice sometimes to know what I'm walking back into the next day at work, but sometimes makes me feel guilty for not being there to jump on in and get things done. I've got a backlog of work there just waiting on me to work Saturdays after Memorial Day. It'll feel amazing when both the house AND my work desk are cleaned off, organized and clutter-free! Too much paper on my desk currently. At least it makes me look busy I guess. LOL.

Athena (husband's service dog) is disgusted that she can't be with her dad though. It's supposed to storm sometime today, and I had her Saturday as well as Monday with me at work. She's tired of my face. LOL. She'll be excited tomorrow though when she gets to go with him to St Louis to meet up with some of his online friends. Then Thursday evening, they'll be back in St Louis for the night and flying out Friday morning to Utah! She's going to have an absolute blast once she lands. I'm SUPER nervous about their flight, but I'm SOO glad I don't have to be the one in the situation all anxious and worried the whole time. Hopefully she flies like a champ.

Mom will get here Friday sometime and she won't leave until the Tuesday after Memorial Day. He will be flying back into St Louis that Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, so we will maybe get to have some burgers and hot dogs together. Hopefully my dad enjoys his break from taking care of Mom for a while. She had hand surgery a few weeks ago and has been VERY limited on what she can get done. He's even had to step up and help fix her hair. Glad to see vows in action though these days!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 15, 2024, 03:35:12 PM
Morning all. Time DOES fly. Chey graduated last night....I cried. It's been a rough emotional few days for me, I'm a softy and emotional anyway. God  musta stumped His toe when He was working on me and added too much emotion, especially for a tough dude.
Seems every turn is something to make me wanna run and hide. I think alot of it is the finality of Chey's graduation. I know it is silly, but up until now, she was still my baby. Now she's out doing grown up things and high school- the last milestone of childhood- is in her rearview. I wasn't ready. I still want my gap-toothed running buddy with the smile, the Dr Pepper, and the "let me dwive Daddy". Last night, in her modest but definitely more form fitting than Dad would like dress, it was apparent that particular tom boy is not coming back.  :pound:
Today- no sleep last night- dozed off around midnight, wide awake at 2 ish... and a bible study to finish for tonight.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 15, 2024, 03:59:47 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on May 15, 2024, 03:35:12 PMMorning all. Time DOES fly. Chey graduated last night....I cried. It's been a rough emotional few days for me, I'm a softy and emotional anyway. God  musta stumped His toe when He was working on me and added too much emotion, especially for a tough dude.

He knew what he was doing giving you a "Daddys girl"!! lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on May 15, 2024, 09:03:22 PM
I'm off work for a staycation the next 4 days. :clap:  Already got plenty on the to do list...  church tonight, teeth cleaning tomorrow, liver ultrasound Friday, working media Sunday.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 16, 2024, 08:36:41 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on May 15, 2024, 09:03:22 PMI'm off work for a staycation the next 4 days. :clap:  Already got plenty on the to do list...  church tonight, teeth cleaning tomorrow, liver ultrasound Friday, working media Sunday.
You are contradicting yourself. That don't sound like no staycation. With a staycation you don't do nothing.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 16, 2024, 02:46:13 PM
Quote from: Lynx on May 16, 2024, 08:36:41 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on May 15, 2024, 09:03:22 PMI'm off work for a staycation the next 4 days. :clap:  Already got plenty on the to do list...  church tonight, teeth cleaning tomorrow, liver ultrasound Friday, working media Sunday.
You are contradicting yourself. That don't sound like no staycation. With a staycation you don't do nothing.

Hubbs and I did a staycation in January. And we doordashed all week to try to make a thousand dollars lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 16, 2024, 05:33:41 PM
That sounds suspiciously like w*rk. Vacations are supposed to be restful. At least mine are supposed to be restful.

Did you meet your goal?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 16, 2024, 05:35:00 PM
Well, MY upcoming vacation will be 4,000 miles of driving; sightseeing; and companionship with my daughter. I just wish my wife had time enough to come along, but she is not crazy about the driving...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 17, 2024, 02:29:08 PM
Yea that's a lot of driving lol.

We have vacation planned in July with Mom and Dad. Meeting them in a beach town in Mississippi. Buttt... could be pending hubbs promotion. We're still in limbo even though we booked the AirBnb.  :-?

And yes Lynx we just about did that if I remember right. lol

So glad it's Friday. All four of my kittens are now successfully eating the wet food. On to the dry food we go!!!  :clap:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 17, 2024, 05:26:19 PM
I am so glad it is Friday. Last night, I thought, home, peace, quiet. Lou says " Oh, Mik (girl from church) is coming over to help with the banner for the graduation party Saturday. Ok. Then a text from a friend " I'll pray for you. I hear you are going to have a houseful of ladies tonight."
Whatchu talkin' bout, Willis?
I get home- Mik; Her mother; her two little brothers; her older brother; Lou's friend Melanie and her mother, who recently prayed back through after a decades long time away from church; Chey and Ethan of course; and the my friend Bro Roger had a truck issue near the house and limped to my house- just in time for dinner.
Loved each and every one of them. Enjoyed the company. They were there until 10pm. My social battery now has a dead cell.  :laughhard:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on May 20, 2024, 04:25:21 PM
No updates in 3 days?  Wow!

Drove way down into Texas for the weekend.  Dallas, Waco, Austin, San Antonio...

Home now, and glad.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 20, 2024, 05:28:28 PM
My only update worth noting is, yesterday I decided to be unhealthy. I can eat greens any day of the week, but there's no point in living longer if you don't have anything to look forward to.

So yesterday for breakfast I consumed the entire contents of a can of whipped cream.

I figure I can do that once a month without having a pronounced overall negative effect on my health, and it gives a person something to look forward to.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 20, 2024, 05:39:24 PM
Nothing interesting here.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 21, 2024, 01:33:44 AM
Well, I've been too busy to post much this week. Friday night was youth night, Saturday was graduation party, followed by the graduates deciding they want to go to the local dragstrip.  They twisted my arm...before I knew it, Chey and I both took her vette blasting down the track. I can see where that would be addictive...as can Chey. Her smile was ear to ear getting to drive her Corvette legally like it was designed to be. She said it won't be the last time.
Then yesterday was church, graduation for JJ midday and church again. Preached. Today- off to Lowes for church items, changed a light bulb at the house, helped clean, ran baptistry full for another baptism Wednesday night, worked on Chey's apartment, got the truck oil changed....sheesh. NOW you see why I no post....
Count down to the trip... four days this week, two days next week and we gone!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 21, 2024, 09:24:21 PM
Hi. None responding devils. Where be ye??? :pound:  :pound:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on May 21, 2024, 09:51:36 PM
Apparently one of my birthday gifts this year was catching strep throat. Had to miss church Sunday to go to the walk in clinic and get antibiotics.  :sadbounce:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 22, 2024, 02:27:47 AM
Strep is no fun. Hope you're feeling better
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 22, 2024, 08:46:52 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on May 21, 2024, 09:24:21 PMHi. None responding devils. Where be ye??? :pound:  :pound:
I am here. You are there.

Wanna hear about how Grandma peed on my arm when I changed her pull-ups? I don't have much else to share.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 22, 2024, 02:57:46 PM
Not much here. It's been hot hot in the 90's. Quite overcast today though.

Hubbs has his third and final interview today for the store director position in Ardmore. Here we goooo hopefully. lol scared about the constant scary weather in that strip of Oklahoma though. Eek.

I have another interview type chat with a lady I would work closely with for a team. Hoping this means I get my own book of business finally. I like not doing anything most days, but eventually it gets a little old.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 23, 2024, 06:02:04 PM
Lord. Today.
My diet has suffered. I INTENDED to do right. But that burger...and that shake.... :pound:

Just today and three more working days until the big trip...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 23, 2024, 06:10:52 PM
It's been storming off and on. Super muggy and been getting up in the 90s some days. I can't complain though, because one year it was already hitting the 100s in May.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: mini on May 23, 2024, 07:50:47 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on May 22, 2024, 02:57:46 PMNot much here. It's been hot hot in the 90's. Quite overcast today though.

Hubbs has his third and final interview today for the store director position in Ardmore. Here we goooo hopefully. lol scared about the constant scary weather in that strip of Oklahoma though. Eek.

I have another interview type chat with a lady I would work closely with for a team. Hoping this means I get my own book of business finally. I like not doing anything most days, but eventually it gets a little old.

When you move up there, make sure you go outside and watch for the naders when they announce them.  That will make you a 'fo 'sho 'nuff Okie.

Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on May 24, 2024, 12:49:03 PM
@Work again. I've only worked three days this week technically... but it definitely feels like a full week plus some. I don't know what would happen if I took my vacation like everyone else in this company does. LOL. I shudder to think.

Extended weekend is almost here! Husband will be home Sunday afternoon, BUT it's supposed to be fairly strong storms that day. We also have a special cookout at church after our morning service with a missionary. Hoping the storms don't go too crazy. Normally he isn't home in time for the actual holiday day, so we normally go visit his friend's grave here in town for him. Maybe this time I can go with him and Athena.

On another note.. I love how easy to please my mom is for supper, haha. I did NOT feel like cooking last night after the grocery store excursion, so I bought that prepackaged bbq, buns, and some TGIFridays potato skins. She was ECSTATIC and enjoyed dinner. They don't eat much like that at home.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 24, 2024, 01:43:31 PM
Thank God it is Friday. Counting down to Wednesday evening....
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 24, 2024, 05:17:34 PM
Quote from: mini on May 23, 2024, 07:50:47 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on May 22, 2024, 02:57:46 PMNot much here. It's been hot hot in the 90's. Quite overcast today though.

Hubbs has his third and final interview today for the store director position in Ardmore. Here we goooo hopefully. lol scared about the constant scary weather in that strip of Oklahoma though. Eek.

I have another interview type chat with a lady I would work closely with for a team. Hoping this means I get my own book of business finally. I like not doing anything most days, but eventually it gets a little old.

When you move up there, make sure you go outside and watch for the naders when they announce them.  That will make you a 'fo 'sho 'nuff Okie.

Folks do that in Texas, too. :lol:
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 27, 2024, 02:49:31 AM
Midway through a weekend. Preached. Done miscellaneous things. Ran around like a chicken minus a head. Still not sure if I am coming or going. Attempting to get everything in order... three more days and Chey and I head out on a trip to remember. Still bummed Lou can't go..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 27, 2024, 04:49:03 PM
Just found a tiny kitten in one of our sheds. Last thing I want is another cat around here. The neighbors won't get theirs fixed and they keep reproducing. A friend stopped by and took it since it needed a bottle.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on May 27, 2024, 10:40:31 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on May 27, 2024, 04:49:03 PMJust found a tiny kitten in one of our sheds. Last thing I want is another cat around here. The neighbors won't get theirs fixed and they keep reproducing. A friend stopped by and took it since it needed a bottle.
How many cats y'all got? Or are they all just neighbor's cats?
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 27, 2024, 11:33:21 PM
All belong to the neighbors.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on May 28, 2024, 01:50:35 PM
whew what a weekend whirlwind.. quite literally. So ready for tornado "season" to be done this year. Seems the storms are changing their natural paths from years gone by and getting SUPER close to our house and my work now. My work has narrowly escaped already twice this year. We ARE getting a big storm shelter installed in June thankfully.

Mom left for her house this morning. Back to routine for all of us.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 28, 2024, 05:07:26 PM
We had a tornado warning this morning. It was so dark out that I thought I got the time wrong and it was really early.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on May 28, 2024, 08:55:32 PM
Shew. Been insane today. Ready for quitting time..
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 30, 2024, 02:22:21 PM
The storm knocked out power to lots of folks. Thankfully ours stayed on. Right now the sun is shining, but you never know...
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 30, 2024, 03:18:58 PM
Quote from: Lynx on May 27, 2024, 10:40:31 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on May 27, 2024, 04:49:03 PMJust found a tiny kitten in one of our sheds. Last thing I want is another cat around here. The neighbors won't get theirs fixed and they keep reproducing. A friend stopped by and took it since it needed a bottle.
How many cats y'all got? Or are they all just neighbor's cats?

I know you didn't ask me but I have 8 currently LOL

Well I got the team I interviewed for!! Husband got his promotion. So we're officially about to become OKIES. Oh lawd. lol
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: MsJennJenn on May 31, 2024, 02:04:38 PM
Post thou varlets. :demand:

Finally Friday woohoo. I am sleepy. Zzz.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on May 31, 2024, 05:36:04 PM
Congratulations on your hubby's promotion, Jenn.

Been running the roads grocery shopping.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 01, 2024, 12:53:47 AM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on May 31, 2024, 02:04:38 PMPost thou varlets. :demand:

Finally Friday woohoo. I am sleepy. Zzz.
Well... You asked for it.

I am currently playing a game with big battleships. You can choose where to put what generators, propulsion, shields, guns, etc.

Some of the rooms, like generators, are explosive. If they get destroyed by enemy fire they go BOOM and damage other rooms around them.

Know what else in this game is explosive?



The restroom.  :updown:

It only provides +1 morale so I never bother putting one on my ships. No idea what the poor sailors do. I guess just hang their butts over the water and hope the wind doesn't blow it back against the hull.

Someone had FUN programming this game.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 01, 2024, 12:55:47 AM
Also, most characters level up automatically. In this game my gunner has a mission attached to his promotion. Huh... That's odd.

Oh well. *click

"This mission requires 20 beers."

Well that makes sense. He's getting promoted. We gotta have a party.

Somebody really enjoyed making this game.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Roscoe on June 01, 2024, 02:51:32 AM
Well. Been a bit since I got in here. After church Wednesday night, Chey and I went home and slept until about 130 am, then hit the road. About thirteen hours later, we were ten miles from Taco and the clown's house. They treated us like royalty and fed us, and we had a nice multi hour visit before I went back to the hotel and died for about ten hours,
 Today, we set out for Hershey. Got sidetracked by Gettysburg, led astray by GPS which took me THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF A 10,000 tree apple orchard before dumping me out- in front of a race car museum. Seemed like a God thing, we had to stop. Saw some cool cars and continued to Hershey. The chocolate factory was a tourist trap. Chey agreed. But we didn't let our assessment stop us from being the perfect customer and buying a ton of chocolate. Then on to the AACA car museum, where we got to see two of the remaining 49 Tucker cars, plus some of the very cool parts and factory equipment, among other things.
We headed for New York then. I made a rookie mistake and stayed on the road too long....leading to us struggling to find a motel room. Finally found one in Oneita/Cooperstown. It wasn't the Hampton I wanted, and looked rundown outside (Super 8). But the rooms were clean and bug free and after I inspected it we have a room for the night. If my truck is here and untouched in the morning I'll consider it a win.
Tomorrow- Gloversville New York and family...then off to Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine!
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 01, 2024, 08:07:45 AM
So you're doing a Chel and traipsing all across the country.

Y'all have fun now.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Nelle on June 01, 2024, 04:58:09 PM
That sounds like a great trip!

At home today with the dog and cat. Working on Sunday School for tomorrow and maybe doing some chores. Husband started the carnivore diet today. So we will see how nice he is for 30 days haha,

Didn't get to sleep in really when the dog stays home on Saturdays. It's raining off and on all day, so of course I have a headache. Thankfully I didn't have to go into work today. I'm going to start working several hours on Saturdays to catch up on some backlog work in two weeks tho. Next week is the wedding of our boss' son, so I don't want to ruin my day by going to work first LOL. Husband is thankfully off for the day to go with me since we are all friends with these people. Exciting!

We're talking about going to Yellowstone again next summer with the same friends as last time. I'm a little excited! Hesitant due to our cat. I'll have to figure out a plan for her for while we are gone. Not sure if I want to board her somewhere or just have a friend check in on her. I'm leaning towards a friend so she won't have to leave her comfortable surroundings and get all stressed out.

It's COLD here today. I think it's still in the mid-to-upper 60s so I'm wearing a sweatshirt in June to take the dog potty haha,
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Backseat Radio on June 01, 2024, 05:55:59 PM
Nothing exciting happening in my world unless my department manager being on vacation counts.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: Lynx on June 02, 2024, 01:36:19 AM
Most exciting thing here is a big pot of peach pudding. It's delicious though. I dumped a can of orange juice concentrate in it, which brings out the peach flavor somehow. Not sure how, but I like it.
Title: Re: Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on June 02, 2024, 05:17:11 AM
More storms came through today. Many folks lost power but thankfully ours stayed on. Chel's was off quite a while yesterday.