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BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. ( I am about to try it. )

Started by AmenSister, June 15, 2012, 06:09:42 AM

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( I am about to try it. )  I have an appointment coming up in a couple of weeks to see which hormones I need or don't need.  I know I am very depleted of some.  And I also saw it on Dr. Oz. 

I'm kinda nervous because I've heard some good  things and negative things.  Some of my friends are flipping out and saying dont do it.  But I really want to anyway.   I'm excited about it,  because I've had 3 friends to get on it, and  I've seen what a huge difference it's made for them. I'm hoping a good result will happen for me as well.   Has anyone on Godplace know of anyone whose had the BHRT?

The Purple Fuzzy

I've not used it. My doctor was telling me about it and said if I had any problems after my surgery to let him know and he'd prescribe some.  I hate to take medicine, so unless I just HAVE to have it, I won't.


Alot of doctors wont sign for you to have it.  I tried for years to get my old doctor to prescribe it for me and he kept saying I wasnt old enough. He thinks that a woman has to go through menopause first.    But the more reading and searching I have done for myself about it,  turns out that I'm not too young at all.  And then seeing how it really transformed a couple of my friends, the more I am interested in trying it for myself.    So I finally found a doctor here near St. Louis who signed my friends up for it and he agrees that I need it too.  Lately it seems like elderly people have more spunk that I have had in years.  lol

I've got a 60 year old lady friend and her husband who's bopping around like they are in their 30's.   I'm like... wow I need some of dat.